DCUO, balance, and fixes

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ALB, Feb 12, 2020.

  1. SekretVillain Loyal Player

  2. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Oh I'm still playing, your league of all should know that since I'm a body filler for any and all content, sounds like trouble in paradise ;)

    See I can be a **** too for no reason.
  3. Irvynnge Loyal Player

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  4. The Anxient Loyal Player

    No trouble in paradise lol. You're their friend not mine. They're allowed to like people I don't. This isn't kindergarten. I was just looking forward to you quitting. Game and forums would be better without your incessant whining about what's not fair to you this week.
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  5. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    What I complain about 'that wasnt fair this week'
  6. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

  7. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    so bypassing this stellar display of humanity...

  8. MrPlumberman Active Player

    I wouldn't expect a large overhaul. Think they are approaching everything individually and per batuba's post their not going to announce anything until they are ready to put it on test.
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  9. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    So let's just sum this up. Quantum isnt broken. Its not the greatest dps powerset but with the right artifacts and loadout it's very good. Upper mid tier. Of course it's not prec or nature but nothing is. Let's be real here, the revamp had 1 focus in mind. We were told it was for balance and in fact it was to lay the foundation for artifacts. Why do you think so many of the hard working testers during revamp ended up quitting the game shortly after revamp.
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  10. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Because everything that was being given for the most part as feedback was ignored.
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  11. agentofthebat Active Player

    I don't think it was ignored.
  12. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    And the aspect of balance was many layered. I remember LT and I worked a little on Quantum. Not sure who else did because a lot of people like to offer opinions without entering the Test Server :rolleyes: I remember the Devs had the CC effect of Gravity Bomb up too high so its base damage was too long. Power cost, damage and CC were all factors in balancing what individual powers could do. The Devs opened up Time Bomb to work with all powers and weapon damage. That was a nice change. The changes to Warped Reality and Gravity Well were part of the overall changes to standardize powers. The only ability that was a shell of its former self was Distortion Wave. It splits terribly now. It was asked to be made more like Tesla Ball but that wasn't part of their plan.

    But sometimes it's good that Devs don't listen to players. One person wanted to be able to stack 5 DoTs with Electricity and was throwing a major hissy because they couldn't when everyone agreed Electricity needed stronger burst. This is how we ended up with Voltaic Bolt and Voltaic Blast. I would be surprised if anyone uses Voltaic Bolt.
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  13. spack2k Steadfast Player

    Finally someone who points out that trash that AM was ...only 6 powers which gave power back = zero variation, getting rid of AM was a blessing, one can create so many different loadouts in the present which differ maybe in 1k dps from the optimal one.
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