Change Zeus’ Orbital thing back

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Crn, Sep 15, 2019.

  1. Hmmmm Well-Known Player

    That's actually a brilliant idea. One if those that seems so obvious lol. Of course, i know nothing of programming beyond qbasic, so it could be way more complicated than i could ever imagine lol
  2. Wonder Wiccan Dedicated Player

    All I know is this is NOT what I paid for. I paid for an item that was one way and now it is not what I was promised. I have no problem paying for what I want. I am not a huge fan of TC's but when something comes out I like I put my money where my mouth is. On the dark knight time capsules I spent 150 dollars and that was my choice I got what I wanted and if I didn't I bartered for it. Trading selling on broker and buying off broker. I used my money to get what I wanted and the rest was gravy. Same with Amazon TC's I finished the shim'tar gear the hades crown on two toons that wanted it. I got the luminous gaze on my two tanks. And got two zeus orbitals. And even though they made orbitals that hit stronger in other places I kept that one because it was what I wanted. It's not that anymore. This isn't what I put my money in for.
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  3. Crn Well-Known Player

    Bro, me too. I’m cool with toning it down but they butchered the hell out of it. But knowing how certain things work around here don’t hold your breath for anything to be done about it. It’s a shame tho.
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  4. Wonder Wiccan Dedicated Player

    Agreed. I have 2 tanks as well one hero one villain. I know the struggle is real. I have had to tank zoo e with people calling down the man-bat henchmen during the man-bat fights. I tanked dr with people calling down the void orbital while fighting the vampire lord. Tanked Ultimate soldier elite with a water toons pool often covering where the strafe is going to hit and the aoe of the bombs so people were dying. I have seen my screen light up running with quantum and atomic dps. It happens. I agree they could have toned it down a bit. But what they did. When it first happened my leaguemates literally said if I was not going to let it go. Until they saw what it became now. Then they just told me it was messed up.
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  5. AV Loyal Player

    Nah... tanking with Zeus spam was migraine-inducing. I agree that people who have the orbital should be compensated but there's no need for obnoxious max-brightness strobe effects.
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  6. Crn Well-Known Player

    Fam, you’re missing the point. As a tank I know what you mean, but to single out the Zeus orbital when there is so many more regular powers that looks crazier just doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t want it back to how it used to be, but I also don’t want it to look like it does not. It could of been toned down a bit not to the point where you can barely see it. With all Honesty it doesn’t matter. All this is a waste of time. I’m straight with how the OG one looks anyways. Peace.
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  7. AV Loyal Player

    I agree it may have been taken too far with the fix but disagree that there were crazier looking powers. It's subjective, obviously, but unless there were Zeus users in the group nothing came close. Never had a game eye-**** me so hard.
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  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Feel free to list the specific powers you feel are on par with the old Zeus Orbital so we can get those adjusted as well.
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  9. HELLLLLLPPME Well-Known Player

    Ok, about Zeus orbital.
    We bought it with quarks for some of us. It should be unique. When you'r in fight : raid, alert or other, you'll be with someone playing eletricity. And when you activate thats orbital strike you see nothing. Its just a spark. I didnt paid 1300~ quarks for nothing lol.

    So please change it. But maybe of doing a ton of thunder, just change the color or something, just make it unique. So we could see it.
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  10. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    If they change it, don't change it back to original, it's only thing that makes me look away while tanking. Pretty it up some other way.
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  11. spack2k Steadfast Player

    i dont want the original back, gave me cancer while tanking and also lag spikes.
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  12. HELLLLLLPPME Well-Known Player


    Do something about it thanks.
  13. niehlsbohr Active Player

    The right solution is not to rob us like this. Devs, what you need to have is an option on the menu where each person can "CHOOSE"! to remove all effects from the game. Why should I get rob just because of the few complained?

    I've been tanking for 7 years in this game and have no issue at all with Zeus Heavenly Trinket effects because you can look at boss's health to see the skull and it's very short. The real problem is effects such as water pool, rage pool, fire pool, water pillars, etc, can't see effect that boss put and standing in it not knowing will either kill my toon or put stress on healer so get rid of them all for the sake of survival in the game.

    I'm about fed up with this game of paying for item and company just take it away like this. What next, your going to redo cosmic material? void material or OG plasmic just because you can? or SM stuff where I work hard to get it? why the heck am I spending time and money getting these items then.
    Bring it back, fix it or give my quarks back or nerf the other trinkets just to be fair because I'm having hard time to see through other trinkets blocking my view.
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  14. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    How about no?
    No going back to original please, it was way too much of an eyesore.
    Bring it to some kind of middle ground, make it a bit fancier than current electricity's abilities, but optimized enough so people don't lag because of it, so everyone's happy.
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  15. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    There's just no reason to have a seizure and migraine inducing effect when instead you can simply not have a seizure and migraine inducing effect. None.
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  16. HELLLLLLPPME Well-Known Player

    And there is no reason to "nerf" something like this when you pay for it, just because a small amound of people dont like it. ;)
  17. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    This has nothing to do with like and dislike. It triggers medical conditions.

    This hasn't been "nerfed" at all, it's just a visual change.
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  18. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    um can't other parts of this game induce seizures anyway? if you're epileptic you probably shouldn't play this game? o_O?

    I agree it was pretty bad but now it just looks lame....
  19. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    Why is it that DPSers are always looking to make things more difficult for the rest of the team?

    Thank you to the DCUO development team for reducing how obnoxious the Zeus Trinket is for the rest of us. ^_^
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  20. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Correct, players with epilepsy should be careful when playing video games. Photosensitivity can affect people differently regardless if you have epilepsy or not. Flashing lights and contrasting patterns can cause migraines, disorientation, nausea and other issues for some people.
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