Tanks have it the worst don’t we? (Artifacts)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kanmaru, Aug 3, 2019.

  1. Beast Nero Active Player

    #bring back the cr scalling :) less work on delivering crowns!
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  2. Happy® New Player

    why do you need 3 crown ? to prove you have no life :D well you already prove that but yeah sure if its make you happy why not go for it anyway we were bet about who will trigger you seems like i failed ty for answer and dont die from lung cancer mate dcuo need you ;)
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  3. CrescentMoon Well-Known Player

    1 for each meaningful role. Might as well since I'll have 5-6 toons at end game by the time the next SM releases.
    "You think lunging is cancer? But you merely were exposed to it. I was forced into it, molded by it. I didn't see a win against HL until I mastered it. By then, it was nothing to me but pvp. The counters betray you because they belong to ME."
  4. Beast Nero Active Player

    i feel bad for the tank that you gonna heal...

    countering and lunge spamming is 2 different things, but i am reasonable... i know i cant expect for someone like you to know that... im sorry if i insulted you... i am not proud for insulting a newbie.
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  5. CrescentMoon Well-Known Player

    @Happy Go get this man a participation trophy so he can leave me alone. So painful rn.
  6. Beast Nero Active Player

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  7. Happy® New Player

    I dont understand anything what you said to me right now i guess you understand that lunge no i said lung cancer because you know you are play 24/7 dcuo testing stuff argue with people keeping screen shots from ages ago im not gonna lie first i thought this guys is obsessed moron then i heard your cough and i understand reason why you are doing this kind of things because you have lung cancer and probably you cant getout from your home or something like that and im very sorry for you mate i hope you will get batter soon if you need anything just pm me on discord im happy to help :)
  8. CrescentMoon Well-Known Player

    A for effort. But I've read worse in 5v5 chat. You should come to USPS for some pointers.
  9. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Talk about not understanding what someone is saying..... Yikes.

    You probably ground your teeth into little nubs while typing all that out, eh? You guys sure got triggered over a different opinion.
  10. Beast Nero Active Player

    its okey
  11. High Troller Loyal Player
