Tanks have it the worst don’t we? (Artifacts)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kanmaru, Aug 3, 2019.

  1. CrescentMoon Well-Known Player

    Just to maximize shield strength and they benefit from the healing more than tanks when they draw aggro from adds in alert situations without a tank. Raid situations with pure healing/supercharge reliance, they'd switch it out.
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  2. Beast Nero Active Player

    when i quited the game i said i would come back as well when they look at pvp again... but here i am again 2,5 years later again starting to play... its a real shame they dont pay any attention to pvp... would love to pvp abit in spare time when nothing challenging in pve
  3. Beast Nero Active Player

    another crazy guy...

    First defense does NOT increase shield strength!
    second there is not a single need for higher defense in ANY alert. you can run any alert with 4 dps just fine, maybe a little struggle at some parts but not that hard to finish
    third if you have LOW DEFENSE and you increase it by 10 or 15%, it is STILL LOW!!! stupid artifact for anyone else but tank
    forth who in their right mind would level up artifact like that ON A HEALER! OMG...

    the things you ppl think off...
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  4. CrescentMoon Well-Known Player

    Not even going to entertain the insults because I'm in a good mood today and plan on treating those around me without toxicity for once. However, I will say that you should check the stats on the artifacts since the dcuo wiki page is not accurate. It gives 5% health, 3% dom, and 3% resto with flat dom and resto. Entered into the shield formula artifact for artifact, the Manacle and Symbol beat out the normal healer artifacts even the 5% bonus one's, especially if you're running OP gear which comes with tank levels of dom and possible dom augments like the meta for SM was with water shield stacking. And as a helpful tip, you should ask questions to confirm what you're assuming to be an implied point before you strawman and go off on a rant.
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  5. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Thank you for making the correct choice, if they ever decided to make pvp centric artifacts than im sure you can level those

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  6. Beast Nero Active Player

    wait are you saying you rather have 3%resto 3% dom then 5% resto as healer? ah ok you just wanted to point me wrong for having 1% more if you combine the 2 with ofc abit more stats to go along with that... oka... nice point for a healer.
  7. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Well that was a bit dramatic..

    But yea tanks have it hard.. what made me leave atomic tank was that everything i tried to stop from mu combos being interrupted failed, making it hardfor me to keep my aura on, and ontop of that im pretty sure the attomic self shield is the worse tank shield.. i found HL shield to b much more useful , might b all in my head tho
  8. CrescentMoon Well-Known Player

    Well let's do a quick math check. Found a water heal video on youtube. Person is sitting at 28121 resto, 1455 dom. No OP back but an OP head. I'm going to assume 400+sp for an extra 100sp in dom which would give them around the 1455 they have.

    Let's say 2% resto bonus from elites, 5% from the neck, 3% from gemini, 5% from arion, 3% from lh prof, 10% from sp. Total of 28% bonus resto which means their base resto is around 21,969. Just 13% dom from lh and sp would be 1287 dom base.

    Add the op back. Has 1258 resto, 1048 dom compared to the ~952 (avatar bombardier healer gear I have, they have a purple back but I can't see if its 232 or 233 but not a huge difference.)

    So base resto would be 22,275 and base dom would be 2,335.

    Take off the soul cloak they have since it won't retract from the artifact tradeoff's.
    Let's assume a 2nd Orb of Arion existed.
    5% Resto 190 restoration

    3% Resto 3% Dom 318 resto 190 dom

    22,275+190=22,465*1.33= 29,878 resto
    2335*1.13=2638 dom.

    22,275+318=22,593*1.30=29,371 resto
    2335+190=2929 dom.

    Healing formula
    BHM*(30% Resto + 25% Dom)
    (30% 29,878 + 25% 2638)
    Orb = BHM * (8963+659)
    Orb = BHM * 9622

    (30% 29,371 + 25% 2929)
    Symbol = BHM * (8811 + 732)
    Symbol = BHM * 9543

    So that's a ~0.8% increase in my healing out.

    Shielding formula
    BSM* (112.5% Resto + 150% Dom)
    Orb = BSM* (33,612 + 3957)
    Orb = BSM* (37,569)

    Symbol = BSM* (33,042 + 4393)
    Symbol = BSM* (37,435)
    So that's a 0.35% increase in my shielding out.

    Disclaimer - This would be a win for Symbol everytime you lose the neck socket to the following:
    Faust teleport orb
    Obelisk ticks
    Circles spawning on you
    Stray add hit (common in every boss fight with most tanks)
    Purple dot in FoA which could exist for the entire fight
    Mordru attacking you

    Quick switch of your augments and gen's and you have a a slightly stronger shield for a slightly weaker healing. and 1-2% extra healing isn't always useful depending on the tank power as ice, earth, and atomic scale better shields and heals are a secondary supplement after shields are gone which means shield are a guaranteed benefit while healing isn't especially with orb overhealing 70%+ of the time.

    But for the record, my max shield setup is Orb Manacle Mystic (would be demon fang but orb passive is needed in some cases). If you're not Nature gemini cheesing or Water with Flood, gemini passive is useless and it's only 3% with no base stats so it'd lose to Symbol for Healing and Shielding numbers. Demon Fang has the numbers to win in healing but extra power when I have a good troll is useless and in cases such as SM and Shattered Gotham Elite you won't be in range to even do weapon attacks if your primary focus is not dying or some other mechanic. Starheart is only 3% so it loses in healing and shielding out.

    - up to 15% extra defense
    - increased healing to myself by 10%
    - 1600+ non-crit healing every tick of add or boss damage I take

    compared to those trash passives I'll take that trade off. And some healers don't like using Orb which means they have the Symbol/Manacle and Demon Fang to pick between for their spec. I main Water and Nature when I heal, combined with being a 6+ year troll main, I have no problem on power management so the power passives for some of the artifacts is useless for me, and I've healed this dlc's and last dlc's elite raids without supercharge usage just to maximize my HoT and burst heal over a consistent basis so I'm not personally interested in Soul Cloak or Gemini.
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  9. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    you had me at "Dilustel"...
  10. High Troller Loyal Player

    send me your game money, aura, materials, rare tradables, and xp for artifacts and augments. thanks in advance.
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  11. Sleepis4theRich Active Player

    healer artifacts are the worst
  12. Beast Nero Active Player

    to be fair i didnt really read most of this :D, but if you are a healer... i hope you are wearing this artifact since you defend it so much for healers... good luck getting 15% extra defense... im a tank was getting attacked by like 8 adds and only got 9% when i pressed f1
  13. CrescentMoon Well-Known Player

    I don't know why you choose to ignore the two other passives and the base stats. I feel like that's telling a fire tank good luck getting the extra 1.8s cooldown from a 120 Manacle on Immolation to save your life. Literally focusing on the weakest part.
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  14. Danne0075 Well-Known Player

    You really think a player like this has anything of worth? The besy you be getting from Noobs like this is some random collection for straw hat style
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  15. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Your literal words bro and just because the other roles can use them dont mean they are bad. But enjoy FF14.
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  16. Beast Nero Active Player

    again im gonna say you are crazy... WHAT IS THE POINT OF HEALER having that artifact??? are you planning to tank with healer role lol... healers are not meant to hold adds on them... there isnt a single difficult alert that a HEALER would need this.

    -icreased healing received doesnt help healer much, if at all... there isnt anything that i know off that would need healer to receive more healing then they have. 10% healing received WILL NEVER save a healer in a raid (thats my opinion)
    -160 rank again the same ****, if enemies are hitting healer and only IF... that almost never happens and again would not save the healer in a raid... if you are basing this whole thing about alert with no tank then you are crazy.

    to even think that healer would increase this to 160 is crazy... but go ahead (and btw i have no idea of what kind of artifacts healer have, but im quite sure that something else is better then just base stats for them... and if there is not then they truly need new artifact)
  17. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Artifacts of tanks are not the worst, such as "Manacles of Force" and "Mystic symbol Of The Seven", are great, the problem is rather that their effects are boring. Artifacts like "Orb of Arion", "Grimorium Verum" or "Claw of Aelkhund" change how you play, while purely tank artifacts “only” simplifies the game for the tank, but in general, they do not change anything. It would be interesting to get a tank artifact that changes something in the game for the tank (not passively), for example, "costs and cooldown for a pull and(or) priority taunt are increased and instead a pull and(or) priority taunt impose a slowdown effect, or in conjunction with the controller stackable debuffs, or even knockback or stunning raid bosses (This only unbalanced exaples ;)) .
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  18. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Sorry to have to break it to you...but um...you suck you're just not that good. All I ever hear is how hard tanks are to beat in PvP, Fire tanks in particular. You say "it's impossible", but what i'm actually hearing here is that you haven't exhausted all the possible ways you can improve yourself. And if you're depending on Artifacts to make you better, you already lost the fight before it started.
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  19. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    So....can I have your stuff??? Cause you're not coming back if this is the case.
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  20. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Over artifacts? It seems like a very specific hill to choose to die on, you know?
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