Tanks have it the worst don’t we? (Artifacts)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kanmaru, Aug 3, 2019.

  1. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    Let’s be honest here...tank’s have the worst Artifacts hands down. There is no way you could say otherwise. Why you ask? Because other support roles can benefit from a Tank’s artifacts but it’s not the other way around.

    Healers and trolls have the most OP artifacts and tanks get literally artifacts that any role can benefit from. It’s not really fair to us now is it?

    Healers have Artifacts like (Orb of Arion and The Demon’s Fang) which are really, really good for healers who want to heal and do a good amounts of damage while still in healer role.

    Controllers have Artifacts like (Amulet of Rao and Claw of Aelkhund) like seriously? One can debuff something up to 40% and the other can buff the user and it’s party members with stats while healing power.

    Tanks have....oh wait...tanks don’t really have any good Artifacts for them. Want to know why?


    Eye of Gemini? Any role, Mystic Symbol of The Seven? Healers can use it, Manacles of Force? ANY SUPPORT ROLE CAN USE IT! All you need is a shield...that’s it. This is upsetting me spirit.

    Tanks cannot use or benefit from using the other roles Artifacts though. It’s not fair at all. It’s a double standard.

    Give us tanks proper artifacts please or I’ll spaz out.

    So again, the point of this was to rant and show people that there needs to be changes or new artifacts for tanks that actually benefit them and them alone.

    Devs, Tank Artifacts suck.
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  2. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    You are wayyyyyyyyyyyy off

    What do the tanks need that aren't already in artifacts?
    • Dilustel Refractor gives a health buff to the entire group and a stronger one to yourself
    • Sparring AI gives extra immunity (when it works) and gives a damage boost for the weapon attacks
    • Manacles of Force can be more utilized by tanks than any role besides a Water Healer and provides the highest base stats to a Tank
    • Mystic Symbol of the Seven gives not only a defense boost but also extra healing in addition to the same base stats as Manacles
    The healers have the WORST BY FAR artifacts
    • Starheart Fragment is absolute garbage
    • The Demon Fang has absolutely zero effects besides the base 5% resto, healers doing extra damage is absolutely not necessary in any form of content and forces the healer to use dw>flurry shot only to have any noticeable impact.
    • Orb of Arion is the only useful true healer artifact but even then it changes a healers rotation as it is a 1.5s cooldown vs 0.5 and turns it into a 16000+ powercost which prevents spamming it
    Then you have Might DPS followed closely by Healers have the worst artifacts
    • Tetrahedron of Urgrund is a might buff that goes to the ENTIRE group unlike the Venom Wrist Dispense for precision which is a personal buff
    • Solar Amplifier we are forced to run because it is the ONLY 5% base might artifact where precision has 2
    • Any other artifact like the soul cloak or gemini is like you said used for all roles so Might DPS only have 2 artifacts just for them and only 1 could be considered a personal buff.

    So once again You are wayyyyyyyyyyyy off
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  3. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    You have to be kidding me right? The artifacts you mentioned are literally the first ones you received for tanks. They have no special abilities other than health buff. You have failed to provide me with information that changes my statements.
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  4. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Perhaps the problem here is your misunderstanding of a Tank's ROLE in a group. Their job is to be a "bullet sponge" that takes a licking and keeps on ticking. So OF COURSE their Artifacts boost Health, and hopefully Defense, because THAT'S WHAT A TANK NEEDS BOOSTED! ;)
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  5. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"


    What do you think tanks need then? Fire Tanks are are based around Health, Rage Tanks are based around Health, Atomic tanks have a mechanic tied to Health so an artifact that greatly increases your health would seem like a benefit would it not? Higher the health pool the greater damage can be absorbed using the Manacles of Force, imagine that another tank artifact working together in synergy.

    "Tanks cannot use or benefit from using the other roles Artifacts though. It’s not fair at all. It’s a double standard."

    So a tank can't use:
    • The Eye of the Gemini to provide healing to itself and supercharge to the group?
    • Scrap of the Soul Cloak to gain extra supercharge for movement mode or powerset supercharges?
    • Tetrahedron of Urgrund or Cog of Mageddon to boost the damage to the group? The cog even has 5% health and 3% dom making it a prime candidate for tanks like Rage to provide a large precision boost to the group because a rage tanks health pool will be 160,000+
    you seem to be missing the fundamental understanding of tank roles

    Just for fun here
    name me a Tank or Healer Powerset in the ENTIRE game that can use:
    Entwined Rings of Azar
    Parasite's Power Harness
    Claw of Aelkhünd
    Amulet of Rao

    name me a Controller or Tank powerset in the ENTIRE game that can use:
    Starheart Fragment
    Orb of Arion

    "not the other way around"

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  6. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    You are missing the point. Did you not see where I said other support roles could use most of the artifacts the tanks can? All you did was prove my point about what I stated.

    So what you are telling me is pretty much it’s ok for tanks to not have an op artifacts but other support roles can? That’s not quite fair...[/quote]
  7. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    So, just wondering, are you saying that things are ok the way they are? I don’t see what’s fair about it to be honest. Especially from an open world PvP standpoint. I’m talking about balancing the “entire” game here. Was trying to do my diamond heists and boy let me tell you! The troll could deduct me to the point I couldn’t heal or revive health back and the healer was getting burst heals from the Orb of Arion. You tell be what Tanks have to fight or combat that?
  8. Rainnifer Committed Player

    It sounds to me like you simply want them to take some of those artifacts and add a "only while in Tank role" to them, which will certainly limit the amount of playstyles for players. Amulet of Rao buffing debuffs will of course Only work for trolls because they are the only role that can debuff...aside from a few Pets. I can give other examples but it's unnecessary. Tanks just need a lot of health and shielding, which any other role already has anyways. Why don't you give examples on exactly what kind of artifacts you want for a tank? You want one that gives you like 100% more HP as tank? Huh? We need some examples instead of ranting.

    EDIT: I see you are complaining because of PVP, PVP has been known to be "broken" and unfair for years.
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  9. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    It’s unbelievably broken now. I just don’t know what to do. As a Fire tank, I cannot fight these people. It’s impossible. We have no good artifacts to counter other roles more OP ones. It’s not fair.
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  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Artifacts are not designed with PvP in mind, that's why they are disabled in arenas. So if you're going to tank PvP in open world maybe switch your playstyle up.
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  11. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    That won’t help lol. I want to get feats for completing my diamond heists but it’s impossible with other players having max 160 Orb of Arion and Amulet of Rao. It’s literally impossible. Tanks have nothing to combat something like that.
  12. Rainnifer Committed Player

    You have a lot more health though? I guess... I don't pvp, I don't know which ways the stats are changed but I know power costs are through the roof.

    Diamond Heists is open world right? Just hang in there and keep trying. You may get easy enemies sometimes.
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  13. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    Maybe have an artifact that at level 80 Increases Restoration and Dominance by 50% while in tank role. At level 120 every enemy that attacks you increases the cool down of your shielding abilities every 10 seconds. level 160 could be after receiving a certain about of damage, our health is increased by the amount of people or enemies around. Maximum of x3 Times for 12 seconds. So instead of 20,000 health it will be 60,000. I feel it’s op but balanced.
  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    What won't help? Why turn down a suggestion before even asking what your options are? I'm 100% certain your main issue based on your other thread...
    ...is your shortcomings with Fire. I'm assuming your using a resto heavy spec and depending on your self heals to carry you? Maybe switch to a Dom heavy spec and rotate shields?

    Hm I wonder where you got that idea from? :rolleyes:
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  15. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    I don't know..... I see tons of Rage tanks wrecking people of all powered with maxed out augs/arts in open world and watchtower dueling. Not to mention Atomic tanks have been complained about for a while now as being near unkillable if done right. You're problem is more about the power and not artifacts unfortunately, imo. This is coming from a Fire tank.
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  16. Beast Nero Active Player

    you are crazy :)... 50% increase... while the best artifacts just give like 5% of ONE or 2x3% but okey... why would anyone make 120 that artifact??? WHO WANTS LONGER COOLDOWNS!!! thats a DEBUFF lol... 160... you have artifact like that already its called "Mystic Symbol of the seven" it boosts up defense when getting hit... man man man you want 3 artifacts into 1 epic one(at 120 you probably thouth less cooldown which is crazy again... at your thinking there will be no cooldown :D just spamm fast so troller will cry)... crazy

    first of all, devs didnt look at pvp for a long while now.
    second when you pvp you need TOUGHNESS not defense!
    trird if you want to finish diamond heist or whatever... have you considered going to pvp phase? i bet its a ghost town there... no one will bother you there.
    forth in pvp you should focus on killing enemies fast, not hide in tank role and hope never to die... (thats my opinion btw)
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  17. Trexlight Devoted Player

    I am really shocked you can sit there and type out Dilustel Refractor, Manacles of Force, and Mystic Symbol of the Seven are "bad" Tanks Artifacts just because others can use them. Title is misleading just because other support roles can use them. Who cares? They arent doing anything game breaking.
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  18. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    I never said they were bad so you put that in my mouth. All I said was that tanks didn’t really have any artifacts that belonged to them that were actually op. Second it’s fine now. I’ve made up my mind. I’m done...I’m going back to FF14. Hopefully in a year or two this game will be back to being more balanced.
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  19. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    You are correct about the cooldown part. It was my mistake for putting increase instead of decrease. But it’s fine now. I have put up the towel and decided to quit until they fix PvP. Thanks for your input.
  20. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    This thread can be done if need be. I have decided to quit this game. Thank you all for your feedback.