Deadman Can't Jump

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ForeverMan, Mar 29, 2019.

  1. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Another little trick...look at your map (the big one) , you'll see the whole thing laid out. Makes it real easy to figure out where to go to next.

    For the people complaining about this one instance...this is just sad. Constant complaints about every raid being the same old same old. They finally inject a different mechanic in and all people are doing is incessant bellyaching. This is why they rarely try anything new. Remember this the next time you find yourselves bored with the same copy/paste raids and feel like complaining that they never try something different.
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  2. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    yes because the best way to revitalize content is by rehashing old content that failed.


    the jumping pads on strykers used to frustrate the hell out of me however some of my happier memories also stem from that old mission. it was a lot of fun going out to strykers with my leaguemates in pvp phase and getting these feats while fending off villains that tried spoiling our time.

    somehow i see this as different. coordinated leagues are few are far between pug and lfg groups. with a gaming community that rages into obscene hysterics over having to spend a few seconds in a pool so other players can get their feats do you really think it wise to incorporate a mechanic that is sketchy at best?

    are there at least any instances in this dlc that require a controller or healer beyond some repetitive button mashing?
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  3. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Really sad that so many people are failing the basic mechanic of jumping.
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  4. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I am co-signing this post right here. This is the most fun i've had in a raid since Amazon Fury 2 with Cerberus chasing us around. It'll take some practice for some....but this is not insurmountable.
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  5. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Look at your map (the big one when you use the warp menu). It'll show you exactly what the path is...follow that. ;)
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  6. Ronster72 New Player

    I play on ps4 and I cannot make the first jump. Ever. Block roll into the abyss. I can jump at the edge up and down no problem, if i try moving forward... into the abyss. I've never made it past the first jump.

    Downloading now on PC just to see the whole thing.
  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I play on the PS4 as well...not having that issue. How many times have you run this raid and had this happen?
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  8. Ronster72 New Player

    oh i should add that I also have severe movement problems in the toyland missions also. I cant get the rocket toydude to fly 9 out of 10 times. Its so frustrating.
  9. Ronster72 New Player


    i held up 7 people for 20 minutes
  10. tukuan Devoted Player

    This is the crux of the problem. Right now groups are showing some degree of patience because 2-4 people are having difficulty with the jumps. Down the road when it's 1 they'll more likely than not get kicked in short order.
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  11. Brit Loyal Player

    As one of these 90 year old gamers, the only time I ever really had a hard time jumping was during the original Valentine's Day event. You whippersnappers might not remember it since it was back in the olden days when I started. There was a thing where we had to jump from platform to platform, and it took off our movement mode to do it.

    The Devs stated that that event was so terrible that they completely reworked it, awarded everyone the feats for free, and have never allowed the event to repeat again.

    And in that one, if you missed a jump, you just went back to the beginning. It didn't actually KILL you.

    And in that one, if you failed, you didn't have seven other players stuck waiting on you.

    But hey, the Devs forgot that Platforming was literally the only content that was ever implemented so terribly that they removed it the sole reason of being awful gameplay which turned players off towards the game. We are politely reminding them that this new thing, Platforming on Steroids, is still just as bad as what they were taking out 8 years ago.

    Feel free to explore new concepts. We're just asking them not to implement OLD concepts which were crash-and-burn failures in the first place.

    Players start using their travel power in the Brainiac Ship tutorial. This wasn't a new mechanic. This is the opposite of a new mechanic. This is literally the taking-away of an old mechanic, one of the earliest mechanics players learn. Taking away our travel modes is about as logistically reasonable as taking away a player's ability to block, to roll, to lunge, etc. If they made a new raid where block doesn't work for the entire raid, we wouldn't say "Great job for the new challenge"; we would say "Dumb move removing core gameplay mechanics".
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  12. mynch457 Well-Known Player

    I was able to play the Raid twice and was able to beat it twice, and I was able to get the OP back piece. I'm not going to come on here and say it was easy. Instead I'll give tips on how I was able to complete it with out dying over a hundred times like I thought I was going to do. I made sure I was away from most of everyone in the raid so that I didn't get bumped. I made sure to try and time my jumps at the last possiable second and I made it. There were a few times where I fell, maybe 3 times the both times I ran the raid. I can tell it's a pain, but it's doable. I hope this helps.
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  13. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I mean, have you ever seem some people (girlfriends of friends especially) attempt to play Super Mario Brothers?

    For me, it's second nature to time jumps, etc. I have great spacial awareness.

    However, you seem to opine that everyone does, and that's far from realistic.

    How many people choose to play DCUO instead of a 3D platforming game specifically because it's NOT a platforming game. This isn't Spiderman.

    This is important for two reasons:

    1. Non-platforming games often handle platforming in an awkward way. Put simply, the controls and mechanics aren't tuned for proper platforming (i.e., sensitive button controls, responsive movements, etc.). They're more like playing the original tomb raider or Prince of Persia instead of Super Metroid, if you catch my meaning.

    2. Disabling movement modes breaks normal game mechanics. How can it possibly be fun to be SLOWER and LESS AGILE than you normally are?
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  14. High Troller Loyal Player

    so there are players belittling those that cannot jump.... sad. i'm getting better at it, but many are failing... and getting clowned.. and quitting. if there are enough failed players, disband. it's been an entertaining few days of the new shattered raid.
  15. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    Absolutely. I HATE this new raid. The jumping is stupid. I definitely will not be running it anymore. I got the back piece and I am good. I do not know what the heck they were thinking with jumping and to make it WORSE "Hey let's make one of the places they have to jump move"...I did not sign up for Super Mario Bros. Moving platforms? SMH. If they were going to do something THIS crappy they should have made a SOLO with the same exact path so that people learned the mechanics on their own, by themselves and without being embarrassed or distressed for falling behind. You know, I have been playing since 2013 and don't remember of anything where we had to jump (I could be wrong but I don't recall). So for all of the sudden to add it to the game without there a way to practice and practice it was a bad idea. You guys have a practice area for Legends PvP but not something for JUMPING!? SMH. I also felt like canceling my Legendary subscription since I knew I would not be going back to an entire brand new raid.
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  16. High Troller Loyal Player

    i have been playing since the game came out. i feel your pain. i still share my fair share of embarassment for failing to complete the jumps. i've seen raids disband over multiple failures even votekicks. i hope all feedback is noted and considered on the platform jumping. maybe the feedback can help decide the future path of these mechanics will reappear in future content.
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  17. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    I really, really, really do NOT understand how or why they did NOT make a solo where people could practice the exact path...So simple to have made a place to practice. You are changing the complete mechanics of gameplay or movement IN A RAID and no one can practice beforehand. What? SMH. Also, they could have done like markers or like a trail like they had in one of the Amazon alerts that showed you the way to go. NO ONE wants stale content why do people have to be so extremist? What people are saying is that it is challenging, not in a good least, people are self-aware enough to walk out as I did. You do not want to be kicked, you do not want to hold up the group, you do not want to be yelled people are walking out. Great job guys. If they really wanted to do something...Make a solo so people can practice this new thing you foisted on us OR after a certain numbers of tries, go forward...give people a freaking feat for making it across...anything. The jumping and platforming thing is stupid AF...and even dumber are platforms that move. Super Mario-ish. SMH
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  18. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Seriously explain to me what is so hard about jumping? Don't know where to go? look at your mini map, the platforms are easy.
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  19. High Troller Loyal Player

    let me attempt to explain. not everyone has the same game mastery skills as you. you have been successful in what countless many are failing to accomplish, including the event mode. i have endless smoke breaks. sometimes i even warp hq to be reinvited to try to help others jump at the risk of i, myself, might fail. 358 skill points (me) does not matter when you're jumping platforms.
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  20. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I don't mind it at all, it's a little fun and the raid isn't hard, glad we don't have a million adds to kill before getting to the bosses. I did it 3 times today, I died a bunch of times falling trying to explore. There is one major issue I don't like at all. Sometimes if not most of the time, if you fall, you start back at the beginning. Then try to catch up with the group, more likely to make mistakes and fall more. Then hope they have the patience to wait. They really need a portal to get us back to the group, or where the boss fights are. That would help a lot.

    Oh just for a side note, don't jump off a jump pad with multiple players. I happen to do it with 3 other players, I landed on one of their heads then slid right off the edge of the rock. I had a good laugh at that one.
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