NPC's hitting too hard post GU80

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Deus Ex Machina, Mar 8, 2018.

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  1. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Do the artifacts that tanks and healers use have any bearing on the health pool of the group very much? Just wondering if that could account for what some people are saying about variable runs of the same instance.
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Lots of stuff can yes.

    Skill points could be creating a meaningful difference with health stats the more you have.

    Tanks add health based on dominance using a pull move.

    Trolls add health based on their vit and I believe healers do too based on their artifact stats

    This all compiles together to the dps artifact to enhance damage by increasing your might based on a percentage of your health.

    People more affected could very well be groups who have neglected skill points and artifacts.

    If that is the case then that'll teach them and it serves them right.
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  3. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I was wondering exactly this, specifically because the devs said they were buffing based on artifacts. This leads me to believe that the devs are calculating a certain health pool in the raid that not might actually be there.

    Why? Simple. Greed, lol. Or human nature, whichever comes first.

    If people are swapping out their health buffing artifacts for the scrap of the soul cloak and one that buffs damage or adds resistance to interrupts, etc. then that might affect runs too. Let's face it, except for healers most people could care less about the health of the people around them, unless they usually run with league mates that is, lol.
  4. Proxystar #Perception

    Yea there's the innate stats from artifacts too that give some decent percentages on health.
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  5. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Not sure how you managing to beat an Elite boss has anything to do with it, but congratulations on you if that's what you were fishing for LOL.

    Not long ago you had a rant thread of your own about facing issues in easy alerts, whenever that's been brought up lately you've admitted that your thread was a mistake and wished to get rid of the topic. Now all of a sudden you got problems with it again. Maybe you failed to notice that the person in question outright complained about facing issues soloing an end-game alert, using it as a reason for a "fix"?

    End-game alerts an group content overall shouldn't be a breeze for someone deciding to solo it. I ran this myself with an actual GROUP of players yesterday and guess what? No devastating one-shots, no major issues showing need of a fix.
  6. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Just pointing out that I don’t mind difficulty where it’s warranted. I don’t have a problem as such, I just think it’s a little backwards that there’s attacks like this in an alert but not the raids. I even told the guy not to waste his breath and explained how to avoid the attack. As for him soloing it, I don’t care either way. Tanks soloing endgame content has been a thing since the revamp. Whether or not it should be possible is another discussion.
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  7. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Not in the raids? Try soloing them and you'll notice if you don't already. It's not another discussion, it directly relates to the issue. Group goes in, most have minor issues. Random tank dude goes in, tries to solo, fails and says there is need for a fix. If you don't see the issue there then you really do mind difficulty where it's warranted.
  8. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Fair enough. On a semi-related note, I can’t believe this DLC came out in November and I’m still having to explain the mechanics of this fight to people who clearly aren’t new to the content :( And I don’t just mean that guy there, I saw those attacks oneshotting people nearly daily when I was still compulsively running it on 4 toons every day :mad:
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  9. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Nerfing won't fix stupid. That you or anyone else are getting bad groups every now and then should not be factored in when talking about "something being a bit off" as you put it. On another note I lost count of the amount of the times I've basically breezed through these types of instances with a group and can't even mention a handful of times where it went bad enough to justify nerfing it left and right.
  10. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We have adjusted Lying Claw's attack in today's hotfix. We are continuing to look into the overall scaling of numbers, to identify and prevent similar issues in the future.
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  11. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    The Starheart Fragment (healer) gives a percentage of restoration as health.

    This is where my observations have shown how having more SP and better mods can have an effect. Basically, if you don't get your stats as high as you possibly can through a combination of gear, mods, SPs, and artifacts, you begin to drag the team down. You may be fine in solo content or even duos... but the impact starts to become apparent in alerts and even more so in raids.

    If the goal was to get more people to work on their toons and get them stronger, the artifacts certainly are doing their job.
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  12. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    That may be true. But as long as people such as you continue to complain about how easy everything is, I will continue to feel inadequate whenever anything does go wrong, will continue to feel frustrated and will continue to express that frustration from time to time.

    I don’t even know how it happened this time. I was just trying to help a guy with an attack he was having trouble surviving, and warn him that implying that anything outside of an elite raid hits too hard is forum blasphemy.

    Oh that’s right, Proxy was being unnecessarily condescending to the guy just as I knew someone would, I decided to stick up for him and suddenly you waded in, because reasons I guess. You think I want to do this same song and dance with you in every single thread pertaining to this subject? Because I don’t.
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  13. Shark Dental Devoted Player


    You keep mentioning this word "teem," what's that? Been playing DCUO for years and don't remember coming across it before.
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  14. Earth Sisters Well-Known Player

    My 225 dps, before any soders or trinkets etc, has 41089. So I wasn't getting one-shotted when at full health, but CLOSE, and others in the group not at 225+ WERE getting one-shotted. My 221 troll has only 35289 health, so I would have been one-shotted if I was trolling.

    Also, these numbers are on par with what Johnny Quick's one-shot was doing to my alt 223 dps in PANe (35000-40000), so where the heck is the scaling?
  15. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    I'm sorry... I'll start playing in a more self-centered fashion and worry only about being on top of the DPS chart... ;)
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  16. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    What do you mean? You think that damage scales to your toon or something?
  17. Zneeak Devoted Player

    So basically, you're just going to blame it on somebody else to avoid the real issue. Gotcha. Blaming only gets you so far. You feeling inadequate when something goes wrong in otherwise easy content has nothing to do with people complaining about things being too easy, there is an actual reason for that feedback and more than likely a reason you find issues in content most people don't seem to struggle with.

    No, you weren't. You were literally taking shots at the opposing side of the argument, saying the guy shouldn't even bother. With that said, you want to claim that you don't want the same old song and dance? That is ironic considering your need for trying fence off every single thread where someone has feedback about content that doesn't fit your own agenda.
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    I wasn't being condescending I was pointing out that there was nothing wrong with the alert and I stand by the fact there isn't. We literally ran it last night with 4 DPS and zero deaths.

    It does not need a nerf. It is not hard when you're at maximum CR or even just close to maximum CR if you know what you're doing and don't just ignore the obvious mechanics. Nothing in the alert has changed.

    Again this is about fixing issues that arose after the update that weren't present before the update. Nothing in the alert has changed. asking for it to be altered was and is just asking for a nerf because the player wants to face roll the content.
  19. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Agreed. Please don't nerf the last two alerts. They are already pretty easy. Heck, I still think the first boss in WC, I think, hits harder than current alert bosses. I still see people die and I end up solo tanking the boss.
  20. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Telling him to “learn how to block and roll” has pretty condescending implications. I’ve run 4 dps no deaths too. But this game and that instance is not exactly Kirby’s Epic Yarn. Judge obliterated me with that rotating scream the other day because I got netted by a baliff and nobody else, not even the tank lunged him. Should they have? Of course. But it just goes to show that this game can and will brutally punish you for mistakes, even they weren’t your own.
    The only “agenda” I have now is for people to stop exaggerating how easy this game is, and to stop making passive-aggressive “suggestions” to people that come forward with concerns.

    Note that my first response to his initial post was just telling him what attack was likely killing him and how to avoid it. I offered no opinion on either his skill level or how appropriate the mechanic is for that kind of content until other people stuck their oars in with the usual for this forum. Yeah, I warned him about the reaction he was going to get, but it’s hardly “taking shots” when I was proved correct within minutes.
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