NPC's hitting too hard post GU80

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Deus Ex Machina, Mar 8, 2018.

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  1. Proxystar #Perception

    There's absolutely nothing wrong with it. There's a difference between a move one shotting people and you choosing not to evade an ultimate attack that has both a tell and a counter.
  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Yeah, but it’s a bit silly that the alerts we’ve been getting recently are more deadly than the normal raids, isn’t it? I have no stake in this, as I’ve been managing just fine since GU80, I’m just saying, seems a little backwards. :D
  3. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    i was able to solo that fight before GU80 no pro i cant do it anymore because of him
  4. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Don’t bother. These people think that this is acceptable gameplay design in a level ten seasonal, let alone an endgame alert.
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  5. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    i don't mind harder crap at all but something is wrong with him for sure i shouldn't have to roll away im super op for reg content. i can solo everything but that fight
  6. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    You’re wasting your time, just be ready to roll away/lunge when he has the grodd powers and a skull appears.
  7. unitedmeck Well-Known Player

    I agree with you and seen the same thing today superman one shorted me in tank role with his heat vision in reg next time I stayed in the ice was fine but was sure that was an elite thing not reg. I run 9 character at end game 4 heals 3 tanks and 2 trolls and seems sporadic at times
  8. Proxystar #Perception

    Wait so your argument now is that you can't solo 4 man content?

    Lol really...

    The move is not over hitting it is completely avoidable and has a counter.

    Perhaps you could try doing 4 man content with 4 players.

    This is about fixing actually over hitting moves not making you a god in relevant content.
  9. Proxystar #Perception

    The alerts are daily content that is most frequently run they should pose a reasonable challenge.

    They're not any more deadly than a normal raid.

    IS is just as easy as it was pre GU80 and thats a fact.
  10. Proxystar #Perception

    What's acceptable?

    Having to actually roll and adhere to mechanics? Having to block? Having to have awareness.

    You should be doing that in all content irrespective of what it really is otherwise be prepared to fail.
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  11. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Let your own words sink in for a second. ENDGAME. A place where you definately shouldn't whine and moan about not being able to solo a 4-man instance with a breeze. On the other hand, no one should bother spelling it out for you either since you're known to fence your pitchfork around toward any type of difficulty, even when it's endgame.
  12. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I’m struggling to think of a boss in Pano/Esc normal where a tank with shields up can potentially be oneshotted like they can by Executioner’s Grodd rotary ball attack. Help me out?
    I suppose you failed to notice that I’ve beat Talia in Zoo elite since GU80 with Lying Claw randomly oneshotting, and didn’t have any issue with the difficulty there? Honestly until I saw this thread I thought it was intended, because it was the first time I was in there.

    I wasn’t complaining about anything, I was just warning the guy that he was invoking the wrath of certain people for daring to imply that something might be a bit ott. And they proved me right with aplomb. I just think it’s a little silly that one boss in a 3 boss alert battle has an attack that can potentially hit harder than a raid boss. It’s seldom actually an issue for me. :)
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Was it one shotting before gu80? If so then nothing has changed.

    I've never been one shot in that alert ever and I've played every role and every combinationin there.
  14. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    It’s the first I’ve heard of it killing a tank, but if you’re not then yes, even before GU80 if you were at point blank when Executioner with Grodd powers and Judge with Sonar powers did their rotary attacks, then you were and are screwed.
  15. Earth Sisters Well-Known Player

    I just tried OLYe today for the first time since GU80... full group of 220+... boss attacks that hit group can hit upwards of 34000... enough to one shot my 221 troll. This is ridiculous. I'm done doing elite raids until this is confirmed fixed.
  16. Proxystar #Perception

    I'm going to go out on a limb then and just say the player can't be that good now I'm not saying things don't need tweaking but if it was doing it before the update then it's working as intended.

    This isn't about asking for generic nerfs to content its about fixing things that have changed since the update not changing things that were the same before the update.

    That's my only point.
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    We ran a group doing olyE feats just last weekend post update and this wasn't the case I think you need to be more specific.

    What moves and what bosses?
  18. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Well, fair enough. But I’ve never seen that attack kill a tank before, so it’s possible that has changed.
  19. Earth Sisters Well-Known Player

    Athena's Overhand Throw for 36796 against my 225 dps (over 15500 Def)

    Hecate's Full Moon Blast for 37455 against my 225 dps (over 15500 Def)
  20. Proxystar #Perception

    What's your health pool? Those numbers aren't high enough to one shot. Most players at your cr should have a health pool over 40,000
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