Xbox Server Bans

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MC GreenLantern, Jan 19, 2018.

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  1. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

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  2. SN0W5T0RM/CREW New Player

    I know until I know what this ban is over I'm not spending another cent on this game. For all I know maybe I've done something that could get me banned for reasons that I'll never find out. I don't try to use cheats codes, or trainers, but I will not pay for stabilizers or any other marketplace items that may be taken away from me. All I can go on is the messages these players banned were sent, some players just purchased yearly memberships will they be refunded? Right now the server is so screwed up its not worth even trying to log on to run content.
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  3. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    No, it isn't.
  4. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

    Short version:
    • Exploit any bug in any Daybreak Game(s) and to refrain from communicating the existence of any such exploitable bug (bugs that grant the end user unnatural or unintended benefits to the user), directly, indirectly and/or through public posting, to any other end user of such Daybreak Game(s). Additionally, you agree to promptly report any such bugs to Daybreak.
  5. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player


    Same thing happened on DC with one of the soda plans and buying and selling to the vendor a few years back.
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  6. SN0W5T0RM/CREW New Player

    Guess its me just don't get how you can just say your banned from your account after spending so much money on the game. I get it if your doing something wrong you get punished, suspend, take all money, something like that. You have some characters who have been dedicated to this game who have over 350 sk points you just banned from accounts who you know are not gonna return cause their account has been banned. These banned players need to be given a second chance. I get rules but this is not much different than some of the scammers I've seen on the game. They say they are selling you a reset you pay and then they say thanks for the donation. Is there not a better solution than banning all these accounts?
  7. SN0W5T0RM/CREW New Player

    My league is already talking about everyone switching to a different game, Thats give or take at least 60 to 100 more accounts lost if no better solution is found, these are all paying players who feel they have been wronged and from what I'm reading and seeing I feel they are right. Some of these players are on it seems every moment the game is up, and have spent alot on this game only to log in and not be able to use the account they have invested so much money and time in.
  8. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

    Welcome to the world of business. I know I'm sounding pedantic but this is how real life works. If you break a contract agreement it doesn't matter how much money you've put in. A harsh lesson but one that is better taught early on in life. Unless of course it really wasn't valid, then raise an appeal as Mepps stated.
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  9. Zneeak Devoted Player

    You all bark loud because you got caught, acting all innocent. In the end, the devs didn't make money out of you if you abused the glitches that so many players now got banned for. Even if you did spend money on the game, it doesn't give you the entitlement to cheat. The reasoning that the banned exploiters are using is out of this world, it's really pathetic.

    People used gamebreaking exploits excessively for self-benefit that ended up breaking the game in many ways for others. Do not talk about being "wronged".
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  10. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We are specifically reviewing the impacted Xbox accounts, just to confirm nothing from the starter pack "incident" has caused a false positive/ban. If any mistakes are found here, accounts will be released.
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  11. SN0W5T0RM/CREW New Player

    Thank you for reviewing these
  12. SN0W5T0RM/CREW New Player

    Thank you for reviewing these
  13. Xbox Remnants New Player

    Wow just got an email from Daybreak that issued my account a warning instead of the ban. My account is playable again. Awsome!
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  14. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    If your reason for not banning players who cheat or exploit is because you're worried about what it will do to the game population, that's no reason at all.

    You're simply saying its okay if people cheat, because we can't afford to lose them in the population.

    That's just wrong and sad on so many levels.
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  15. MC GreenLantern Active Player

  16. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    No you weren't. You were specifically saying they shouldn't be banned because the population can't handle it.

    Own your opinions.
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  17. Marek Committed Player

    Lol, didnt do anything wrong but here's a warning lol. Thats like getting pulled over by cop for not speeding then him telling you that he only pulled u over just in case u "thought" about speeding! Lol
  18. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

    More like: "We saw you running a red light but it might have been yellow". In other words, we'll give you the benefit of the doubt but don't do it again.
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  19. nawanda Loyal Player

    The disingenuousness of the comments from some of the Xbox players who have been banned is comical.

    I don’t believe for one second anyone with any mental capacity would genuinely believe DBG would intend to sell that bundle for 1 MC. I could perhaps understand people arguing a lifetime ban is harsh if they only bought a few to get the pet for their toons, but coming on here having bought these things in large quantities to get stabilizers and then giving it the victim routine, claiming they thought the price was genuine, is desperate and dishonest.

    I don’t agree with the length of time between the exploitation and the punishment being meted out, but as I’m not an exploiter or a cheat, it’s of no relevance to me.
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  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Just for an end note on the xbox situation, we did not and do not intend to ban anyone for purchasing starter packs when they were the wrong price. We set the price incorrectly way back when, and fixed it quickly. That's not at all what yesterday's actions were about. It's possible we mistook behavior following from that as something else, and that's what we are reviewing (and will correct).

    (Although, I have to say, buying a bundle that looks like roughly $8 of stuff for one cent isn't the most above-board thing to do, and it is certainly not fully above-board to, you know, buy hundreds or thousands of those really fast-like before the price got corrected. If we happened to mistakenly hit you here because of that, sorry, but also...really?)
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