No Limit to skill point assignment

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Savior Prime, Sep 12, 2017.

  1. kraptastic Well-Known Player

    I think part of that issue is that this is a dc superhero game and everyone wants to be super...and to badly change a quote from a certain loveable movie: once everyone is super, noone is.
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  2. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    well technically you can die in the time torn village against those adds still if you pull to many and they dont even have 1 shots.

    point is going into health doesnt benefit a DPS like it would say a tank, because of how some of the tank powers work with buffing health ect.

    DPS' cant do that outside of mods/SP' and what little you can buff its pointless to do so, as adds alone do 400-800 dmg a hit now, and there is always 1-4 adds in a set if not more.
  3. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I get what your saying too, but when the revamp was talked about again it was show cased as giving us more options which is why they removed the power points and granted them all through out the leveling process.

    So thats why I dont understand the capping of our SP' as it kind of goes against the whole 'giving players more options' no?

    and that option I speak of is being a full might/power spec'd character with my 309sp not forced to go into health or other stats b/c might/power is capped at 175 (soon to be 183)
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  4. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    Um no, CR is nothing but a gear level, not your new level. The devs even stated CR level will and doesn't have ANYTHING to do with how much or little damage/healing/controlling/tanking you do at all. It's just a label with no power behind it. It takes no skill to get gear to get your CR up. CR means absolutely nothing and CR should stop having to do with gear and be a rating on your stats. You are late to the table my friend. CR doesn't add anything to your ability to do anything. It's stats only. Mods are also have little impact on your toon (just enough to make them worth getting). But is your SP that really makes the difference. That was the whole point of making stats matter and removing CR differiential.
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  5. McShotzz Well-Known Player

    Best quote usage ive seen in a long time
  6. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    actual CR holds the key to you running content of a particular level so therefor holding some sort of 'power'

    not to mention gear = CR = stats

    which higher stats = better performance 'usually' ;)

    how players dont realize this is beyond me.

    and they even made CR matter more then mods and SP' in the revamp so technically CR is still king ;)
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  7. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Why do you think my argument relies on a specific number of people? People are always complaining that the game is too easy, so it only seems logical that giving people even more damage potential, making the game even easier, the will complain about it.
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  8. Vindex Active Player

    Yep, the OP is very clever sneaky indeed. But he can't fool everyone all the time.
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  9. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    And if they didn't caps like they've done, we'd be right back to where we were in T5 with the power creep.
  10. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    And again what is the point allowing us to have 300+ SP' if we can not use them as we please and reap the rewards from it?

    And god forbid someone with 300+ SP' does better then someone with 200 or less, no no no, we cant have that. Its pointless still to farm SP' til the cap surpass' whats achievable in game. But @ 8sp that'll never happen lol
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  11. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    Answer these two questions:

    When have you ever been able to spend all of your SP in just one trait, with no limit to how many SP you are able to put into that trait?

    When and where, at any point, did the Devs, before, during or after revamp, say "We're thinking you should be able to put your SP into just one trait, with no limitations."

    Nobody, ever, anywhere, ever told you this was how it's supposed to be.

    This is never how SP has been allocated in the game. For precisely the reasons Khalon has given you.

    You are not entitled to put your SP into all one category. You never have been, It was never intended, and nobody from the Development team has ever considered it as a possibility.

    The entire argument for this is based on a false premise. This was never offered, promised, or even hinted at. It is an expectation created out of thin air by selfish players who can't or don't care enough to see the damage it would do the game overall.

    Stop asking for it. It's a terrible idea.
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  12. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    doesnt matter, they did however say they wanted to give us more choices so why limited us in 1 area but not the other?

    Makes 0 sense. Your giving us a false sense of choice thats it.

    and no I will keep asking til I feel the need to stop. Dont like it? Dont read it ;)
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  13. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    So you can't answer those two questions then, meaning you have no precedent to offer wherein the devs said you'd be able to throw all your points into one trait.

    That makes the rest of your post irrelevant. Having a limit to how many SP you can put into a single trait does not create a false sense of choice, that's a bogus position with no basis in fact. A limit is just that, a limit. At no point did any dev ever say "we want to give more choices, and that means specifically that you should be able to put all your SP into one trait." Thats the whole point. Nobody from the developer side ever even hinted that was a possibility when talking about offering more choice. Players like you decided that's what it meant, because that's what you wanted, whether its a good idea for the game's health or not.

    Your position is selfish, it only considers what you want, and how you want it to be for you. It takes into no consideration the damage it does in offsetting the balance between "casual" and "elite" players, creating a divide that, as time continues to go on, becomes insurmountable.

    You're not interested in the wellbeing of the game, you're not interested in balance of any kind.

    You're just interested in feeling superior from seeing big numbers tick off and a wide disparity between you and the next guy on the scoreboard.

    What you're asking for would be seriously detrimental to the health of the game, and that's why it's never going to happen. By all means though, turn blue in the face.
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  14. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    Yeah same here at least on my DPS side. In my healer role I have all the combos aside from the WM related ones on my weapon, and after that I am just throwing extra points into Dominance.

    As someone said above. The revamp allowed us to save tons of SP being wasted all around. It also allowed us to skip the option to be more well rounded. I somewhat liked the old system strictly because I was picking up extra Health and Defense along the way. Thus I was able to eat those "One shots" you talked about for breakfast. Take it for what it is and take the extra health or whatever you chose.
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  15. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I mean I dont mind picking up extra health for healer, trolls, or tanks, as they are support roles and survivability is key, but even for them they should have the option to go full dom/resto/vit if they so choose, just as a DPS should have the option to go full might/power.

    it allows more ways to play your character like before, but if you have the SP' it becomes beneficial higher SP you have.

    so in alerts you/solos/duo's/ raids like KCT you can go glass cannon, or in raids like DWF you can go more health ect.
  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    you damn straight I dont play this game for anyone but myself, and for that I only care about my enjoyment and the people I choose to play with.

    If people cant be bothered to get SP' as easy as they are to get then thats on them, and they should suffer for it and fall behind every way possible in combat due to it.

    people who has worked their *** off for their progression shouldnt be close to people havent done anything to up their SP'. Its total BS.

    and Im not the only person who thinks this trust me ;)

    and you bet your *** I and anyone else deserves to see the reward for our SP' we have earned over the many years.
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  17. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    And this exact attitude is why you'll never see what you're asking for come to fruition.

    The sheer fact that you have no compunction to admitting to being okay with utterly destroying balance in the game for your own selfish means is evidence your opinions on all things in this game should be excluded from consideration.

    You and players like you are maybe the single largest problem this game has been plagued with in its many years, and the rest of us would be better off, and have a more enjoyable game if you weren't here.

    Respond or don't respond, you're going on ignore after this. Frankly, everybody should put you on ignore.

    What a selfish, child-like attitude to have and display. Grow up. Try seeing the world past the tip of your nose.
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  18. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    sorry but if they arent going to make our SP' and time/effort worth it then why have them in the game? Why tie them to TC or anything else for that matter?

    If all they are going to do is dictate how we get to use them once we do get them.
  19. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    Oh I definitely am not opposed to it but I just think that at some point there has to be a cap on it. Only for one simple reason. Because otherwise we would have people running around one hit killing everything, and we would have people on here crying about that. So after awhile the developers would be back to revamping things again, and poof there goes another 2 years with barely any new content and we all have to re-learn the game again. At this point I will take whatever **** sandwich the developers give us and eat it with a smile.

    As for anyone complaining about people having a ton of SP and wanting to spend them elsewhere.........

    I'm almost to 6 months in the game, and I have major time restraints that prevent me from getting to enjoy myself too much. If I can come from absolute zero to where I am in that amount of time then I know for a fact I will be at 300 SP before I hit the 1 year mark. So if a guy strapped for time can do it then any one of these guys could as well. If there is one thing that I learned from my years in GTA Online it is that people do not want to work for anything even in a freaking video game. So best believe that they're going to want things to stay the way they are now. Which is to keep everyone on the same level because if "hard" work was the deciding factor they would be left in the dust.

    Exactly why I never understood people crying about "CR Differential". This is the ONLY game that I have ever played where players/developers somehow felt that one shouldn't be rewarded for being a higher level. Absolutely dumbfounded. Especially now that the deciding factor in CR is if one put in the grind for the OP items. Sure the collections themselves are random drops, but without a doubt the final piece you can't buy off the broker is a super grind. What is it like 1000 war bonds total? Something like that. Thankfully they at least let us hit 206 so you can clearly see who put in the work, but of course they would do it when it supposedly does not matter.

    Like I said elsewhere. This game is slowly becoming the PC Public School that gives everyone a "Trophy" just for playing. And they wonder why a ton of people left? Clearly people are competitive. That is the whole motivation for earning SP right? To be able to compete. This is why friendships are ruining over who beat who on a scoreboard. You take that away and for some this game is just the "Super-hero sims".
  20. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Just because you're not the only one who thinks this way doesn't mean you're right...or that the Devs will cave in and give in to this beyond ridiculous demand.

    Nothing the Devs said at any point should have given anyone that wild expectation. And nothing written in this thread or any other will change their design. At this point you can either accept, move on, or whine pointlessly as you've done in this thread.
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