Downtime Server Downtime - July 26, 2017 - Game Update 73!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 25, 2017.

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  1. RoseVonteer New Player

    So hope its up soon want to respect and create loadouts b4 weekly reset ;p lol 300 sp over 6 toons....
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  2. GignatDragon01 Level 30

  3. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    Seriously?! Is this the first online game you have ever played?

    First off this isn't a simple maintenance, it is a major Game Update that is changing the entire function of the game. There is no hurry ups or rushing through such things, when it's done it's done.

    Second of all there is nothing unprofessional about how this is going, there is no way to completely plan for and predict how these things will go. They are putting new math as well as eliminating old math to something that sees math as an absolute unchangeable thing, airing on the side of caution is best.

    Sadly things will still break because again new math, the system will react unkindly. There is no avoiding that.
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  4. AprilAtkins Active Player

  5. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    3:59 pm and still is still "up", but locked. OMG.
  6. SarcasticTiger Active Player

  7. GignatDragon01 Level 30

    but my powers are revamped.right?
  8. Dcgamer2011 New Player

  9. GignatDragon01 Level 30

  10. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    No I'm not being grumpy. I'm just tired of everyone suddenly jumping the "Oh the devs did this band-wagon"

    I can't get a single notification without this popping up :/
  11. EvilBipolarGirl New Player

    So I wasn't able to go on test can someone just explain one thing for me. Will this revamp make it like it was back in the day when FOS first came out where any combo of powers was viable, or will there be a best rotation must be used video on YouTube in 30 seconds?
  12. RoseVonteer New Player

    Anyone have an e.t.a in hours (not time can't be bothered tryna figure how far behind u r ;p) BTW to those being rude just think..... This update was due yesterday to those of us in NZ we had to wait a whole extra day lol
  13. Sp33dy McH3aley New Player

    <chambers a round in each pistol, clips on extra grenades on the utility belt and whistles for the dogs>

    Time to go find dinner. Servers better be back on when I get done or there's gonna be hell to pay.... <shakes fist at devs for wanting to quadruple check what they spent a freakin' YEAR working on! :p
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  14. Captain JackDaniels Well-Known Player

    Any rotation will be viable, there will always be optimal loadouts, but this time the difference in damage should be a lot lower;)
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  15. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    I'm just watching Nostalgia Critic on youtube to pass the time. The review of Jurassic World, to be exact.
  16. Tygerfyre Committed Player

    You've got another hour and a half, at least, from the time of my post. There's nothing to "OMG" about. They started at 5:30 AM Pacific time, with an 8 hour window, which they then added another 2 hours to after finding a problem.
  17. Ian Flux New Player

    please please please let me in
  18. RoseVonteer New Player

    What I don't understand is I'm not american so I have different times hence I asked in hours.... As stated above down to the fact update was July 26th um for me its July 27th now.....
  19. Arsenal Prime New Player

    people soo wired to get on, the game will get overloaded.. lol
  20. RoseVonteer New Player

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