I resubbed for the content that was removed...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RLManuel, Jun 4, 2017.

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  1. RLManuel Committed Player

    The only thing I was looking forward to was the new open spaces and the missions that came with them. I wasn't going to renew my sub, but then I went on test and did all of the missions and after that I decided to resub. But now, I don't even want to play... it's boring. Now the only way to play with my other alts is to spend replays back to back.

    When I first started playing DCUO I loved the open world and the missions that sent you all over the place. Those are the missions I look forward too.

    I miss the Level 1-30 feel.

    I regret resubbing...
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  2. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Monday through Friday this up-coming week is gonna be a fun ride. That's all I gotta say on that end.
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  3. RLManuel Committed Player

    If the content doesn't come back, I will be dropping my subscription when it ends.

    What a waste...
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  4. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Content was remove/change because Gear vendor was change along with the op collections folks as for a change, and the devs made the thread stating that this would happen.

    So...you cant say devs dont listen.
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  5. RLManuel Committed Player

    The content didn't need to be changed/removed

    Yea the DEV's have started to listen. But removing that content was wrong.
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  6. Catnip New Player

    Gear prices were on the high side even without the drastic decrease in daily missions. But only being able to get a couple war bonds outside of group content just means it'd be impossible to collect a set of vendor gear before the next episode release.

    If they aren't going to allow more than two dailies, they should create solo/duo instances for those of us who don't have large chunks of time to complete all the group and raid missions each day.
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  7. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

    Amazon Fury only had 3 open world dailies and so does this DLC. Anything on the test server is subject to change, maybe you should have waited till the DLC went live before you renewed your sub.
  8. Korlick Loyal Player

    Well...to be fair, it was changed after it went live.
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  9. Johnny0276 Dedicated Player

    How much did they remove? I tried running my alts through most of the content. But I was getting one shotted even by a medic in Area 51. Had to tank a group of 5 soldiers and didn't always survive or win. Haven't returned since.

    The 8 player raid with Savage, once I found out he was 11 levels higher than the suggested cr for the raid. Suggested 190 - Savage is like 201 I think. I was nooooo, not coming back. Been sticking to the 4 player missions.
  10. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    i wasnt aware that i was playing on the test server on my PS4.. no, the DLC already went live and it was fine and dandy until they stupidly decide to cut 3/4 of the content out...

    it's going to be a nightmare when i actually reach that CR.. there is soooo little to do.. login for 10 mins and i'm done with the game.. good job idiot..
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  11. RLManuel Committed Player

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  12. RLManuel Committed Player

    Lol how is this on me? Weren't we told we would have the missions? Didn't they post and talk about the plans for AOJ? Didn't they do a stream showcasing what the new content is and what the missions were?
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  13. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

  14. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

    You were on the forums as well and perhaps knew what was going on, so what changed?

    If I understand it correctly, two daily missions were removed from each zone alongside one weekly mission. That's not 3/4 of the content.
  15. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    3 daily mission were removed actually... out of the 4 daily mission originally offers.. so that 3/4 removed.
  16. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

    They did all that and then some more:


    All of this was happening right here on the same forums you have posted this thread, where were you then?
    If you were active on the forums, you should have known all of it.
  17. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

    I don't understand fully, are you saying that each zone offered 4 daily missions and out of that 3 were removed?
  18. Elusian Crowd Control

    They could have made the alert random. One of the 2 randomly appear. Change the introduction mission a bit and give back 2 missions in WTV and another one in A51 but I guess its more like a whatever scenario. People wanted reduced prices on the op items however they reduced them with content so the actual grind issue around those 3 items that got raised still exist. Honestly didnt mind the issue with the normal gear, they could have left everything up where it was just reduce the op prices a bit like 550 - 475 - 425 or so cause 700 was borderline stupid. Who wants to grind 6 weeks without having any progress feeling?
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  19. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    is why Im no longer a legendary person, everything has to be a 'give-take' with this games development team.
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    eh to me it seems like the community will fight for something to change and complain when it does, i mean dcuo has to improve, yes. But the player get the changes and they complain about those
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