Development Update: Age of Justice!

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, May 18, 2017.

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  1. recoil Committed Player

    a cross faction vendor would be interesting. maybe in a mutual zone like gotham wastelands.
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  2. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    If you have time, you should consider logging in for the tail end of the Starro Event. It's Free-For-All and everyone is gently stat-clamped so there's nobody wiping everything out ahead of you. Open World solo stuff, a Duo, an Alert and a Raid. All for free!

    It also will give you a chance to start getting your CR up - there's a new kind of attuned gear that slowly raises your CR as you go. I have alts that have gone up 30+ CR in the past few weeks just from doing Starro stuff.

    And welcome back. :D
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  3. SocratesGS Well-Known Player

    Is the volume higher in the replay? I couldn't hear you at all during the live stream.
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  4. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    You could have just played the video to find out. But no, the volume is not any different. I had to have my volume at about 50% to hear it properly, whereas normally I have it at 8%.
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  5. Crn Well-Known Player

    Is it really necessary to have an OP item with ever single new piece of content?

    Yoooo! Is this another event masked as "new content"????

    This is a damn shame. Here come more time capsules. SMH!!!
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  6. Mosquito72 New Player

    #Nomoretimecapsules or #Removefeatsfromtimecapsules
  7. Mosquito72 New Player

    I agree with the grind being somewhat daunting, but it appears we are going to stay in the current model of a 6-7 mos release frame. It doesn't bother me considering we did it back when T4 was end game. What has me frustrated is the continuous micro transactions tied to feats now. This is already a problem and will be more of a problem when stats and SP does matter, between those with money to burn that can afford the 'pay to win' direction this game is going and those who can't. Look at the difference between members and freemiums now. Also, what is it with the spam bots and 'buy in game money here' sites being allowed in game? It's further ruined the broker, economy, and left alot behind regarding feats that can be bought with game currency.
  8. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    This is the content I have been waiting for! I am a huge Golden Age comic collector and my oldest books are actually from 1944-45! The character models are very faithful! Looking forward to this!

    Nerd factoid - Blackhawk was originally published by Quality Comics and later acquired by DC. They were created by the legendary Will Eisner and Bob Powell and Chuck Cuidera (Cuidera only got creator recognition many years later)

    Oh and considering all the Whoniverse references in the live stream I would love to see a British Call Box base item. I mean it isn't as if a call box is copyrighted!
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  9. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    This is with CR 190 gear btw.
  10. spack2k Steadfast Player

    its a shame...
  11. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    What do you mean, "if this is true", lol? There's the screenshot. Yeah, it sucks, that was in the War-Torn open world. Need to check if Time-Torn Area 51 is also clamped or not.
  12. spack2k Steadfast Player

    i loged fast on test and checked for myself :p
  13. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    You're getting upclamped, not downclamped. That's just weird. If you're getting upclamped with CR190 gear then that means it be a bug that needs to be fixed. What was your ECR/clamped CR in that screenshot?
  14. Here2Help Devoted Player

    That's pathetic if it's meant to be working like that. Truly pathetic.
  15. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    As you can see, it's the same as during the Anti-Monitor event. Certain stats are upclamped, and others (especially dominance) are downclamped. CR was 190 as I said and as you can see by my gear.

    Edit: Ah, you mean the CR that shows up on the screen, I'll have to check.
  16. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Whats the point of grinding for new gear if 1. Everything will be beatable day 1 with old gear. 2. You are getting clamped in the majority of content throughout the year. 3. All the OP items you grinded for are already outdated in terms of IL and CR. Super Great!
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  17. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I agree it's frustrating. Just wanted to make sure everyone understands that this clamping only seems to be in open world, not any of the instances.
  18. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Not even going to bother, again another replay centric piece of content and they trick players by giving them more alerts, but just wait until you see the gear prices. Better yet none of it matters because the new model is Less Bang For Your Buck, in a couple of months there will be another stat clamped event rendering your gear and stats useless where free players will have more than subbed, and this is going to be the only high level content for about 8 to 9 months. I could deal with stat revamp, don't like what they did to Light one bit but could still deal with it, but seeing my sub devalue day after day, the game become more about how much you spend on microtransactions and more and more clamped content with only 2 end game releases in almost 7 months I can't deal with. The worst part is that the whales will still make them believe everyone likes the model and will still push it even when people complain, and be sure than once the episodes arrives it will be AF 3 all over again and you will see how the game is going down the wrong path.

    Oh BTW, clamping is only one month, simple DON'T PLAY FOR ONE MONTH, besides it's not like the content will be meaningless any time soon, only the gear and stats once the next clamped content comes.
  19. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Is it really?
  20. X ATmosFeaR New Player

    Looking forward to this episode. I don't think the styles are too bad. There will be a few hundred M. Bison characters running through the Watchtower though.
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