Monstrous Essence Needs a Fix

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Crimson Veil, Nov 18, 2016.

  1. Ully Committed Player

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  2. stärnbock Devoted Player

    they also said once that they like alts and want to make it easier for ppl to maintain them... just sayin...
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  3. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    I liked the old crafting system better, it was simpler despite stacks getting higher and higher, also less cluttered with micro management with all the materials.
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  4. The Jelly Bean Dedicated Player

    The material needs to be account bound at least. Come on devs. Look at all those likes already!
  5. Crimson Veil Dedicated Player

    I actually want the game/devs to make a chit-load of money...

    But in the right way...

    If they concentrate on making an awesome, engaging, user friendly game and game items/additions....the money will come.

    If they artificially handicap game systems and make things user unfriendly just to squeeze out more money....I think long term, they would be shooting themselves in the foot.
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  6. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    Our whole crafting system is a joke as far as mmorpgs are concerned
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  7. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    They should just take out the whole crafting system and sell it on a vendor.
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  8. Bose Well-Known Player

    Either that or increase the amount you get from a piece of gear to 2 or 3/salvaged piece.
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  9. TheCursedOne Well-Known Player

    So just made my first Might Olympian mod and I really can not believe what I'm seeing. Only 10 more might for all the work you have to do for it?
    I understand that it's around the same increase, but look at how much more you have to run. I do not get it. By the time you get around to modding the vendor gear with these mods, there will be newer content out. I thought the base mods was bad, but now the gear mods are much worse, well for me it is. Not only do I mod DPS, I also mod tank. I thought with the more stuff needed to make the mod that it would add much better stats then just the 10.

    Looks like I will be using VIII mods for a long time if they keep it the way it is now.
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  10. VariableFire Loyal Player

    So...once again they put something "better" on crafting and manage to screw it up. Do they have a vendetta against crafting? They've managed to sabotage pretty much everything they've ever put up in R&D. Want amazing consumables? You need belts, rental fees, and carefully timing the cooldowns for a minuscule extra amount of damage. Mods and their out of control exobyte cost. Armor and their out of control cost. And now this...
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  11. quirkers Well-Known Player

    I haven't delved too much into the crafting nor reviewing how much was entailed. I am mostly sure I will do them for feats, just doesn't feel urgent at all. In the meantime, I will just rely on betas and synthetics ;)

    I like the idea of the crafting and hope they expand on it, that makes relevance in this game. I enjoy getting the materials (though we need higher stacking of materials to address storage space and efficiency), selling materials (more to do on the broker) and assorted things.

    I always thought it would be nice if we were given ways to craft styles beyond just getting feats - the crafting of rare fun styles (non-feat related) - ballgowns, tuxedos, Renaissance styles, some fantasy styled stuff. (Of course, within reason, and some of these can be sold on the Marketplace of course - just throwing ideas out there)
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  12. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Well, I for one am very happy with monstrous essences and the crafting system. Managed to make 10 equipment mods and 12 generator mods for the feats earlier today and will now be working on more equipment mods for my tank. My mentality towards the game is one that only few share though, and so I'm not surprised to see this thread pop up. Yes, the sheer amount needed is a lot, but it's meant to be a constant goal for more than a couple of months, let alone weeks.
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  13. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Especially with bytes being so cheap, now is the time to 8 mod up.
  14. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Remember that whilst the stats difference may be minimal in the current form of the game, those +10 stats might be huge when Stats Matters comes into play. They've been designed with that in mind and so whilst it may not seem like much of an improvement, I'm sure it eventually will be.
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  15. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    Terrible structure bro, Dc still suffers from the same thing as when jens was running the show only focusing on short term goal, make as much money as they can quickly and forgot about the long term goal. Terrible prices for in game items. To much of a money grab their is no reason behind these mods being set up the way they are..... you may get two M.Essence a day at best without replys on top of supporting the game and being subbed that is terrible. This may be the most greddy game in MMO history. In no other mmo can I think of where not only you have to pay the sub you have to shell out at least 15$ extra a month to enjoy the content. FFXIV, Eso, WoW none of them games force you to spend extra money on top of the sub to progress in any way on the game.
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  16. tukuan Devoted Player

    Agreed: tradeable would be ideal but at the very least account bound. The same goes for the Lochite, Spordium etc. materials.
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  17. xxOMNIPOTENTxx Committed Player

    The logic here doesn't make any sense at all if you really believe that a +10 increase over ten pieces of gear will be critical when (or if) this "Stats Matters" initiative actually goes live. There was so much hype over how much more of an increase in stats that the mods would give us overall, but the hype fell short of its promise very quickly. Even for the avid gamer to run the solo, duo, & alert everyday, the drop rate on the monstrous essence is still very low.

    I for one will not be using the Olympian mods with the current marginal boost in stats, it's just not worth the cost overall when compared to the previous tier eight mods.
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  18. quirkers Well-Known Player

    Perhaps the compromise could be making it account bound, though that leaves for "settled for" instead of "why not tradeable?" Wracking my brain trying to come up with a reason for every other component of the crafting system being tradeable except this one.
  19. tukuan Devoted Player

    Yah it's a bit of a head-scratcher. Arguments about racing through content seem invalid as this ought to provide an incentive for players to run content after the fact.
  20. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    I'm only crafting Olympian Mods as I get vendor gear, T8s are going in purples. This has been giving me plenty of time to stock up.
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