Work In Progress Mid-Year Development Update: Announcing Large Content Releases, Open Episodes, and Summer Plans

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 5, 2016.

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  1. Backseid Devoted Player

    So this as well as Water?

    What else? What is being worked on? Lemme guess... DPS stuff -.-
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  2. bmce84 Loyal Player

    He's right, back in January they said it would be out by October, but that was when it was still monthly.
  3. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Do I think its reasonable? Yes. Do I like this amount of downtime? No. But this is the real world and it takes months to create content and especially with them returning to this format they want to get it right. The waiting sucks but thats life.
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  4. Harlequin Devoted Player

    The progression changes are what I'm waiting for. Style/gear unlocking is a distant second with everything else not even on the radar. I'm tempted to sub up again but without any information, even a vague outline of what is planned, about the progression revamp, I won't.

    I am a comic book nerd and I am a big fan of DC Comics. That's why I even still care at all. I will continue watching and reading and hoping something brings me back. The game is fun but it is not fun enough.
  5. Backseid Devoted Player

    How about telling us what it us you're reffering to.
  6. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    I was going to do a long *** post detailing the pros and cons of each point, but I'll just briefly remark that I hope Daybreak learns it's lesson that you should really get in touch with your player base (And not the Ivory Tower CRTs who don't even play the game) before you switch up everything every year. Turns out our old problems were better than these new problems.

    And I'll throw my hat in the ring on the concerns over:
    • What are we going to do with ourselves in the meantime of the transition
    • Can we just finish Nature and Elec, put Spord on them please (I don't like either of these powers but big community concern)
    • Why do I need to play this Summer
    • Will you continue to look at community feedback and not take a year and 3 months to act on it
    • Somehow we managed to delay almost everything you guys announced for this year.
    I will also throw some praise because this isn't all bad:
    • Excited to see the new PVP season even if I don't PVP.
    • Skipping leveling/tutorials is an excellent implementation. This is an honorable way to monetize the game!
    • The Open Summer this is really neat. It's interesting if my friends can play with me without being subbed, and it's a good compromise in doing the right thing.
    I'm hopeful about the game. That being said I still can't justify that idle time with my money so I suppose I'll have to step away for quite a while as you figure out how to make this work. Always open to give my thoughts positive and negative, even when I get banned every other week. Lol!
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  7. Theblackcat456 Committed Player

    Basically every single thing we want is being EXTREMELY delayed, not to mention the next dlc(after ep26 in late july) could drop as late as january 2017.
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  8. bmce84 Loyal Player

    You and other players are not understanding that and blowing it out of proportion, it isn't permanent, it's only for a month and subbed players still have advantages over unsub players during that period, go back and read it slowly this time.
  9. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Skip tutorial:
    Please ensure 110% that this cannot be done if not at least one toon on the account went through it.

    For the problems in early levelling:
    Please consider an exclusive open world portion taking place between the brainiac ship and the safehouses in the regular open world. This instance would be inaccessible once left and designed to teach new players the basics of the UI (in all points from journal to mini map to group invites etc.), navigation on maps, teleporters and transit zones, some of the options, faction and how you cannot attack players that have a purple icon on the mini map and name, banks including the shared bank slot etc. It could be a small town zone in debris that is about to be overrun by brainiac forces with a small "container" base holding out to cover evacuation or something.

    Think fo that zone as an extended tutorial zone with a small mission arc designed to make the player learn the very basics that so many seem to miss and that could be skipped with the new "skip tutorial" function by vets. If you could change download behavior and the client package, the brainiac ship and this zone could be installed first and allow for an extended play while download feature (in which DCUO is way behind compared to other large download sized games. And a lot of players regulary come to the forums and ask about these basics (not even 24 hours since I noticed a "can't mail account bound item to alt" thread). If you keep in mind how many players don't even visit the forums and just quit when encountering problems, you may recognize a chance to keep more players with a such a zone and offering more info in game.

    (Yes, I do realize that a lot of players have a problem getting info and/or instructions when placed in large red letters in the center of the screen.... Still, I think this would help.)
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  10. TestReporter Loyal Player

    It's just one month after all, it can be a nice way to bring new players to the game, even more the XBOX ones, it could help the game economy during the 4-6 month break, i just hope the guys enjoy the month instead of rushing directly to t8 with 40 sp, lol.
  11. SteHyatt Well-Known Player

    Those of us that have paid legendary membership. Will we get an extra month on our subscription if you are giving it free to all for a month?
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  12. CAPn Active Player

    This is fantastic news. Looks I need to get my toons caught up! Anyone want to help a 130 "all of em" gear up?
  13. Trexlight Devoted Player

    There is no "small group" of people. Water at this moment would be useless to release with the CR Differential and Stats changes that are coming. Its better and easier to get that out first and THEN release a new power under that umbrella to make it easier to fix any issues it comes from that. The wait sucks but its a logical wait.
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  14. Backseid Devoted Player

    Oh well. I didn't really care about any of it anyway.

    Water would have been cool for a few Duos n Solos, but that's about it.

    I'll play again when they make content OTHER THAN Raids...
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  15. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    After the 4th Color in the Palette, which just launched, Style Unlocking was my most anticipated upgrade this year! Obviously, I'm not happy about this news. :mad:
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  16. TestReporter Loyal Player

    It's a damn free month for the premium/free players and not going to last forever, they did something like this in the past, i don't know why people complain so much about it... Member players already get 500dbc/mc 150 replays and unlimited money cap... also, the free/premium players getting the episodes won't have the same loot locks...
  17. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Its not but its the food thats on the plate. It sucks and Im not for the downtime but they are working on a lot and some things have to come before the other.
  18. BLK Well-Known Player

    Was about to buy the year sub.
    5 month dry spell..
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  19. SugarHoneyIcedTeaMix Well-Known Player

    What I believe he or she is referring to is the thread mepps made saying that episode content was going to be open to all players I'm guessing ep 14 and up. Only downside is the extended loot lockout time for those who aren't subbed or those that did not pay for the episodes.
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  20. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    Thank you for your facts...and solid news
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