SP need to be percentage based

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Theblackcat456, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. E Clip Dedicated Player

    You're right, in most games achievements provide minimal stat increase like 0.1% more dmg, 0.1% more HP etc which is negligible. The hardest achievements are usually in the form of epic mounts, skins, titles, gold/cash or they augment your class icon with cool looking laurels, so when you join a group your class icon looks cooler than the rest. When someone earns these laurels its usually a system message and everyone can see it on that server. Those things are way way cooler than grinding SP just to have a bigger number of them.
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  2. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    but the majority of players will never be high SP and thus... can group with each other. this already happens with CR though.
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  3. BlazeChamp Committed Player

    I don't know about that. It seems to me that the majority of end game players have more than 150 SP.
  4. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    1. wavedox doesn't back that up imo. 2. 150 sp isn't "elite". ;)
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  5. BlazeChamp Committed Player

    Elite? No no no of course not

    We're all scrubs ;)
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  6. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Health: 19801 of 19801
    Power: 10000 of 10897
    Defense: 15123
    Toughness: 0
    Might: 6016
    Precision: 1385
    Dominance: 58
    Restoration: 15715
    Vitalization: 2333

    thats my friends healer :p

    think he's still working on his mods though, iirc he still needs 2-3 mods to be fully modded.
  7. Proxystar #Perception

    Absolutely disagree, sorry, I mean you're entitled to your opinion, cool, but yeah don't agree.

    It takes dedication to complete feats, it takes skill to complete feats, some are easy, some are not, some are a grind.

    People should be rewarded appropriately.

    Honestly what sort of person comes in an expects to realistically compete with a 240sp player with only 70sp.

    I'll tell you who, a person with serious delusions of self grandeur and self entitlement, thinking they should be the best irrespective of how little effort they've put in or little time.

    If I was new to a game I'd never expect to compete with veterans until I was a veteran etc.

    newcomers need to accept their place as newcomers and stop expecting the game to be handed to them on a platter because people like to bandy around the term "this is a game for casuals".
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  8. megamanzero Loyal Player

    it has nothing to do with handing things to players. this kind of mentality is wrong is blinded to the real issue because of elitism/egos.

    if someone put enough effort to reach high CR they should be rewarded as well. there's no "handing" about that. feats are just an extra and should remain so. a little boost for those who want to do more than CR. should they be rewarded? sure but reasonably so, not to make them out of whack OP to the point that it could make skill matter less than CR or SP or push more people to feel that only those with higher SP should be allowed to participate in certain content.

    sorry but you are wrong in this matter.
  9. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    SP don't take long, they just take effort. My wife works full time, as do I. We have a 4 year old daughter. She plays maybe 4 nights a week for less than 2 hours. She's at 181 SP. She's been playing same slow rate for about 5 months. And has Granny Gold Star. SP take effort, they really aren't that hard. Two of my buddies played for 3 months, one has 138sp the other 139. It's really not that difficult. People play COD for a whole year to just prestige and what not. If you play a game you like, put a little effort into it.
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  10. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    This is what set this MMO apart from others. Your ability to add SP to your current stats. Was unique and amazing. As far as DPS is concerned with CR based damage instead of stat based they pooped on everyone that grinded. I can have more stats but be 5CRs behind and you can smash me same loadout same power? That's just crazy.
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  11. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    Wow, your daughter must be a DCUO child prodigy :D
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  12. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    She plays, she fails races and queues random instances. It satisfies me. :)
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    you'll note I respected your opinion and outlined my disagreement, you're just outright saying I'm wrong, nevertheless for the sake of progressing with this argument.

    it's not about elitism, everyone always brings up that term when there's any kind of argument about newcomers or giving people who have earned "SP" an advantage, quite frankly the word elitism is so over-used it's lost all meaning, it's like the kid that cried wolf too many times.

    CR is irrelevant, I'm sorry but it really is and and the genuine reason for that is because this game rewards players based on an RNG, it's luck based, so how can you argue CR is "earned". Someone can get their gear through luck or through having a sufficient bank balance. I don't know if that constitutes skill.

    feats require meeting certain requirements that often require a degree of skill to carry out, these points are by far more "earned" by their very nature. hence the reward should be greater.
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  14. Xibo Loyal Player

    I don't know any player that have over 150 sp playing during 6 months-1 year. This only help the former players. Doesn't have sense in my opinion.
  15. Senko Committed Player

    Personally I'd be inclined to make it just for the top tier/bottom row (call it what you will). That is all the ones above that award +X bonus so they're tempting for low level players while the last row awards say +.33% for the end game players (can be lower).

    This way we have "Bob the Builder" with his CR 36 char he's purchasing the lower level skills so he winds up with say +120 or something to his defense here and +120 there leaving his tank with an extra few hundred defense. Not much but for a lower level char its a nice bonus to help their survival given their lower stats. Meanwhile "Elito the Bored" has purchased 7 bottom row might/precision bonuses with his 200 sp (plus movement and a few other things) giving him +7% for his might and precision (7 * 3 1/3rd% increases). That way he's running (assuming 15k might for his ice dps) around +1050 might a nice boost at 1k extra might but not overpowering I think? If it is felt too much make it 1/6 or the like 3.5% might/precision isn't that much surely for 200 sp investment.

    The other effect is if end game players see that feats/sp are now suddenly tempting as it can net you say 50 + .5% per tree (the lower level 3 might/6 might purchase and the top tier % one) so you could start seeing more people running older content for those feats.

    Also how on earth do you get 15k restoration? I know its all a healer needs to focus on but my sorcerer dps is 10k might, 4-5k precision and 12k restoration. I'd love to know how people are getting these even higher numbers.
  16. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    also known as the players DCUO devs cater to.
  17. Derio 15000 Post Club

    You missed the laugh. I was laughing because healers still think they need to fully mod resto still.
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  18. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    naw I got the reason of the laugh. As supreme says "healers only need 10k resto"

    but if you dont mod then you lose the socket affinity's ect unless you just half *** mod with synthetics like I do on alts ect.
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  19. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    We've been through this. You feel that you are entitled to more rewards for earning skill points through feats. You're entitled to your opinion (see what I did there?), and I agree with it to an extent. Someone who has more feats should have more than someone who doesn't, but I'm not sure more stats provides the best solution. That would make the divide greater, which would either make content way too easy for those with a lot of skill points, or it would make content way too difficult for those without a lot of skill points.
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  20. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    Exactly why SP and the way they were/are handled is a mistake. From the start.

    I understand there wasn't the necessary vision when the game first came out, like BB said above. Devs thought we would be excited about one thing, but it was the stat increase that got our attention. Digging that hole further is going to make things worse and, again, new players need to keep coming by the floods. Making a bigger gap between new and veteran will not make the game thrive.

    Hell, I firmly believe the only reason AMs and CR based damage came to be was to standardize damage between new and veteran, I don't really see the devs making SP more relevant due to this.
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  21. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    there's a LOT of DPS out there who had their CR handed to them. you cannot deny this. CR is not earned. CR is candy, handed out for just tagging along while the rest of the group works. as a healer, i cannot overstate the number of times i am asked to do my job alone and carry 5 dps who refuse to do mechanics, pick up others, etc, and STILL barely out DPS support roles.
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