Weapon Mastery needs an increase damage

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Xibo, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. Xibo Loyal Player

    Now already that they improve a lot of powers and still lack anothers then I think that the devs could think in a damage increase in the Weapon Mastery combos, in this GU47 many normal combos have your damage out increased then I think that would be righteous to do the same also with the Weapon Mastery. Thoughts?
  2. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

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  3. MetalMario Loyal Player

    Yes WM definitely needs an increase in damage to make it competitive with AM like quantum.
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  4. Three Rivers Well-Known Player

    with advanced mechanics pushing out weapon mastery as the standard dps setup for nearly every power now. WM is really only needed for support roles to save on power expulsion.
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  5. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I dunno, but I saw a lot of Post Saying"Weapon Mastery was a Temporary fix until powers got their Ams" I'd really don't wanna wm buffed, I hated that thing.
  6. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Was asking myself too. I use Celestial dps AM atm and well, sometimes it can be boring and I hate the interruption, really hate it! lol I also like WM but can it be used with celestial? If someone tell me to change for sorcery, no because I like the effects and the healing power especially. Can I use WM? If not, that just really sucks.
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  7. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Fire WM is very powerful, i like it. Now I hope fire AM won't make WM useless. Both AM and WM for all powers would make diversity and people have no obligation to use a rotation and loadout but choose what they prefer and are comfortable with.
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  8. Three Rivers Well-Known Player

    it will read the update notes ;)
  9. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    I havent used WM with every weapon, but I'll say the Ultra Flurry WM in the Dual Pistols tree could use a slight buff. Its like twirling around in the thick of things with wet towels. I rarely use Dual Flurry WM in Dual Pistols - hits like a bowl of cold oatmeal. I think the teo HB WM combos in Dual Pistols is about right.

    What WM needs more is variety of WM combos per weapon tree. If it doesnt work out logistically (animation wise / button combo presses I guess as well) to add 4 new combos per weapon trees.

    Perhaps they can add one, or both of these options:
    1) - FINALLY allowing us to equip a weapon above the face slot. The pressing right on Dpad to switch to that weapon, the secondary weapon to use and use the WM of that weapon if those combos are unlocked. Pressing right on the Dpad would switch to main weapon.

    2) - Using/pressing L1 activate and brings up a tray of 4 slots above the power tray. This would allow any weapon attack in any of the weapon trees to be placed in x, o, square, triangle. You could use one of the four L1 weapon attacks and get the 360% crit bonus instead of casting a power, should you choose to not use a power, or dont have enough power to cast one...

    Example of this would be like: 2H throw>Arrow Storm> L1 Dual Flurry, or shuriken, or pulse beam, or smoke bomb [insert any weapon attack any weapon tree unlocked].

    Also with option two you could use your:
    WM combo > cast power(crit bonus) > L1 + one of four weapon attacks(get crit bonus)
    WM combo > L1 + one of four weapon attacks(crit bonus) > cast power (crit bonus)

    It would be cool to use Dual Pistols > wm ultra flurry + L1 and using ultra flurry again... or dp > wm dual flurry > L1 MA knee lift, or dp > wm to any one of the two hb combos > L1 mortar rounds, or whatever weapon attack. A player would have a sh^t ton of weapon attack options to suit their play style.
  10. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

  11. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    They need to unnerf the melee damage on the weapons.
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  12. NightBandit New Player

    I think every power needs an increase in damage. I think all weapon damage should be brought in line with one another. I think same stats across the board no matter what role you play.

    Why should a healer have more restoration or a troller have more vitalization, or a tank have more defense/health, or a dps do more damage than any other role? None of it makes sense. It's unbalanced.

    Make all gear stats the same all around for every role. Make every hit crit and for the same damage every time.

    I also think the logic and intelligence of the vast majority of the population is completely unbalanced as well.
  13. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Yes this is needed. Many of us still like to use our weapons and WM is the only real damage option with that. Also those of us with a melee centered AM's need a viable option to use at range and WM is it.
  14. Biester New Player

    Good lord!! Two years of constant damage buffs and endless revamps and everyone still wants more. Stop with these threads, how many more damage updates will it take to satisfy? Let the devs give support roles some attention for a while or better yet, let them focus on something other than the powersets and weapon mechanics that are already in the game.

    The game can't evolve if the devs are constantly updating and revamping the things that are already part of the game. The future called and wants us to leave the past and present to come be with it.
  15. Reformed New Player

    The issue is that the base damage of non-AM powers should be increased. This way, you can use WM with them and get the large crit bonuses from them. If you just buff the weapon combos, you won't accomplish anything, trust me.
  16. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    It was not noted anywhere but my sorcery wm is doing less savage than before the sorcery update. It's like they made wm useless with the powers now. I am not the only one who has noticed this.

    I still enjoy the wm combo though because the switching between 2 weapons is fun imo. Now they just need to bring all weapons in line because I shouldn't need to run scissor kick to compete because mine is not a weaponless am why am I punished?
  17. EBANESER11 New Player

    WM = cheap damage. It was supposed to be a way to use different weapons at the same time! Anyways weapon mastery was only a bandage for a large wound, we replaced the bandage with alcohol(AM), it burns, but it's effective.o_O
  18. MetalMario Loyal Player

    Bringing down the damage of every AM would be a fair alternative if the devs are against buffing weapon mastery.
  19. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player


    ...we're never going to be satisfied as players.
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  20. Dark Horus Dedicated Player

    Calling WM cheap damage but AM aren't ? following a 1-2-3-4 system for crazy damage with some powers is cheap damage . this system is so boring . I like using WM on some of my characters , Like Dark Horus I've never like the AM for Gadgets
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