Space and Time - The Quantum Guide Part II

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Absolix, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. DocBarJovi Well-Known Player

    Thank you for clearing everything up for me.
  2. The Anxient Loyal Player

    When using warped reality in place of the SC where do you fit it into the rotation?
  3. Absolix Loyal Player

    Just whenever it comes off cooldown. Since it is classified as a beneficial power it clips other powers used in the AM, so it can be used without interrupting your rotation.
  4. DarthSizzle Dedicated Player

    Curios if anyone on test can prove or link where I can keep hearing quantum is getting nerf when this GU drops. Thanks in advance.
  5. Absolix Loyal Player

    There has been a bug on test where Time Bomb's looped damage isn't triggering if used beyond mid range.

    DevDirt confirmed that Quantum was not supposed to receive any change.

    As far as I know there aren't any nerfs to Quantum.
  6. DarthSizzle Dedicated Player

    OK cool ty for response... So that means devs are aware of issue and will be fixed soon right?lol
  7. TheMysticStar Level 30

    Okay, folks I made a thread on the subject and where you can go to help fix the issue.

  8. Flight Avails Well-Known Player

    QUESTION - Does anyone have any factual prove of what does more dmg when it comes to preloading WB vs NOT preloading WB? (factual is not your always #1 on the charts) Also i have begun experimenting with anomaly over DW. Im interested to hear other rotations out there as well.
  9. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    What is recommend for a DPS Quantum AM loadout?

    Currently my loadout contains the following abilities...

    TimeBomb, Warp Barrage, Tachon Blast, Timeshift, Distortion Wave and Temporal Vortex

    My rotation is Warp Barrage, TimeBomb, Distortion Wave, Tachyon Blast, Timeshift; than I do TimeBomb, Warp Barrage, Tachyon Blast, and Timeshift 2x...Than I rinse and repeat...Now if there is another Quantum DPS that is using Distortion Wave, I drop that ability and focus on using TimeBomb, Warp Barrage, Tachyon Blast and Timeshift. I save up two Temporal Vortexes and use those when available.

    My question is does it make sense to add warp reality in place of Timeshift and go with this rotation?

    Warp Barrage, clip Warp Reality, Timebomb, Distortion Wave, Warp Barrage, Tachon Blast. Timebomb, Distortion Wave, Warp Barrage, Tachon Blast- 2 more times...rinse and repeat and use Temporal Vortex when it comes up?

    I'm not sure exactly how much damage Warp Reality will provide or give me compared to my other loadout.
  10. Absolix Loyal Player

    When You are setting up your PI you should use Warp Barrage, Time Bomb, Distortion Wave, Warp Barrage, Tachyon Blast. Time Shift is the weakest power that does more damage against Destabilized enemies, so you only use it when you are switching it in to replace Distortion Wave.

    If there is another Quantum Dps setting up the PI I typically go back and forth between using Warp Barrage, Time Bomb, Tachyon Blast, Warp Barrage, Time Shift, and Time Bomb, Warp Barrage, Tachyon Blast, Time Shift as you can preload every other Time Bomb without forcing yourself to use Distortion Wave, because of Warp Barrage's cooldown. Continuously using Distortion Wave more often then you absolutely need to in order to maintain the PI is wait makes a pure preload rotation weaker.

    Never use Temporal Vortex twice in a single Time Bomb. You will likely hit the damage cap for Time Bomb. Also make sure it is never the last poweer used as it has 3 ticks of damage 2 of which are delayed and won't be counted if used last.

    Also while other damaging powers typically get counted towards determining what multiplier is used to calculate Time Bomb's damage, Temporal Vortex does not. For instance a rotation of Warp Barrage, Time Bomb, Temporal Vortex, Distortion Wave, Tachyon Blast has a multiplier of 3.72 the same as Time Bomb, Distortion Wave, Warp Barrage, Tachyon Blast. If you use Temporal Vortex once the multiplier will not drop that much, especially if you preload it as the difference between 3 power multipliers and 4 power multipliers is the smallest. If you use Temporal Vortex more than once then you are forced into a 2 power multiplier with a preload or a 1 power multiplier without which becomes a more noticeable drop.

    The boost from dropping Distortion Wave for Time Shift is more than the boost from Warped Reality, so I wouldn't switch those two. If you were to use Warped Reality it would have to be in place of Temporal Vortex. You can use it while your supercharge is filling on trash mobs. Otherwise you can just stick with Temporal Vortex, especially if you and your group are good at rotating supply drops.
  11. DocBarJovi Well-Known Player

    Since I am not using WM and work with the AM, when allotting my Skill Points what should be my goal....

    A) Fill up the entire weapon tree in all needed areas IE: Might, Power, Vit, Health, Crits on every tier?


    B) Use just enough SP to get to the bottom tier in each weapon tree ?
  12. Absolix Loyal Player

    The critical damage innates should be your first priority for skill points. After that you should have 7 sp in each tree which means you need 17 to unlock and get the Might/Precision bottom tier innates. So do so with as many trees as possible starting with weapon trees that have might for the second tier innates. If after unlocking crits or a tree's bottom tier innates you have less than 17 sp go through various trees and unlock the second tier Might innates.

    As far as nonDps stats these should only be gotten while getting to the bottom tier innates using only as much sp as needed. These typically have very little effect, so it is mostly up to personal preference. If you find yourself running out of power before the power return from Time Bomb exploding is triggered you might want some Power or Vit. Resto, Dom, and heal crits are useless, so the only other choice you might want is health or Defense/Toughness.
  13. kajutsu New Player

    For PVP, have a look at Einstein's Ray: low cost and combo(clipped) uninteruptible
  14. chaotic3430 Committed Player

    PVE: Warp Barrage, Time Bomb, Distortion Wave, Time Shift, Tach Blast, Temporal Vortex

    PVP: Warped Reality, Gravity Well, Singularity, Tach Blast, Einstein's Ray, Quantum Tunneling
  15. Absolix Loyal Player

    Gravity Well is heavily nerfed in arenas. It only does 41.67% of it's normal damage. It is more or less a waste of power in arenas.
  16. chaotic3430 Committed Player

    I use it to stun groups. I use Einstein's Ray to stun individuals. WR to set up PI for Singularity and TBlast.
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  17. Absolix Loyal Player

    Stuns are never reliable in PvP as an opponent can breakout and if they have the movement tree innates, which everybody typically does, they will gain more power than they used breaking out. The only time this wouldn't happen was when there were multiple breakouts, but those thankfully got fixed in GU47.

    If you ever need CC you can get it for free with weapon attacks and not spend the huge power cost of a field DoT with Gravity Well.
  18. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    A little suggestion about PvP with Quantum, especially useful in the Arena: Einstein's Ray has a great strategic value!

    1) When followed by the uppercut, it prevents any reaction from the disabled opponent for a time long enough to perform a short WM combo, followed by a super-power. By the time the opponent touches the ground, at least one fourth of his health is gone.

    2) It pulls an opponent that is transporting a healing barrel, making him losing the grip on it. So many times I used this power in the batman cave, lounging to the barrel right after the uppercut and enjoying the healing brought to me by my adversary! lol :D

    3) It's very precious against those flying spammers (especially if your character can't fly) or escaping people. In a team situation it allows you to terminate an opponent that is trying to save his remaining health by running or flying away, pulling him back in the center of the battlefield.

    4) It pulls the foe away from the healing barrel area of effect, removing in this way his strategic advantage.

    Great update to the existing guide, Absolix :).
    • Like x 1
  19. Absolix Loyal Player

    1) This is only true if your opponent never breaks out. Considering the responsiveness of breakouts was greatly improved in GU47, it is likely your opponent will breakout during the initial stun from Eistein's Ray and have CC immunity from the uppercut.

    Unfortunately as the damage of everything else in PvP has increased, first WM, then AMs, and even normal weapon combos have been buffed in GU47, the damage of Einstein's Ray and it's combo have not kept up with the power creep. The damage it does for how long you are in an animation is very low especially considering how hard weapons hit.

    2) Healing barrels will heal whoever last picked them up, or if no one picked it up whoever broke it. If you are lunging to it without picking it up then you are not getting the healing.

    3) Grounding also works. Gravitonic Field grounds and there are also powers in the movement trees that ground. I find the only difficulty with fliers is moving the camera, so I can lunge them.

    4) Breakouts through a wrench into this too. If they don't have CC immunity they can breakout very early, barely moving at all if they have good reaction speed. Also this requires you to be somewhere outside the healing zone to pull them which in some cases would require moving off a node.

    Eistein's Ray is a good tool for PvP, but it is much more of a niche utility than a mainstay in arenas.

    Thanks, I still need to finish the other sections and detail a few others, but a new job is sort of swallowing my time.
  20. Femto Well-Known Player

    Idk i'm loving Einsteins Ray after this last update with normal weapon combos , readjusted myself to playing oldschool fast paced clipping and only use WM situationally ( mainly after countering someone) . 1H tap 3 hold clip into Einsteins Ray is beast and you get that uninterruptablity and extra hit like kajutsu said with a low power cost .

    Also I decided to remove Gravity Well from my loadout in favor of going back to clip heavy style of pvp , Between using Einsteins Ray and Singularity clipped into Warped Reality into some 1H combos is beast . I also carry Inspiral Waves for when I have an oppertunity to perform a WM combo and the grounding affect on it is top notch for pvp IMO