Space and Time - The Quantum Guide Part II

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Absolix, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. Absolix Loyal Player

    Space and Time - The Quantum Guide Part II
    By Absolix

    I wanted to thank Solarstar for the first guide. Even though I never got anytime to interact with the first guide's author, the gathering place for Quantum users was great.

    I also want to thank Shiney Mackerel. There might not be another player who knows as much about the numbers behind Quantum's Advanced Mechanic, and Shiny was very good in helping me understand it.

    Each item in the table of contents is linked to the post containing that item. You may have to scroll down some to get to it, but its there. Currently, only the power descriptions are done, and the AM.

    Table of Contents
    Power Descriptions
    The Damage Role
    The Controller Role

    The Damage Role
    The Controller Role

    As this is getting put up some parts and formatting will not initially be here. I hope to put those in soon.
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  2. Absolix Loyal Player

    Power Trees
    Control the flow of time and control your enemies’ futures! Specializing in this tree grants +1% critical attack chance and +35 Power.

    [Controller Role]
    In the Controller role, you gain 350 Vitalization, your Dominance is increased by 100% and the strength of Controller effects is significantly magnified.

    [Player versus Player]
    The following rules take effect in PvP arenas: Quantum Tunneling and Time Bubble are less effective, reducing incoming damage by 25%. The Health restoration and Power restoration effects of Closed Loop and Event Horizon are reduced. Passive damage and damage over time effects have reduced damage or duration when used against players. No bonus Vitalization is gained in Controller role.
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  3. Absolix Loyal Player

    Tachyon Burst
    Freeze your target and a nearby enemy in time, stunning and causing damage.

    [Power Interactions]
    Destabilizes enemies making them vulnerable to time dilation effects

    [Control Role]
    Restores Power to group members over time

    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 35% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Base Damage
    32-40 (36)

    For Dps:
    There is little to no use for this power, as anything it can do for a Weapon Mastery or Advanced Mechanic loadout other powers can do much better.

    For Controllers:
    This is one of the two PoT powers. This is also one of three powers which inflicts a rooted stun, a form of stunning that prevents the stunned enemy from being moved or pulled. It can stun up to enemies, but the second enemy must be very close to the targeted enemy.

    Time Shift
    [Controller Debuff]
    Slow time, damaging your target and nearby enemies. Slowed enemies cannot attack.

    [Power Interactions]
    Destabilized enemies take extra damage

    [Control Role]
    Reduces enemy defenses

    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 35% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Base Damage
    When used on enemies that are not Destabilized 32-40 (36)
    When used on enemies that are Destabilized 48-60 (54)

    For Dps:
    This is the weakest of the three powers that do extra damage against Destabilized enemies. It has uses for the Advanced Mechanic that can be found in that section. This also has a noticeably smaller cone AoE where it hits in comparison to many similar powers like Tachyon Blast.

    For Controllers:
    This is the defense debuff of the Time tree. It has less utility than it’s counter part from the Space tree, but requires less investment with power points to get. This can inflict the Quantum's unique Slow crowd control effect. When inflicted it prevents enemies from attacking, but the can still move very slowly. It can slow up to
    4 enemies.

    Temporal Extortion
    Bend spacetime to your will restoring Power to your group’s three most fatigued members. Also increase your Might and Precision for a short time.

    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 35% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    For Dps:
    This has little to no use for Dps. The power you will give in the damage role is tiny. Unlike other stat buffs the Might and Precision are a flat tiny amount, and when it says a short time, it means a short time.

    For Controllers:
    This is Quantum’s power dump. It is a requirement for every Controller, as this and the power over time powers are how groups upkeep there power.
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  4. Absolix Loyal Player

    Time Bomb
    [Weapon Mastery Crit Excluded]
    [Vulnerable to interrupt]
    Create a moving rift in time that will slow down nearby enemies and eventually explode damaging, stunning, and knocking them down. Slowed enemies cannot attack.

    [Power Interactions]
    Destabilized enemies take extra damage

    [Damage Role]
    Create a localized time loop. Any damage caused by Time abilities is amplified and returned when Time Bomb ends. A portion of the power spent on damaging Time abilities or Gravity Well also returns. Damage is further amplified when you are close to a target.

    Increases all damage by 35% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    For Dps:
    This is the core of the Advanced mechanic, and a requirement to perform it at all. It will be further covered in the Advanced Mechanic section.

    For Controllers:
    This is one of Quantum’s most unique forms of crowd control. Since the Advanced Mechanic was introduced Time Bomb has become the most reliable way to “slow” enemies, having the ability to Slow up to 8 enemies. Although enemies can still slowly move they cannot attack. The draw back is that enemies must remain in Time Bomb's AoE in order for the Slow effect to remain. Time Bomb also has a stun on it's explosion that can stun up to 8 enemies. The similar drawback is if enemies move out or are pulled out of Time Bomb's AoE before it explodes the stun will not hit them.

    Temporal Vortex
    [Requires Level 8]
    [25% Supercharge Cost]
    Bombard your enemies with a powerful pulse of energy, slowing time, dealing heavy damage, and knocking them down. Slowed enemies cannot attack.

    For Dps:
    This is the one Supercharge that can work with the Advance Mechanic. It will be covered further in the Advanced Mechanic section.

    For Controllers:
    There’s no real use for this as a Controller. It is worth noting that this provides knockback that appears to only have a limit to the number of enemies it can damage, which for a supercharge is 20. It does also Slow enemies, but the knockback lasts the entire duration of the Slow effect, so enemies will not have the opportunity to move anyways.

    Quantum Tunneling
    [Requires Level 8]
    [Usable While Controlled]
    Phase to another reality and leap forward a short distance. Phasing breaks you out of control effects, prevents damage, and compels enemies to seek targets other than you.

    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 40% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    For Dps:
    In PvE, this has limited use. It can be used as a defensive tool if you feel you need one, but usually proper knowledge of a fight’s mechanics will keep you safer than the protection this power provides. In PvP, this is the bread and butter of any Quantum loadout, as it allows you to breakout of counters, and is one of the best kiting tools in the game.

    For Controllers:
    This is one of two damage preventers that can be used to help pick knocked out players up. Quantum Tunneling only grants damage absorption for 3 sec, but it can move you and breakout of control effects. The direction of the move is determined by what direction you push at the time of using, forward is used if no direction is pushed.
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  5. Absolix Loyal Player

    Closed Loop
    [Requires Level 8]
    [Usable While Controlled]
    [35% Supercharge Cost]
    Create a predestination paradox to rapidly heal yourself and prevent damage. Initializing the loop will free you from control effects and give you resistance to them for a short time.

    For Dps:
    In Pve, there is little to know use as the healing is based off of stats that PvE Dps gear is lacking. In PvP, it has some use. There are more relevant stats, in PvP, but there is a reduction to healing in arenas. However, the fact that it breaks out of counters and has a lower supercharge cost is enough to consider it.

    For Controllers:
    This doesn’t come close to the usefulness of Event Horizon, for group content. In smaller content, it is useful, but far from a need.

    [Requires Level 12]
    [Controller Debuff]
    Create an anomaly to trap your enemies in time, damaging and stunning them.

    [Power Interactions]
    Destabilizes enemies making them vulnerable to time dilation effects

    [Control Role]
    Reduces the target’s ability to heal and removes power over time effects

    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 45% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Base Damage
    32-40 (36)

    For Dps:
    In a similar way to Tachyon Burst, Anomaly is overshadowed by a power that can do anything it can do for Dps, but better.

    For Controllers:
    This is the healing debuff for the Time tree. It is a 4 man stun, and it is another one of the three rooted stun powers.

    Tachyon Blast
    [Requires Level 12]
    Blast your enemies with a cone of temporal energy, damaging and knocking them down.

    [Power Interactions]
    Destabilized, Polarized, or enemies that are Graviton-Charged take extra damage

    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 45% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Base Damage
    When used on enemies that are not Destabilized, Polarized, or Graviton-Charged 32-40 (36)
    EWhen used on enemies that are Destabilized, Polarized, or Graviton-Charged 48-60 (54)

    For Dps:
    It is important to note that the damage boost for having any of the listed Power Interactions is only counted once. If you stack multiple interaction you will not receive multiple damage boosts, only one. That being said the damage with one of the Power Interactions present is the same as Warp Barrage and greater than Time Shift. It is very useful for the Advanced Mechanic and has possibilities for Weapon Mastery.

    For Controllers:
    This is primarily a damage power. It does knockback to up to 4 enemies, but offers no other utility.
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  6. Absolix Loyal Player

    Warp Barrage
    [Requires Level 16]
    [Controller Debuff]
    Open a time warp and teleport destructive projectiles at your enemies, damaging and knocking them down.

    [Power Interactions]
    Destabilized enemies take extra damage

    [Control Role]
    Reduces the target’s damage output and removes Damage role buffs

    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 50% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    For Dps:
    Despite the fact that it is not mentioned in the description it is excluded from the WM crit. This has use for the Advanced Mechanic, but not for Weapon Mastery.

    For Controllers:
    This is the damage debuff for the Time tree. It also can knockdown up to 4 enemies.

    Base Damage
    When used on enemies that are not Destabilized 3 ticks of 10-14 (12) for a total of 30-42 (36)
    When used on enemies that are Destabilized3 ticks of 16-20 (18) for a total of 48-60 (54)

    Time Bubble
    [Requires Level 16]
    [Usable While Controlled]
    Surround yourself in a temporal distortion bubble, preventing incoming damage.

    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 50% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    For Dps:
    This has little use, as it will be very weak as the stats that make it strong are not primarily in Damage role gear.

    For Controllers:
    This is the other option to Quantum Tunneling for pickups. The damage absorption lasts longer and it can be used with the regenerative shielding Home Turf mod. It does not break you out or move you.

    Distortion Wave
    [Requires Level 16]
    Release a wave of coronal distortion against your enemies, damaging and stunning them.

    [Power Interactions]
    Destabilizes enemies, making them vulnerable to time dilation effects.

    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 50% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Base Damage
    32-40 (36)

    For Dps:
    This is the power that outshines Anomaly and Tachyon Burst. It has better range and does more damage. This is a near staple in any Advanced Mechanic loadout.

    For Controllers:
    This power stuns in a unique way. The animation has 3 pulses. Each of these pulses has a stun that can stun up 4 enemies attached to it allowing up to 12 enemies to be stunned. Each stun also has a different AoE in which it is applied that roughly matches the expanding circular pattern of the pulses, although there is some overlap where some spots can be in the AoE for more than one pulse. This is also the third of the rooted stun powers. It offers great crowd control.
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  7. Absolix Loyal Player

    Bring enemies to their knees by manipulating space and generating graviton fields! Specializing in this tree grants +5% critical attack damage and +10 Vitalization.

    [Controller Role]
    In the Controller role, you gain 350 Vitalization, your Dominance is increased by 100% and the strength of all Controller effects is significantly magnified.

    [Player versus Player]
    The following rules take effect in PvP arenas: Quantum Tunneling and Time Bubble are less effective, reducing incoming damage by 25%. The Health restoration and Power restoration effects of Closed Loop and Event Horizon are reduced. Passive damage and damage over time effects have reduced damage or duration when used against players. No bonus Vitalization is gained in Controller role.
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  8. Absolix Loyal Player

    Gravitonic Field
    Create a field of gravity, grounding, stunning, and damaging your target over time.

    [Power Interactions]
    Causes your target to be Graviton-Charged, making it vulnerable to future fluctuations in gravity

    [Control Role]
    Restores Power to group members over time

    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 35% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Base Damage
    1 tick of 8-10 (9) and 3 ticks of 16-20 (18) for a total of 56-70 (63)

    For Dps:
    Little to no use for this. It is one initial tick of damage on hit followed by 3 ticks all fairly close in damage, hit fairly low, and are purely single target. Despite being described as a DoT in the in-game description, it much shorter than what one would typically assume a DoT would last.

    For Controllers:
    This is the other PoT power. It can only stun one enemy as opposed to Tachyon Burst’s two, but the enemy isn’t rooted, which lets tanks pull them if needed.

    Einstein’s Ray
    Create a strong gravitational force, damaging, stunning, and dragging your target toward you. Tap melee after the pull to combo into an uppercut.

    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 35% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Base Damage
    32-40 (36)
    Gravity Punch, the combo from Einstein's Ray, when used on enemies that are not Graviton-Charged 32-40 (36),
    Gravity Punch, the combo from Einstein's Ray, when used on enemies that are Graviton-Charged 48-60 (54)

    For Dps:
    Little to no use in PvE. In PvP, the pull can have slight use as a counter against someone kiting.

    For Controllers:
    This is a single target pull. It also will pull the target past you if use at the top of a jump. It is good if an enemy needs to be separated or rearranged for any reason. It also stuns the targeted enemy and the combo will inflict knockback.

    Inspiral Waves
    Send inspired gravitational waves toward your enemies, damaging and knocking them down.

    [Power Interactions]
    enemies take extra damage

    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 35% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Base Damage
    When used on enemies that are not Graviton-Charged 32-40 (36)
    When used on enemies that are Graviton-Charged 48-60 (54)

    For Dps:
    The damage it does is outdone by both Singularity and Gravity Bomb, so it is not worth using despite the cool animation.

    For Controller:
    This doesn’t offer anything for Controllers either. It does inflict knockback on up to 4 enemies.
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  9. Absolix Loyal Player

    Decrease the force of gravity on your target, damaging it and lifting it helplessly into the air.

    [Power Interactions]
    Graviton-Charged enemies gain a strong gravitational pull, damaging and dragging nearby enemies toward them.

    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 35% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Base Damage
    32-40 (36)

    For Dps:
    No use for it. Most people don't even know this power exists.

    For Controllers:
    This might be useful, if Singularity didn’t accomplish the same AoE pull with a defense debuff, more damage added to it, and doesn't require a PI for the pull. It only lifts your target and the AoE for the pull is a smaller AoE than Singularity. I haven't been able to get the pull to affect enough enemies in my testing to find it's limit.

    [Requires Level 8]
    [50% Supercharge Cost]
    Blast enemies with powerful energy, dealing heavy damage, knocking them down, and levitating them in place. Also grants protection against control effects and prevents damage for a short time.

    [Power Interactions]
    Causes your target to be Graviton-Charged making them vulnerable to future fluctuations in gravity

    For Dps:
    This is the go to Supercharge for Weapon Mastery.

    For Controller:
    This is a damage supercharge. There are better ones for Controllers. It appears to stun any enemy it damages, which the limit of targets for supercharges is 20.

    Warped Reality
    [Requires Level 8]
    [Attack Buff]
    Imbue your attacks with quantum energy, increasing the chance that your enemies will take extra damage and be rooted or levitated in place.

    [Power Interactions]
    Causes your target and other nearby enemies to be Graviton-Charged, making them vulnerable to future fluctuations in gravity

    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 40% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Base Damage
    Up to 3 ticks of 20-28 (24) for a total of 60-84 (72)

    For Dps:
    This makes it so that any time you inflict damage, whether it be a weapon attack or power, it has a chance to inflict extra damage and apply the Graviton-Charged PI. It is a good form of passive damage for both Weapon Mastery and the Advanced Mechanic. It is also the best full range Graviton-Charge applicator. It is worth noting that this is single target.

    For Controller:
    It is primarily for Dps. It inflicts a single target stun when it procs.
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  10. Absolix Loyal Player

    Event Horizon
    [Requires Level 8]
    [Usable While Controlled]
    [50% Supercharge Cost]
    Protects yourself and seven other teammates from damage and restores power over time. While active, enemy attacks deal damage back to your attackers.

    For Dps:
    Not much use.

    For Controllers:
    Arguably the best supercharge. This is a great emergency button for when a healer or tank goes down. It protects up to eight people, including yourself, and gives power that can help a tank or healer protect the group when the other is down.

    [Requires Level 12]
    [Controller Debuff]
    Create a black hole near your target, damaging, levitating and stunning it. Nearby enemies are damage rooted, and pulled toward the void. After a short time, the singularity will explode, damaging nearby enemies and knocking them down.

    [Power Interactions]
    Graviton-Charged enemies take extra damage and will become Polarized, causing objects to be attracted to them

    [Control Role]
    Reduces enemy defenses

    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 45% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Base Damage
    When used on enemies that are not Graviton-Charged 1 tick of 14-26 (20), 2 ticks of 1-3 (2), and 1 tick of 3-7 (5) for a total of 19-39 (29)
    When used on enemies that are Graviton-Charged 1 tick of 37-47 (42), 2 ticks of 1-3 (2), and 1 tick of 3-7 (5) for a total of 42-60 (54)

    For Dps:
    This is one of three powers useful for using in the Weapon Mastery crit window. It typically is better for low skill point players, as the trailing damage that it has will be more useful if the Weapon Mastery crit is low. It has one burst tick followed by to very tiny ticks and one lesser tick.

    For Controllers:
    Not only is this a defense debuff, it is a targeted AoE pull. This is one of the unique utilities the Quantum has as a Controller. It will pull and root up to 8 enemies, and 4 seconds later it will knockback up to 4 enemies away from the center where it hit.

    Albicubierre Wave
    [Requires Level 12]
    [Controller Debuff]
    Fold spacetime, dragging and pushing enemies away from you. Enemies immediately behind you are damaged and thrown forward.

    [Power Interactions]
    Causes enemies to be Graviton-Charged making them vulnerable to future fluctuations in gravity

    [Control Role]
    Reduces the target’s damage output and removes Damage role buffs

    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 45% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Base Damage
    32-40 (36)

    For Dps:
    This is the only true AoE Graviton-Charged applicator, but it is only mid-range. Luckily Warped Reality is enough of a partial AoE to make up for it.

    For Controllers:
    Despite the push being unique, the fact that it is a debuff power that is not full range makes it the slightly less appealing option. It inflicts a push/pull as well as a knockback on up to 4 enemies.
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  11. Absolix Loyal Player

    Gravity Well
    [Requires Level 16]
    Create a powerful gravity field, damaging, rooting, and stunning your enemies.

    [Power Interactions]
    Polarized enemies or those that are Graviton-Charged take additional damage

    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 50% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Base Damage
    When used on enemies that are not Polarized or Graviton-Charged 11 ticks of 7-9 (8) for a total of 77-99 (88)
    When used on enemies that are Polarized and/or Graviton-Charged 11 ticks of 8-12 (10) for a total of 88-132 (110)

    For Dps:
    This is Quantum’s field DoT. It is a near requirement for Weapon Mastery, and has limited potential with the Advanced Mechanic.

    For Controllers:
    It is a ranged 8 man stun.

    Gravity Bomb
    [Requires Level 16]
    [Controller Debuff]
    Launch an explosive gravity bomb at your enemies, damaging, stunning, and knocking them down.

    [Power Interactions]
    Graviton-Charged enemies take extra damage and will become Polarized, causing objects to be attracted to them

    [Control Role]
    Reduces the target’s ability to heal and removes power over time effects

    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 50% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Base Damage
    When used on enemies that are not Graviton-Charged 32-40
    When used on enemies that are Graviton-Charged 40-48

    For Dps:
    This and Tachyon Blast are the gotos for the Weapon Mastery crit window.

    For Controllers:
    It is a 4 man stun that also doubles as the healing debuff. Unlike Anomaly, it does not hard root enemies.

    Energy Expulsion
    [Requires Level 16]
    [Vulnerable to Interrupt]
    Blast your target with a beam of energy, damaging, knocking down, and stunning it. Enemies at 35% health or below, will take additional damage.

    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 50% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    For Dps:
    This is useful for Weapon Mastery on single target boss fights.

    For Controllers:
    This isn’t particularly useful. It is a single target stun.
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  12. Absolix Loyal Player

    Advanced Mechanic

    Quantum has an Advanced Mechanic that falls into the category of Advanced Power Interactions.

    This is a Might based Advanced Mechanic, and so it receives +5% crit ability chance and +25% crit ability damage while using it. It is important to note that this is not affected by whether or not you have Weapon Mastery unlocked.

    Time Bomb

    This is the power central to the Advanced Mechanic, and it is best to know exactly how it works.

    After firing Time Bomb, any damage the player does with Time tree powers is counted up. This collective total of the damage done is split among the enemies in Time Bomb's AoE and that damage that hits each enemy is multiplied based on how far that enemy is from the player. Enemies withing 7m ahave the highest multiplier used, enemies farther than 7m but closer than 13m have second highest multiplier used, and enemies beyond 13m have the lowest multiplier used.

    The multiplier with the max damage mod equipped and core strength equipped with in 7m is 3.1, beyond 7m but within 13m the multiplier is 2.41, and beyond 13m is 1.85.

    If Time Bomb explodes, but doesn't hit any enemies despite hitting enemies with damaging Time tree powers the damage Time Bomb would have done is loaded into the next power or weapon attacked used within 2 sec. If the next power is another Time Bomb the damage from the previous Time Bomb will hit when it is initially fired.

    It is important to note that the multiplied damage does have the chance to pop up saying that it is a crit. However the damage is not actually increased in anyway by triggering this "crit".

    In an indirect way, Time Bomb can crit, in that it can multiply the damage of a Time power when that Time power crits.

    The damage modifier is incredibly important, if you do not have the max damage mod. It is important to insure that the last power cast before Time Bomb explodes is a power with a 50% modifier, meaning either Warpo Barrage or Distortion Wave, but since Warp Barrage has a delay to it it is best to use Distortion Wave last when there is no max damage mod. With the max damage mod, more options open up as any power you use will give you a 60%, so the order does not matter in the same way.

    It is important to note that there is a damage cap on Time Bomb. This cap scales with the amount of Might you have, and also scales with percentage damage boosts such as damage modifiers and supply drops. The most often way that players hit the damage cap is by using Temporal Vortex more than once in a single Time Bomb. The damage cap will affect Time Bomb's damage before cr scaling modifies it.
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  13. Absolix Loyal Player

    The multiplier for Time Bomb is only one of two aspects that determine Time Bomb's damage.

    The number that gets multiplied is the total damage of Time tree powers used while Time Bomb is out, so it is important to take steps to get the most damage.

    The highest damaging, nonsupercharge, powers in the Time tree are Tachyon Blast and Warp Barrage when used on Destabilized enemies, the second most is Time Shift when used on Destabilized enemies, and the weakest are Distortion Wave, Anomaly, and Tachyon Burst with only their AoE differing, with Distortion Wave being the largest.

    From these you can build a rotation to maximize damage.

    You only need one power to apply Destabilized. So, you first you will need a Time Bomb in which one of your powers applies Destabilized. Once you have applied the PI, you can then maximize the damage of your Time Bomb's by using Warp Barrage, Tachyon Blast, and Time Shift. The PI will last 12 seconds which is the equivalent of 3 Time Bomb rotations, so you only have to apply Destabilized once every 3 Time Bombs to maintain the effectiveness of Warp Barrage, Tachyon Blast, and Time Shift.

    Additional Loadout Spots

    The methods above describe how to put out damage using standard Tme powers that will take up 5 loadouts spots. That leaves 1 loadout spot to fill.

    Warped Reality grants a chance to proc damage up to 3 times per use. Since Warped Reality is a beneficial power, it can be used to clip other powers so as to not add any extra time used while adding some passive damage.

    Gravity Well despite being part of the power regen, is worse than the other options for the last loadout spot. If you are looking for an option for the last slot to increase damage, don't use this.

    The last 6th slot option for increasing damage is Temporal Vortex. This power is counted towards the total that is multiplied to calculate Time Bomb's damage, and it is the Time tree's highest damaging power. It is important to note that Temporal Vortex, like Warp Barrage, needs to be fired as the first or second power after Time Bomb is fired as its first tick of damage is instant, but its last two ticks are delayed. Since it is only usable with 25% supercharge it is possible to switch it out for another option when your supercharge is low or not close to filling.

    Quantum Tunneling is a defensive option. It only provides a fairly weak shield, but it breaks you out from control effects or if you have been countered and it moves you in whatever direction you are pressing, or forward if no direction is pressed.

    Core Strength vs Penetrating Strikes

    As with every other form of Dps currently in the game since GU47 Core Strength is the better of the two damage options for the chest Home Turf mods.
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  14. Absolix Loyal Player

    Weapon Mastery

    The best source of information on Weapon Mastery is Shiny Mackerel's guide.

    This section will contain a summary of how it is relevant to Quantum.

    Weapon Mastery are weapon combos that change weapons for the last input. These combos deal significantly more damage than regular weapon combos, but have restrictions on how much of the combo animation can be clipped.

    In addition to the increased weapon damage, using a power at a particular moment in the combo, usually indicated by a cast bar, multiplies the crit chance of the power by 3.6. With all the crit chance innates from the weapon trees, and the two crit power chance socket affinity bonuses this will put the crit chance just over 100%, guaranteeing a crit.

    The crit damage is also multiplied. The amount by which it is multiplied is dependent on which Weapon Mastery combo is used.

    It is important to note that any Might damage of the player's that is hitting when the player uses a power in the Weapon Mastery crit window will also be affected by the increase in crit chance and damage.

    Stacking as much possible Might damage that can crit is what building a loadout revolves around. Quantum has two powers with forms of damage that can reliably crit in the WM crit window in addition to the power used.

    The first is Gravity Well, as a field DoT it will inflict damage every second against enemies standing in it. It lasts 12 sec, and has a cooldown 12 sec. It requires enemies to be Graviton-Charged to get the most from it's damage. It also has no damage on when it is cast, so there is no need to use the power in the Weapon Mastery crit window. It is best when used after using a power in the Weapon Mastery crit window and before going into another Weapon Mastery combo.

    The second is Warped Reality, as the damage that has a chance to proc off of weapon attacks or power damage that lines up with the WM crit window. It causes enemies to become Graviton-Charged which pairs well with Gravity Well. It lasts 12 sec, and has a cooldown of 12 sec. As a beneficial power it can be used to clip other powers, and since it's cooldown matches Gravity Well's it can be used to clip Gravity Well.

    The other aspect of Weapon Mastery is the power used in the crit window to get the most damage out of the crit. Since the forms of critable background both revolve around enemies being Graviton-Charged, it is best to use a burst power that deals extra damage against Graviton-Charged enemies. The two powers which are all burst and deal extra damage when used on Graviton-Charged enemies are Gravity Bomb and Tachyon Blast.
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  15. Absolix Loyal Player

  16. Absolix Loyal Player

  17. Absolix Loyal Player

  18. Absolix Loyal Player

  19. Absolix Loyal Player

  20. SeeMeFight Well-Known Player

    C-C-Combo Breaker
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