The Official "I'm looking for a league" thread.

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by PerfectLegend, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. Funkiphologist New Player

    *In-game name. Deja Vu
    *Faction (Hero/Villain) Hero
    *PSN-ID. Maledor
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. Somewhere in between 60 and 70 CR, over 100 SP
    *Power. Quantum
    *Role. DPS
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Legendary
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 30
    *About yourself: Been playing DCUO off and on since the beginning
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? I want a friendly active league that's always busy helping each other to be as strong as they can, and having fun
  2. Xmagnus Level 30

    Check out esteemed. I think you would like them
  3. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    *In-game name. Boom Jack
    *Faction (Hero/Villain) Villain
    *Server USPC
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. 49 CR 90 SP. My Heroes have 126 SP, but I am not buying all of the feats because it's fun playing to get them again. It's motivating.
    *Power. Munitions
    *Role. DPS and Controller
    *Do you have a mic? No and I don't want to get one. Too many annoying people. Never needed one.
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Legendary
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 37
    *About yourself: Not a social player. I connect to play and get the stuff done. I don't chat, I don't care about drama and gossip, I don't waste time. Occasionally I will recruit new members for your league, but I will not use my time actively looking for them. I help my team mates in raids and alerts. I enjoy to be a support character much more than being a DpS. I play in variable time frames, daily if I can.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? Villain side is deserted and it's almost impossible to progress with my character beyond T3. I need an *active* USPC villain league which is willing to run low tier content. I don't need to be dragged through the content. I only want to move on and play the higher tiers as a villain.

    Contact me in game. If you don't find Boom Jack online, contact Blastock, I am very likely playing with that character.
  4. MechaFonzie New Player

    *In-game name = Hiyakaze
    *Faction = Hero
    *Server = USPS
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points = 1 skill point. I have no clue how to figure out combat rating :)
    *Power = Ice
    *Role = DPS/Tank
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play = Legendary
    *Age = 37
    *About yourself = I played DCUO briefly on the PC years ago and have recently returned after purchasing a PS4. I'm still learning the ropes and could use some guidance. I play whenever I can, but have a busy schedule with a full t-time job and grad school.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? I'm looking for a casual league with mature members. I can only play sporadically, so I can't always commit to long play sessions, so a more laid back league would be best. I'm also looking for someone to help me figure out more advanced game mechanics an how to best select gear and mods for my Power set.
  5. KillerVenom11 New Player

    *In-game name. IRedLanternFlashI
    *Faction (Hero/Villain) hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. Cr 77/36 sp
    *Power. Rage
    *Role. Tank
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Legend
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 25
    *About yourself: I love to game. After getting the ps4 I found out about dcuo and now it's my main game I play. I get on often.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? I'm looking for a active league. I do PVE and I'm looking for help in leveling up. I would also be happy to help anybody run any PVE instances. It's getting hard to level up for me because I rarely get put in an instance with a balanced team it seems like anymore so I'm needing to join a good league so things go smoother.
  6. AsakuraBae New Player

    *In-game name Asakura Fayt
    *Faction (Hero/Villain) Hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. Cr 53/80 sp
    *Power. Light (may change)
    *Role. Dps
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Premium (willing to upgrade)
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 19
    *What are you looking for in a league and why. At the moment, I would like a league that would be willing to teach me how to play again. I want to get caught up on all this new content as well gear myself and completely understand everything about this game again. I am willing to purchases whatever to help me catch up quicker as well ;D
    *About yourself: I used to no life this game year of release, but stopped after they merged servers, I was originally on Killing Joke. I was actually pretty good at pvp/pve, but now coming back after few years I forget how to play T_T. I'll be playing casually until I get good at the game again, but once i'm caught up with all the new content and what not, would like to be more hardcore type of player ;D. I also have a villain toon, that i'm willing to play.
  7. WikidMajik New Player

    Hiyakaze, I tried to add to friends/invite, says your name does not exist, may want to double check & edit that.....
  8. deleterhero New Player

    *In-game name: Yonature
    *Faction: Villian
    *Age: 16
    *Location: Israel
    *Server: EUPC PVE
    *CR: 60
    *Power: Nature
    *Roles: DPS. can heal tho but still need to practice
    *Do you have a mic: yep
    *Legendary/Premium/F2P: Premium
    *About myself: Been playing for lots of different mmos in both hardcore and casual guilds of both raiding, pvp and just other stuff and intrested in casually playing DCUO
    *What do i look for a leauge: im looking for a casual and freindly pve eupc villian guild that i can meet new mates. run few raids here and there and form new freindships.
  9. XCbeast21 New Player

    *In-game name. XCbeast21
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). Hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. 111 89
    *Power. Ice
    *Role. Tank
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Legendary
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 20
    *About yourself. I'm on everyday and can play during most hours
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? I'm looking for a league that can help me with tanking in general but also help me with my role as an ice tank.
  10. SuperSplendido New Player

    *In-game name.
    *Faction (Hero/Villain).

    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. |
    *Power. | => I'm New Entry (lv 16)
    *Role. |

    *Do you have a mic?

    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play.


    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements).

    *About yourself.

    Play for fun ^_^ -------- and win ;D

    *What are you looking for in a league and why?
  11. Alpo New Player

    *In-game name. Alpo
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). Hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. 114/158
    *Power. ICE
    *Role. DPS/TANK
    *Do you have a mic? YES
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. LEGENDARY
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 21+
    *About yourself. Im laid back and like to have a good time
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? I am looking for a league that does PVP. I have been in other leagues before, but nobody seems to ever do any PVP. That is the main reason why I play this game. I dont ignore PVE though I still run my raids and all that good stuff. Hit me up in game or send me a message up here.
  12. DorianPriest New Player

    *In-game name - Dorian Priest
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). Hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. CR 38
    *Power. Sorc
    *Role. whatever - I'm learning how to play again, so I can learn whatever role(s) are preferred.
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Legendary (prepaid lifetime, so I assume that's Legendary)
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 42

    *About yourself. - I am recently returning to active play after a fairly long break (I would log in and putz around on alts, but that's it). I live in Seattle area, work as a project manager, and love gaming. I'm gay in case that is a problem for some people, they know up front.

    *What are you looking for in a league and why? - I am looking for a skilled, competent, and focused league.. but one that still recognizes people have busy lives offline and can't always spend all free time online. People who are willing to help me learn all that has changed since I last played, and can advise me how to get my gear up to speed for raiding.
  13. GySgt Buck New Player

    *In-game name. Conner KonEl
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). Hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. CR 97 SP 40
    *Power. Rage
    *Role. DPS
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Legendary
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 22
    *About yourself. I'm Recently returning to active play after a long break. (been playing WoW) The guild I was in wasn't active enough, and it was hard to find anyone to do PvE or PvP with. So after a month break from that game I have decided to come back to DCUO.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? I'm looking for an active, fun, and laid back group of people to game with. I would also like to learn how to Rage tank so any advice would be great. Send me a tell in game or message me on here. Chances are if it is a random invite I will turn it down. I would prefer info on the League prior to an invitation. :)
  14. Alpha Cell Well-Known Player

    Character Name: Alpha Cell
    Faction: Hero
    Server: EUPS
    PVE Combat Rating: 114
    PVP Combat Rating: 100
    Skill Points: 170
    Power: Electricity
    Role: Healer & DPS
    Mic: Yes
    Age: 20
    Bio: I've been getting on well without a league for quite a while now, but I've been trying to rack up my skill points lately, and I have a LOT to do in terms of Tier 6 raid feats. I'm finding it really hard to get co-ordinated groups to get raid feats done, so I'm looking for a league to work through them in a more organised fashion. I'm more than happy to help leaguemates with anything they may need a hand with.
    I'm looking for: A league of easygoing, reasonably highly skilled, English speaking heroes that I can join, so that I can help and get help from my league-mates.
  15. Pickles The Drummer New Player

    *In-game name. Nathen Explosion
    *Faction (Hero/Villain) Hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. 94/85
    *Power. Nature
    *Role. DPS/Heals
    *Do you have a mic? Yup
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Legendary
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). Old
    *About yourself. I played from beta to tier 4 (on a retired villain character), took a few years off and now I'm back and looking to get caught up. I like to joke around and have a good time.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? I just want a league that runs events at set times. When a league tells me that they run raids "whenever", that usually ends up meaning never. I'm also looking for a league that runs Tier 5 raids. I know that now that higher than 99 CR characters don't get any marks for doing them now, so that might be tough.

    You can send me mail on my character if you are interested in me.
  16. Southbeatz Well-Known Player

    *IGN: Quantheus / Yoressian
    *Faction (Hero/Villain): Villain but would consider going back to Hero side although I prefer Villain side.
    *Server: USPC
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points: Varies, I have some old characters and some new ones.
    *Power: Quantum and Electricity currently but have several characters.
    *Role: Healer, Controller, Tank. I don't run as dps that often.
    *Do you have a mic?: No
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play: Legendary
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements).

    *About yourself: I quit for 2 years and recently returned. I have been leveling new characters on the Villain side but I have some already well established characters on the Hero side. I prefer the Villain side but used to run the Hero side because people I knew outside of the game were on Hero side but now days I prefer Villain side so my characters are still in the process of gearing up there. When I left, Prime was the top raid and I was able to easily solo heal and tank that raid back when it was common for there to be 2 healers so if stats have skyrocketed from what I've read then I shouldn't have any problem with new content.

    *What are you looking for in a league and why?: I don't like to pug that often because pugs too often are not very social and more importantly too often people in pugs don't care to play the content correctly or to learn how to which can cause wipes and those dreadful multiple hour runs where people quit and cause it to be a big waste of time sometimes. I prefer to group with people I know so I prefer being in a good league with people that enjoys running all content and enjoys talking and not simply just playing the game mindlessly.
  17. Alpharougewarx New Player

    Faction: hero
    combat raiting/skill points: 26
    role: healer,control
    do you have a mic?: yes i do but rarly use it
    legendary/premium/free to play: premium
    about myself:im just your daily healer. i do hlthat more tuan i control because i find healing fun to do. its an important role that i will put myall into. other than that im your average gamer,artist thats chill :)
    what are you looking for in a league and why?: simple really. i want to join a league thatsactive and actually does stuff. the league that would protect the healer from dying(optional lol).

    the best way to get at meby looking up my psn profile which is alpharougewarx. send me a msg and ill reply asap or send a ingame msg ^_^
    • Like x 1
  18. Direwolf74 New Player

    *Faction (Hero/Villain). Hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. 65 CR
    *Power. Light
    *Role. DPS
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Legendary
    *About yourself. I'm 32 years old and have been playing DCUO for 3 years now, on and off. I usually come back to the game, but then stop when I get in Alerts or Raids where the Random players I'm forced to work with do not understand the mechanics of the game. I love collecting FEATS and doing Alerts and Raids. I'm very familiar with MMO games and Role Specific Mechanics. I'm always willing to lend a hand from low level missions, to teaching someone how to clip their powers and the mechanics of the game, to Alerts, DUOs and Raids.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? I'm looking for an active league, no mater the level of the players. I enjoy the game, and would love to be around like minded individuals who understand the mechanics of the game. A Gay league would be a plus, but not a requirement.
  19. The 5th Horseman New Player

    *In-game name - Off Duty
    *Faction (Hero/Villain) - Hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points - 104CR 54SP
    *Power - Quantum (Time only due to concept)
    *Role - Damage, though I have been building a controller set
    *Do you have a mic - Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play - Legen...............(wait for it).........dary
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements) - 38. Husband and father. As such, I have time constraints and prefer a more casual schedule.
    *About yourself - As mentioned above, I am a husband and father. I recently moved to Florida from Utah. I'm a network engineer. I have played many, many MMOs over the years and got burnt out on them. I played DCUO in beta and quit right after Hard Light release. I honestly hated it. I didn't like the combat at the time. I was nature for the shape-shifting and found the animal forms(dog and pterodactyl) to be lackluster. On a whim, I decided to try it again about a month and a half ago. I find the game a lot more enjoyable now. I started a new character and got him up to 104 already. I've enjoyed exploring the new content.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? - I'm looking for an active league. I enjoy running alerts and raids. I fine raids to be way less of time sink on here, compared to other MMOs. As such, that makes them more appealing. The problem with PUGs is that I find many that don't know fights or don't explain them. Or they rush through an instance skipping over fights and content. When it is my first time in that instance, I want to experience it all and have a chance at more loot. Also, clearing the mobs makes it easier to find investigations/briefs when the instance is over. I'd like a league as well that is into their concepts. Not necessarily RP, I don't play and act as my character in-game, but I still give thought to his concept, backstory, and design. I appreciate others that do as well. I also keep my base up-to-date when I get new items for it.
    • Like x 1
  20. XCbeast21 New Player

    *In-game name. IamRage21
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). Hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. CR 68 SP 35
    *Power. Rage
    *Role. Tank
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Legendary
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 20
    *About yourself. Im just looking for someone to help me build up my rage tank
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? I'm looking for a league who plays for fun not for sport and who is friendly plus kind to newbies