Quantum being nerfed?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by RevengePro, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. Chocolate Enforcer Committed Player

    Yep this will be the next FoTM power and people will want it needed too.
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  2. Drfencerman Well-Known Player

    perhaps these people aren't as good as you think they are. The burden is not on me to prove anything. You are claiming something is unbalanced after it has been tested.

    Compared to the absolute best players for each of those powers, I have noted that the powers seem to be comparable (except sorcery has far more damage potential). Under most circumstances, quantum has an obvious advantage due to its ease of use, but not its damage potential. You need to stop claiming that people need to back up their defense of quantum as there is already data based on its thorough testing. If you want to bring proof, show the difference under controlled conditions with minimal confounding.
  3. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Im curious after we have been on live for a few weeks are you still advocating a quantum buff as you were on test right before it dropped?
  4. comrade sonya Committed Player

    As a 108 quantum dps I was outdpsing 112-114 cr dps by about 100k in a raid, for example it would look like 740k > 647 > 635 > >628. It's obviously a little stronger than the other powers, but a massive nerf is not necessary. Good players will be able to keep up if it's slightly adjusted, unfortunately most of the dps in the game are really bad so they'll need it to lowered to the bottom tier.
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  5. Master Play Committed Player

    So according to your logic, things that have been tested and released on live can't possibly be unbalanced? Lol, that is hilarious, considering this is DCUO and all, where nothing is really balanced. Either you're new here or you just don't have very much experience in the game. Do you play on US PC by any chance? Any good DPS, no matter your powerset, will admit that quantum is unbalanced. I'm not calling for a nerf or complaining, because I love the damage it's doing, but I'm not blind to the fact that it is far stronger than every other DPS power. Who are the absolute best DPS's on US PC currently? I guarantee you I've out dps'd at least one person on your list, if you even have a list.

    This isn't about ego or DPS races, it's about backing up a statement, if you're using quantum to it's fullest potential, it is unbeatable in DPS. No one here can prove to me that it isn't, if so, I will be waiting.
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  6. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    the power are all messed up to begin with because of threads like this
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  7. Drfencerman Well-Known Player

    I am no longer advocating a buff. It's simply not necessary for one major reason: the mechanic which reapplies time bombs damage when the other adds are defeated compensates for the previous weakness I was advocating a buff for.
  8. ssvillae New Player

    Since you guys are such awesome dps players why don't you guys invite me to elite and normal raid? I'd like to finish but never could
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  9. Drfencerman Well-Known Player

    The way you are writing and attempting to talk down to me indicates strongly that there is a very significant component of ego in this debate. The fact that you are saying its FAR stronger is not true. I do believe it is, in most situations, stronger.

    I also never claimed that re-balancing should not happen after release to live. I am stating that you are making claims after there has ben documented evidence to the contrary. I was merely saying the responsibility falls on you to prove a lack of balance compared to the people who are defending balance.

    Quantum will most often do more damage, but I am only responding because it should be balanced to the absolute best potential of the other powers. There is very little more to do with quantum's potential. You are limited in how much damage you can do. If there is any significant nerf, quantum will not be able to compete even in the hands of the best quantum players.

    From my experience and the data that has been collected to this point, quantum is balanced (although balanced in quantum's favor) to those best players ceteris paribus.
  10. The God New Player

    And where is that evidence? Haven't seen any, ever.
  11. Drfencerman Well-Known Player

    All the video comparisons and damage logs that were done during testing.
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  12. The God New Player

    Is it this one?
  13. Drfencerman Well-Known Player

    No, that was before the first round of adjustments to quantum on test.
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  14. Master Play Committed Player

    Who are these best players you keep referring to?
    Quantum IS far stronger than other powersets. Put your "best" dps against me using quantum, he/she wouldn't be able to stay within 500k range. This isn't because the person you claim is a good DPS is bad, it's because quantum IS superior to all other powersets as of now. Even the best gadgets, hardlight, sorcery, nature whatever power - will lose to a skilled quantum because of the fact that quantum is simply stronger than the rest of them.

    If the two DPS competing were equally skilled, the quantum would come out on top by far on fair circumstances. (no deaths, both attacking the same groups of adds, equal supply drops, etc.).
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  15. The God New Player

    You're right tbh, I was kinda joking. Quantum is definitely strongest atm, but the diference isn't as huge as people think. Devs should just fix powers like mental,fire,light so they'd be as good, and it'd be cool.
  16. Grid Ion Committed Player

    People who claim they can keep up with Quantum are running with nab quantum dpses.
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  17. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    Quantum works very well, till your character doesn't get attacked. Try Quantum on a T6 solo and let me know how easy it to faceroll on the keyboard with your rotation. With Ice I get much better results on solo.

    Another consideration: I run duos with other CR 112 quantum while using my CR 110 ice character. Since Quantum has to reach the end of its rotation to deliver the big damage, while Ice deals a continuous damage, I tend to kill the foes before the Quantum player does. At the end of the duo, my damage is considerably higher.

    I still have to find a Quantum user that can surpass my damage with my Quantum by more than 5%, hence I consider myself quite expert with this power (I played it since it came out, I am not one of the FOTM crowd). Said that, I easily pass by at least 10% the damage done by good HL users.

    Considering all of that, we can say that Quantum is at the moment the best DpS power within a PvE team. Quantum works greatly in a team, where between the Quantum user and the foes there is a tank. The necessity to reach the end of the rotation balances perfectly this power with the others on the top DpS tier.

    As many other wrote already, rather than nerfing Quantum, I'd love to see all of the powers buffed at the same level.

    One personal consideration: since AM was introduced, I hardly find a role character that wastes energies and SP on delivering damage. The roles are now more focused on their real purpose. THAT'S what makes possible to run most of the raids with one character per role and 5 DpS. The problem now is that too many people just want to play DpS. It's hard to find a tank or a healer on LFG nowadays.
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  18. Chocolate Enforcer Committed Player

    If its so OP then those noob dps's should still be blowing them out
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  19. Reaper501 Well-Known Player

    True, but there's no such thing as Quantum skilled player. Everyone is 1-2-3-4 big boom, I'm on top wohoooo. All that matters is aggressiveness of the player, lag and staying alive. As I say on the testing feedback, a 7% decreased in overall AM damage is necessary or buff other powers at least 7% will be nice.
  20. Mad9 New Player

    If you have to nerf Quantum, then I would suggest nerfing Gadgets and Sorcery with it. If you think Quantum is OP then people have not experienced good gadgets or sorcery players.
    The reason people seem to be crying is not because Quantum is OP but because it's has the easiest rotation and deals big damage while it takes a bit of skill to pull the same numbers with gadgets and sorcery.

    Nerf Sorcery and Gadgets as well if they want to fix quantum.