The Go Go Gadget Guide to Everything Gadgets

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by TheDark, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    Correct. But I use Turret to clip Foam. They have the same cool down so every time you go from;

    Rotation 1: WM>Foam>Intim>Turret>Stasis
    Rotation 2: WM>GG>FG

    Basically, when you rinse and repeat this, Foam would always be clip with Turret then into Stasis.

    I'll do a test comparison with NG with this rotation later. I said before, it's basically preference for me.
    I have GG because I save 2 power point. I have stealth for the fun factor. I can switch it on the fly when there are bosses with 1shot mechanics that needs to be avoid. I also have Bunker or Asphyxiation Gas for fun. It's all preference to me.

    After the throw updates, NG became slightly slower for some reason. Again, if you guys want, I'll do a damage comparison.
  2. DarthSizzle Dedicated Player

    Ty again awesome vid, I noticed u used hb into explosive shot combo I was using DW combo could be why im going through my rotation quicker.
    Definitely going to try that Turret clip, ty again
  3. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    DW>Explosive shot is good. So definitely keep it. I use HB's explosive shot is because it's my actual timer. It's my way of remembering when Foam>Stasis dots are up. So when I go WM>GG, I know for sure that the Stasis and Foam will crit. And I know if I have to reapply those two without wiping.
  4. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    I did test this rotation with NG and GG.

    Both NG and GG net the same amount with a slight higher damage. It's very minimal.
  5. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    Oh yeah,

    Please don't take my word for it or anyone in here. It's tradition on the Gadget's guide that you choose how to play how you want it. This thread is here to promote detailed information for anyone who wants to read. We will never tell you, this is the best loadout or do it our way or its the high way. So I hope no one misunderstands.

    We aren't stating that GG is better over NG or vice versa. My rotation basically wants to place all dots up, so when doing the second part, everything crits. While we burst we evenly burst everything in an AOE circle, stasis will act as a focus damage that burst the main target. That's what I'm actually doing in my rotation.

    Again, I choose GG because there's not much difference while I get to go back to stealth at any given time to be more utility as a dps. Generally I have a loadout without respeccing or doing so much armories. I can go back and forth for alerts or duos or even solos with just minor adjustments. :)
  6. DarthSizzle Dedicated Player

    True, hopefully that's the purpose of all the guides. Using NG still allows me to be flexible with my loadout , like still being able to pick up stealth.
    Definitely up to the player but some great info here. So far I'm enjoying the gadget powerset on my alt definitely different pace from nature.
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  7. Dr Obnoxious New Player

    Nah i was not offended by anything since i know what good tank means, but in that t6a we both were at same place at the same time doing our rotations (i fked up mine several times tho), thats why i stated why i was so surprised that i did higher dmg than full t6 dude had done. Alsi ive read on dcuo wiki that GG has 0.5sec faster cast time than NG, but i also feel like NG is doing higher dmg output than GG in t6a where is alot of aoe dmg present rather than single target dps. I would also like to do more tests regarding my loadout that im using atm: ng,cf,intim,suppressor,statis,sidekick, but unfortunately i cant since im on vacation, but if someone would like to team up and run some tests with me when i get back, thatd be great. Like if sidekick is worth of taking instead of bunker buster etc...there are many variables that needs to be taken in consideration before we can make any kind of conclusion.
  8. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    Anytime you perform gg with wm, its aoem. Not just single.

    Are you on uspc?
  9. AtrocitusOmega Committed Player

    I just wanna know what our AM is gonna be the suspense is killing me. I wonder if they're are waiting until the raids drop? :cool:
  10. Dr Obnoxious New Player

    Yeah i know its not single, but those ticks from NG rly shines up with group of 8 mobs or such. Unfortunately im on eupc.
  11. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    I like to dps using gg into foam with wm. Am I hurting my dps numbers? I like the aoe...
  12. AtrocitusOmega Committed Player

    You could just use both Gauss and napalm.
  13. TheDark Devoted Player

  14. TheDark Devoted Player

    It probably isn't updated. Game Update 36 had timing balance. Most fall in a 1.0 to 1.2 second animation window.
  15. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Ok. Thanks
    • Like x 1
  16. TheDark Devoted Player

    I still have to add the Kandaq and Inner NPCs pics. But before I even bother with the FOS raids, have any of you new controllers used the info from NPC list for Raids?
  17. AtrocitusOmega Committed Player

    I meant to ask if did they did something with stasis field on the trolling side when I was in the t6 duo i noticed it was much harder to break the encasement, and it also seemed like it was harder for the adds to break out of it as well. It just might be a coincidence but i just wanted to run by you guys.
  18. TheDark Devoted Player

    I haven't noticed anything. Especially when I ran it with a mental guy who was encasing. They didnt last 15 or more seconds but they did last a while.
    The devs are lazy and careless addressing anything related to the controller role so I highly doubt any change occurred.
  19. AtrocitusOmega Committed Player

    I don't get it either, it will only get worse as new content drops sadly.
  20. Gotcha Girl Well-Known Player

    It's nice to see this guide is still very active. I frequent it every now and then but I haven't been playing in a while. I have since returned and there are a few changes but the one that bothers me a bit is weapon mastery. I've always used dual pistols to build up my combo meter in a timely manner but it would seem that it would be more beneficial to spec into weapon mastery to save my power cost. I was going to ask this on Batterys guide to controlling but it doesn't touch on this.

    Should I concern myself with weapon mastery to be an efficient controller? Also, now that each weapon can combo into a ranged attack, does it matter what weapon I use as my main? For example, I've always wanted to use the staff (I'm a bit of a Robin fan) but never did due to the fact that it takes a lot longer to build up my combo. The staff can combo into the rifle with weapon mastery but are weapons like dual pistols and the bow still the ideal weapons to use to build up my combo even with weapon mastery? I haven't tested it out for myself, but it's been said that weapon mastery also does more damage even in support roles. Is this true? Thank you.
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