Additional Server Downtime - July 23, 2014

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 23, 2014.

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  1. Event X New Player

    No, you can't read. LOL because you are mistaking me for the idiot who is whining about how bad it is for him being disabled. I'm telling him he needs to get off his *** as a disabled person myself.
  2. Silent_but_Deadly New Player

    i dont even get to see catwomans face before my game crashes from the Connecting... screen edit: it does now
  3. SgtWft New Player

    I don't know if this means anything but my ps loaded to character screen and music, still says world down tho.
  4. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    There is a link in your quotes to see which quote it refers to. I'm sure you are capable of figuring it out.
  5. Lantern Jild New Player

    Booooo... dun leave guys, stay with us
  6. SpecOps New Player

  7. Nequs New Player

    I wish I got some of those MoTs XD I'd use 'em all in one go
  8. UndeadJ3T New Player

    I'm glad I'm not the only one having that problem.
  9. Mummum New Player

    Because then we will all be sleeping,. ( When the Servers are back uip)
  10. LordJames69 New Player

    These people making us wait cuz their new update wasnt perfect on launch, cant believe it was actually like every other update ever released and had some issues. . . . .we should demand whole bunch of free stuff right!!!!!
  11. Truthgasm New Player

    Doubt all you want I don't really care. I have nothing to prove. Being a vet doesn't mean squat. I'm not the one here for a pity party.
  12. x3cloud New Player

    Thanks for the update, but seriously, you guys never get updates right the first time, i mean almost a full day with mistakes from you guys. Im glad for the update but that doesnt excuse u guys. This isnt your first rodeo. Ill patiently wait because u did say your working as fast is humanly possible. Cheers.

    On a side note, thanks for the red lantern ring visual upgrade. Looked tight. Suggestion; upgrade the power skills visual effects. We need it bad
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  13. Deeks420 New Player

    lol so true! like the time they make us wait for the servers to come back up is our hard earned money going to waste! I work for my money dammit!! I should get my moneys worth :)
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  14. GreenLanternForever Well-Known Player

    ive been up since 4 AM and ive watched 4 Harry Potter movies am i really gonna finish the series before the server is up?
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  15. Soultwista77 New Player

    Lol i know right.When you lose something they know what you lost and dont have a down time in charging us i was told that for the down time before this everyone will get 200 free loyalty pts lmao thats nice and all but what can you get that you really need with 200 loyalty pts? Nothing worth your loyalty i can tell you
  16. Scarecrow4479 Well-Known Player

    Well, they've been through a lot. I understand where some can be really great people, just as pissed off about a guy with disability taking advantage and why others just are pissed off in general.
  17. Doc Vinci New Player

    Can someone explain to me why the USPS is up while us on EUPS is still down and been down since 13:30 and its now 23:25 and still down not fair on us EU players...
    Moan over lol
    • Like x 1
  18. ShadyShady New Player

    Awesome, just reset the t6 alert with 29 replay tokens and was thrown out of the game without any clear warning. I hope this gets fixed in an hour or else i just lost 29 tokens for nothing. Thanks...
  19. The Ski Active Player

    No comment but hey everyone needs a life
  20. Event X New Player

    Exactly what I was saying
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