What will "League Halls" mean for players who don't want a 'Real' League?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TKMcClone, Jun 30, 2014.

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  1. RapidRay Committed Player


    Apparently there are a few of you out there who are gonna choose to be all against these changes before they even get into the game.
    May I make a suggestion? Quit being narrow minded and DEAL WITH IT!

    You don't play well with others. Fine. That's for you to determine.
    You're so good at this game no league is worthy of your being a part of it. More power to you.
    You hate the drama? Read all the negative posts in this thread and tell me that again.

    These are the same people who look for buffs and nerf on day one of ANYTHING added to this game. They don't really care about stats, just overgearing (WHAAAAA....I miss walkins), spending replays to have every shiny new thing on launch day (WHAAAAA...there's a cap on the marks) and think this forum is the best place to change things to fit their INDIVIDUAL NEEDS!

    To date there is absolutely not ONE WORD from the devs as to what the prestige caps are going to be, yet so many of you are determined that a solo player can't reach it. In effect, the argument has no basis...yet here it is in a thread already ten pages long.
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  2. not_again Dedicated Player

    I did not say you were new I said if you were not new having friends and finding a league should not be a problem. If that is a problem then you need to quit blaming leagues and look at yourself.

    He answered #2 for me. Thank you Spytle
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  3. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    There's a little flaw in your logic. You say "I can already see a bunch of 'fake' leagues that were made just for the sake of the bonuses popping up left & right, which would defeat the purpose of this update" Isn't the purpose of this update to reward players who band together to "save the world" as a team? If these "fake" leagues amass a large number of players in order to benefit from these bonuses, they're already working together in concert for a purpose. Even if they play solo/PUG, the whole benefits together...so no one loses. And they're working together to achieve that one goal then that makes them not too different from any other groups that get together occasionally for a singular purpose....so what makes them "fake" in this case?

    The way i'm looking at this right now: If you're in a good league with a decent number of players working together, you can continue to progress with benefits for working as a team (a LONG overdue perk for people who have made a strong effort to form and grow their league). If you're of the anti-social/tired-of-drama/highly competitive/just don't care about others mindset, you can form or join leagues with the express purpose of "not being left behind" in regard to stat bonuses, lock up the bank, and go about your business as you do now. Nothing is lost going in this direction as long as you're all on the same lone wolf page.

    On the other hand if you're one of those "I will NOT join a league no matter what and I deserve...no DEMAND the same benefits without doing the same thing those damn dirty leaguers do to get it" types...best of luck trying to get your way in an MMO. There are options for everyone if you actually bother to do a little work to take advantage of them. If you make the conscious choice not to avail yourself of these options, you've only yourself to blame. You'll be ok though....because if you made it this far without being a joiner, you'll continue to be ok after. Now if the benefits were to have a LARGER immediately noticeable impact, then you can justifiably lodge a legitimate complaint.
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  4. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    You should...after your Phoenix Wings campaign has reached its conclusion.
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  5. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I have to say that on one hand this is much needed and will be a fun aspect for leagues... I'll feel more involved in the universe...

    However I know people who league hop a lot they use up the resources from that league... Get what they can and then move on ... It's always some one else's fault why they left... Or got kicked and never do they stop and think it's actually their fault they can't join and stay in a league ....they are unwilling to change their behavior.... Rather then expecting others to play and think like them and leagues to change rules for them...

    With that said.... I know women have a harder time staying I. Leagues cause thus game is loaded with a certain type of guys... Trust me I'm not saying this is always an issue and every league has it... I'm just sayin that it seems to be a common issue.. I've heard many women tell me in the game that they gad to leave a league cause one of the members was getting too familiar and it was best they left so drama wouldn't ensue and so there wasn't any uncomfortableness... I notice a lot of women in the game stay clear of leagues... I can only imagine why that is....

    However i do know of a few leagues who are large leagues and they even post on these forums... Who although they are a light hearted bunch... They don't out up with personal attacks and creepiness.. And they will cut those who are bent disrespectful out of their league....
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  6. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    90 vit isn't small. That's a lot of skill points I accrued.
  7. Starbrand Dedicated Player

    Nobody took my hand within my league :(
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  8. XxRudgerxX Well-Known Player

    If all people are mad about is the proficiency's being harder to obtain on your own, look at it this way: You won't need them all. A lot of them are specific to certain roles, and leagues have every role in there, and so will need all the proficiency's to perform to their optimum. This requires more prestige. On your own you'll require only a quarter of the prestige to perform at your optimum. Leagues will also be going for the statuaries, improved banks and other bonuses. This will again require more prestige than just a quarter of the prestige.

    My "league" (Term used very loosely) only has two people in it. It's not far off one person. But we're going to see how much we can get done with just us two. We won't require all the proficiency's, and won't require as much bank space, but we'll still be using it and have a better place to stick all of our amenities than one base.

    Basically just form a league with just you and only get what you need. You won't require as much prestige as larger leagues, and what's the problem?
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  9. bijieboog New Player

    I would use the term facetious to describe my post. It was designed to be somewhat humorously hurtful to get a rise and thus draw attention. I don't necessarily hate or hold ill-will towards leagues. I also don't think I should be forced to join one just for a stat boost. I am aware it's an MMO but I prefer playing alone amongst people. I enjoy the living breathing aspect that many individuals add to the game. I also enjoy the chaos of randomly queuing and having a unique experience each time I play. Just because I play on my own doesn't mean I'm not playing with others. I think that's a huge point that people seem to be missing when they call us out for being anti-social lone wolves.
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  10. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Soooo....you're displeased because you've been given a new temporary goal (in regards to getting the League Base in the first place) to go for as a team??? People on the forums have complained that they're tired of the constant gear grind as well as everything being handed to people who got carried or didn't bother to get skilled...and wished there was some alternative to gain progression. The Devs are giving us league halls...which comes with more reasons to run current and future content and gives us some moderate progression benefits...so now the complaint is we have to work for the benefits???:confused:
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  11. Notangie New Player

    I don't like leagues because l'm the person who shares and gives until l realize that there was never any reciprocity. I sent a league mate a rare drop he was wanting. I sent it via mail (mail was iffy at the time). I asked in voice chat a few days later if he got it, no response. Not only was there no thank you, he wouldn't even let me know if it sent. I know he wasn't afk, cuz l heard exos coming and going, l wasn't worth responding to apparently. And l heard them scamming each other (offering broke players less than ten percent the value of a trade) and bad mouthing me for duoing with my spouse. Why would anyone submit to that type of environment?
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  12. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    And you can still do that ... You aren't forced to only run with your league only when these galls cone out... Any league expecting you to only run with them and no one else is not much of a league... I wouldn't be able to part of a league like that ... I too enjoy running with randoms... And friends from other leagues... Luckily that's still possible ...
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  13. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    well the past few pages have been a buzzkill.

    i don't see myself at all as anti social. i pretty much help out anyone who needs it. i just never really liked the idea of being tied down to any one group seeing as there are a good half a dozen or so leagues out there that i like working with. always felt that asking to join one would limit the amount of time i get to hang with other people.

    would be nice to be able to earn a hall for the team of toons i created pretty much at launch and have developed into beasts. i'm going to have to re assess. i always wondered how it would turn out if i culled all the beast pugs i come across into one league.
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  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    If people are smart and have actually made some 'friends' outside of their own small league, they can join forces with other small leagues. And if people find themselves feeling boxed out by iron boot demands from their leagues, they can freely leave and either join smaller leagues (which will make them stronger) or join other leagues in general...and if it doesn't work out, keep shopping around until they find a good fit. The net result will be that the bad leagues will disappear or become several large like-minded dBag groups that won't plague the rest of the player base in PvE. The good leagues (large or small) can continue to grow. So for those who maintain good leagues you get to reap benefits.
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  15. Tikkun Loyal Player

    I'm glad you made this point. At first I was a little anxious about how larger leagues will have an advantage. However, when I thought about it more I realized that I have a league that isn't tiny, but it isn't large. We are highly skilled and coordinate well together. In that sense we don't really *need* the 3% bonuses.

    However, leagues that are large will likely have a varying line-up of players of different skill levels. They also are likely to not coordinate the same groups every time to develop synergy. In this respect a passive boost of 3% would make up for the disparity between skilled players who run with each other often and casual/undergeared/unskilled/underutilized players.
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  16. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    yeah i've been through that as well. look at it this way: the true test is if a league is going to be able to function after this all goes live. when the "he stole the league bank" and "booted because i keep getting the most dmamage statue" and "i hate how my league decorates" threads start popping up grab the popcorn and enjoy the show...
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  17. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Honestly, I'm the type of person who reads "not be able to achieve that anytime soon" and thinks; okay, so, it still do-able... I wonder how long it will take me.

    Leagues, although they are a groups, do have leaders. Is there any concern about turning control of some of the social aspects to the game over to the individuals that run leagues? It sounds like a recipe for dictators and kingdom building to me. However, I'm sure that there are great leagues out there, often build by people that work and play with each other as you say. I would think people who know each other out of game tend to make better leagues.

    Some aspects of 'League Halls' could push players in a direction they might not have freely chosen. Leagues could become critical to progress in the game. Although 'League Halls' don't make leagues mandatory - they do provide some of the social framework for the community to make leagues mandatory for progress. The good and the bad of what community will do with the tools the DCUO Crew gives players are a concern to me. 'Vote to kick' for example is abused to no end.

    Is that not a part of the social dynamics that keep a broad group of players logging in. I understand that League Halls might have the effect of unifying some of the player base and creating tighter micro communities. However, those that are handicaped by this "artificial challenge" are also players who, wish to experience all aspects of the game their way. Of course, it's your game, and build it how you choose... all I'm asking is that you don't alienate a portion of the player base. I assume that, individuals with anti-social tendencies in this social game are still considered when designing all content.... they are part of the overall-demographic, aren't they?
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  18. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Oh trust me I get that too ... Not every league is good a lot are made up of selfish players... The best leagues have a fair league leader and a "council" who help them decide on things like kicking players who do stuff like that... Leagues that listen to both sides of an argument and decide what's right ..based on t

    I've given stuff to ungrateful players before...I had one league mate ask me to buy him the collections needed for the gadgeteer jacket.... And I agreed once I gave him the pieces instead of thank you he said ok cool imma get on my other character can you do it again... I jyst said no and never did him any more favors... He's not in the league anymore.. He used up his resources....
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  19. bijieboog New Player

    Ha, a god complex, I like that. I'm just a guy playing a game who has fun whether we win or lose. I'm just a guy who enjoys the good chaos of a solo queue. I'm just a guy who has seen leagues in these queues bicker with or kick people for not running optimal loadouts. If you're in my group and you're having fun that's good enough for me. In fact the community is my league. I should get double boosts. The "scathing tone", though if you knew me it's not really, of the post was to get a reaction which seems to have worked.

    I sincerely apologize to any leagues I may have offended... Unless you deserved it.
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  20. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    Words to respond to this were failing me...but I have found the mental fortitude in the end.

    Definitely ranks as one of the top cynical and judgmental posts I have read on the forums.

    Being in or out of a league has little to do with individual player ability. There are good and bad players in and out of leagues. Some of our best payers in the game are part of leagues, they don't need their hands held. There are some great players who are not in leagues, and they don't need their hands held either. This isn't about hand holding at all.

    What it is about is motivation to achieve and rewards for doing so. There are many features that allow players to do that, in many different ways. This is a social game at its core. It is a proverbial spit in the face to say otherwise. There are many different ways for people to socialize. The most formal way is to create a league with other payers. This system is catered to that portion of the community, and there is no shame in that, as I said, this is a very social game that expects people to form social connections and interact with each other, at a base level at least.

    This system is going in, not as a thumb in the eye to lone wolves like yourself, but as a fun way to play for the most formal type of social group in the game - the league. It's something you might want to get over - as well as yourself, to be honest, based on your vitriolic response - and come to grips with the fact that this game is about a community, and leagues are a huge part of that.
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