Hypothetically: What Would Make You Quit This Game

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by TrueOlympus, Jun 18, 2014.

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  1. StarSource Well-Known Player

    I'll tell you what I have played many mmos over the years, Everquest and RO were my longest. And I got to say, DCUO is catching up. I took a break from it for like four months awhile back to dive into FFXIV, which was great and terrible all at once, but thats another story. What I'm getting at is DC is like a nice pair of socks. Its not something I would hitchhike in, but its nice, with ok people, and even though I hold legendary, its free to play, so If I take a break or moneys tight, its no stress.

    This game has what I liked best about E way back in the day. You can hit challenges and be awesome, or you can burn off the steam of the day by flying around Met or Goth and just enjoy the comic, maybe save a new player or two from undergeared new lv 30s, or PVE that's gotten out of hand. Everyone rips on this game, but I never got it. Its such an easy going game. If I want masterpieces with all the bells and whistles, there are games for that, and I play them. But some times you just wanna crash on the couch and wear those socks.
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  2. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    DCUO 2.
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  3. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    And if you're lucky, spot the giant ape on one of the building tops :D
  4. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    After three years of investing my time and money...

    - if they continue to "dumb down" the combat system with vanilla mechanics (weapon mastery). I get that this was never a truly complex combat system, but rotations, combo speed, clipping, and power interactions all used to matter.. Now to produce viable damage we can simply buff and hold triangle...

    - if they continue to put out bland tank and spank content that requires the bare minimum when it comes to team work, skill and communication. (Pretty much all content that came after DLC 7)

    I play this game for the combat system and the DC comic book setting. There are dozens of MMOs that do most things better, but I still choose to spend my time and money here because the things they do get right are a lot of fun and I still see a lot of potential.

    Right now I feel like DC is having a mid-life crisis. Too many changes to the core game mechanics in the last year just makes me feel like they cant seem to find a real direction. Only time will tell if they are on the right path for me.
  5. Avatar of Skill New Player

    So it's pretty much the same kind of "revamp" HL is getting now. Nice to know the devs haven't learned from their mistakes.
  6. Xsile New Player

    It is possible the worst port ever to PC. Also cant trade, cant sell. 85% of the gear drops you get cant be used by your character and are cant trade, cant sell so utterly useless trash.
  7. Avatar of Skill New Player

    For me to quit, even though the HL revamp made me very close to quitting but thankfully I still have alts that are still fun to play

    -any more nerfs to powers to make weapon mastery more op
    -any buffs to weapon master
    -if weapon mastery is not "adjusted" by the time every power receives it's awesome mechanic... I really miss using my powers and spec ing into might.
    - If Giggles ever becomes a dev or is on the dcuo community council :)
  8. Xsile New Player

    Also you spend hour upon hour as a all access grinding out marks to try an get to the next CR just to buy a piece in the next CR tier level to find that your CR did not change at all! What a joke!
  9. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    Lmao the last one would make me quit instantly. Worst thing that could ever happen, absolutely.
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  10. Xsile New Player

    Your reply is amazing! Glee irrelevant to this thread.
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  11. Villain Smasher New Player

    I'll probably quit if the devs release another DLC without raids that results in all this unnecessary whining and complaining. All this crying about an alert would've probably been avoided if there were some new raids with the new alert.

    I'll also quit if the devs do anything remotely resembling the deserter penalty again. Every time I freeze or dc and have to wait 10 minutes to get back into an instance, I ask myself why am I paying for such aggravation. One time after i came back a few weeks ago, I completed FOS 1, got the marks, scoreboard popped up and all that, I walk out the teleported, BOOM deserter penalty. Atrocitus has nothing on my rage when I get that stupid penalty.
  12. Phil Miller Committed Player

    Yes they have said they will support the PS3 but that does not mean at some point DLCs are no longer developed for the PS3. If a dev were to come on right now and say for a fact that PS3 will continue to receive full support, to include access to all DLCs, then I will take the well over 4k I have spent on this game and quit.
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  13. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    personally im just here waiting for DCUO to crash under the weight of its own long unfixed bugs... frankly im astonished EVERYTIME I log in...DEVs cant push back an ocean of bugs with a broom forever...what ever happened to PRIDE in your own work? ..answer = corporate greed combined with DEV arrogance

    as a day one and un broken original Legendary sub im getting pretty tired of putting up with and paying for; "oh they'll put up with that"
  14. Bysill New Player

    I'm almost there, quite frankly.

    The reason is that there is no way to really customise your character other than appearance (and even that isn't that big of a choice). Everyone is always chasing the same armor. There is 1 set of armor for your role and 1 set for your dps. No DPS gear with a tad more defense and a tad less power or might. No DPS gear with more vitalisation and less...you get the point, right?

    I don't really see the point anymore of running the same darn content over and over and over to be rewarded with the same crap everyone is getting, without a real choice about what to do with that gear. Okay, you can go hybrid if you want, but that will land you a swift kick because everyone is so hellbent on speedruns, scoreboards and thinking that you need to be "viable" to run the content, and as we all know, hybrids aren't viable.

    Because hey, you need 104 CR to do DOX youknow, and 105 CR to run a tankless or healless T6.I'm tired of stupid people voting to kick someone new after laughing with him for 5 minutes because he has 2 SP less than the top DPS (and maybe 1 piece of gear from the previous tier.) "Brah, you need at least 100 SP to do this, brah. Go grind some feats. <vote to kick>" Yes i've heard that before. In freaking assbat no less. Come on.

    And when the next DLC comes out, the same thing...all over again. Sometimes it can be fun though, if you run with a good group with mics and you get a laugh out here and there, but that's about it. And that is something you can get with every MMO.
  15. Humane Committed Player

    Despite many of my complaints, I still find it fun to play as long as I don't start thinking about everything that is wrong with this game and that with a little time and effort could have been resolved long ago.
    All these little fixes attempting to balance things out is a never ending process and only makes things worse. Do it once, take your time, because sooner or later people will get fed up.
  16. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    A fearsome beast with nasty pointy teeth and a vicious streak a mile wide!
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  17. Fruity Reaper New Player

    I virtually have.

    This game has turned me from a verbose defender of the devs into someone who has stopped the legendary (expires Oct) and have found and been playing a much better constructed game that doesn't constantly have one hand in my wallet while the other hand distracts me with something shiny.

    This game to me now has two things that keep it on my HDD, my friends that I have played with for far too long and the prospect of the League Halls, if they are a fail or cash cow then I am afraid it will mean the games files are being exorcised from my machine and heroes everywhere will be breathing a sigh of relief.

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  18. Veritasum Loyal Player

    A permanent power outage.

    or when I'm done. It will be like a soft whisper in the wind, a puff of smoke unseen in the darkness. No threats or fanfare goodbyes... it will be epic. :D
  19. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    I have almost always supported the devs 150% on their decisions, although some recent ones regarding the revamp of Electricity have me a bit vexed with them atm. However, for me to leave this game... it would take one thing, lack of solo content. As a solo player, it is these 'small content' DLCs and open-world missions that give me what I need to continue progressing- and I have the credit card receipts for replay badges to prove it. :p So yeah, lack of solo content would destroy the game for me... and I know I'm not the only soloist out there that DCUO would lose.
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  20. Ghostof91 New Player

    DCUO's main turnoff is it's simplicity in weapons, mechanics, and Powers which is never a good thing in business, you want as much variety as you can get. Like many have stated the character customization is poorly implemented and lacks their attention in real time.

    For years many have requested to remove the electricity effects from Super speed, Generic flights nothing special, acrobats ( removed Super jump) why?

    What about weapons such as claws that could have came from cheetah animation or wands that could have came from sentinels. 1 hand what is a 1 hand, ok this was just lazy, Rocket launchers should've been what Rifles are today but slower and heavier.

    I would leave if they replace the Dev's, keep the Dev's but just replace the simplicity mind frame the Dev's have.
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