Healers on Strike!!!!

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by GodofSorcery, May 14, 2014.

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  1. EP Ice Loyal Player

    Very true!! :D
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  2. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Sure, if you want to view it that way, but I woulnd't be blaming your healers if they "accidentally missed the button" when trying to heal you. You should be thanking your support roles, for if they weren't there you'd be getting punched in the face, run out of power, and die because you run out of health.

    DPS just determine how fast things die. You don't NEED them for anything outside enrage timer stuff. You will NEED a tank/healer/troll in more situations than you NEED the DPS.
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  3. jessiejames4211 New Player

    I could argue that trolls and healers determine how many colas I have to pop or supply drops :)
  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I am working on my T6 Healer gear and modding it. Screw the community. I play how I want to play, even if I have to do only the duos and solos to get my gear.
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  5. somerandombats New Player

    but then you dont get his commentary, the commentary is worth 200k.
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  6. Gunny New Player

    Jesus this is a funny-*** thread.

    The ALERT is designed to do it missing any one role! Of course people will miss a role if it will make the alert faster.

    Tanks mastered the craft. They can survive without you, healers. That's just the way it is.

    Guess what healers? Tanks been having the same problems you complain about now for years. Time you got a taste.

    The funniest part is I see just as much no-tank runs as I see no-healer. Frankly, I find no healer runs far more smooth in the right hands, but that's just me.

    Deal with it. The alert isn't a big deal. Wait till the raids.
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  7. savageprime New Player

    I LOOOVVEEE how everyone says form your own group. Every time someone sees a healer in the group they leave so form your own group no longer applies as viable.
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  8. myselfdestruct New Player

    Well my response was to you mentioning people should be starting their own groups for which I think a lot of people attempt but it's not that easy with the T6A.

    I have a league, a small one but a league. Do they run the alert often? No. Some are at my CR and some are not. LFG is where I often have to go to get a group going. If you have an amazing League that runs the T6A with you all the time, thats awesome. Not everyone has that amazing of a league.
  9. GodofSorcery New Player

    See the thing is I didn't make the thread so that the healers can come here to QQ about it but I wanted to get the devs attention really so that in future content this wont be consistent the game isn't balance if all 4 roles does not have to be ran.
  10. GodofSorcery New Player

    I can point out so many flaws in what you just posted... But I am not even going to waste my time yea I am....

    1) How much time are you actually shedding off? What 5-10 mins big whoop

    2)Years?? Really now Do not act like yall did not come to the forums and voice yall opinions when T5 Dropped because from my understanding Tanks were needed when the game had the max gear of T4....WELL THAT IS WHAT THE PPL SAY THAT BEEN PLAYING SINCE LAUNCH HAHAHA...

    3)What you mean deal with it you are a selfish being really selfish. If you know what it feels like why would you want to throw a role under a bus. And why in the heck should I have to wait 3 months to get my gear when I am paying to play the game.?

    P.S: You are a simple minded being kid. With only negative feedback on each thread I see you on you can go suck a large one.
  11. Gunny New Player

    @ GodOfSorcery

    Are you serious?

    First off, just for the LOL's, you claim you wont point out my "flaws", and then do so? Good lordy, you cant even make up your mind in the same post.

    Back on topic....

    T4 alerts were EASILY done tankless. Hell, even the raids had tanks completely outfitted in all damage gear except for enough dominance to meet the requirements to CC. I would know. I WAS ONE. So yes, its happened for YEARS to tanks.

    As for the T6 alert now? The role-less buffs are there JUST for that purpose! to be able to go without a role. Some choose to take a challenge and go without a role. A ROLE. Whether they choose no healer, no tank, or even no troll (I seen a few) is up to them. OR they could get all four roles. Seen plenty of them too.

    The only reason you see it as a big deal is because as it stands right now, the T6 alert is the most difficult content in the game that awards MoF. That's going to change.

    Oh, and I don't claim to have been here since launch. I even go so far to say that in my sig. Date I started and everything. Put it in perspective, it was a little before Hand of Fate release.

    My strict criticism in each thread isn't to poke at anyone or ruin their hopes and dreams. Many times, I even offer suggestions for improvement, and a great once in awhile, a great thought-out post will even earn a complete positive response. I simply respond to the post, not the person, unlike you with this most recent comment of yours.


    Oh, and because the alerts now allow players to go without ANY role (yes, that includes you now too, almighty healers), NOW its a problem for you? Yes. Get over it.

    You earn my feedback whenever you post - Whether you like it or not, it doesn't matter to me, because its not all for you anyways. Its for anyone who reads it.

    Good luck with your strike. Think I just ran the alert with a healer earlier today. LOL
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  12. GodofSorcery New Player

    Lol im dying here, but yea you mean made me mad a little bit all good though if you on USPS I would love to run with you Hero side at least
  13. Gunny New Player

    @ GodOfSorcery

    I am a hero on USPS.

    I'm not sure whether to take your response as a compliment, an apology, sarcasm, a challenge, or what.
  14. GodofSorcery New Player

    Idk man lol it is a apology and a compliment I like you now your IGN is RunningTheShow ima send you a tell cause I know we gone need each other in the future
  15. Dr Improbable Dedicated Player

    I just ran a 4 healer T6 alert! Best 900 minutes of my life!:D
  16. neidler New Player

    Worst part is the shouts for healers for the duo
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  17. Phantasy2013 Dedicated Player

    Sounds fair to me.
  18. winter13 New Player

    Every role is a support role. The funny part about that is, multiple dps are not needed in any content since the release of weapon mastery. There is not a single instance in the game that requires mote than 1 dps now, and the vast majority don't requite any.
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  19. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Gunny's post is good, but I'd just like to share a little info since you seem to be out of the know on it.

    During t4 we had no t4 alerts until the last few months. When BFE came out and started T4 it was JUST the raids, only Gates/PB gave you the t4 marks, that's it. All alerts were t3 or below, Courthouse which was released with BFE was even t3. Courthouse was no pushover of an alert, but if you had a group that knew what they were doing you could do it missing some roles. It was a royal pain but we were able to do runs without healers IF the controller/tank were good on CC and the whole group was on point. But tankless runs... that was the standard. In fact most alerts were done through the queue and it wasn't uncommon to have 4 DPS and still plow through, as again, they were all "old" content being t3.

    When we did get t4 alerts it was first the OP with Hand of Fate, which had some hard hitting things, tanks weren't bad, but good controller CC handled it well and allowed 2 DPS groups to be quite viable. Good controller 2 dps was better, bad controller and I would want a tank. The OP was IMO designed very well, the 8-mans were terrible, but that 4-man was pretty great.

    Then we got Inner, and that was probably the first alert that really forced that 1-1-1-1 on us, it was doable with 2 DPS but only if they were good and had full gear, otherwise it was just better to have a tank. But... most people were fully geared because this was very deep into the tier that only really had one set of gear that had been available from the start. So it wasn't uncommon to go 2 DPS, but there were a lot of people trying and failing it as well, as they lacked the skill to do so.

    Both of those were just far too demanding to even think about going without a healer/troller (why I think they felt supply drop and sidekicks were a good idea). This alert in t6 is really bringing us back to the alert design they had prior to late t4/t5. Where anything goes.

    just thought it might be nice information to know :)

    PS. as gunny said, as a tank we ran in DPS gear A LOT because the content really didn't demand much as far as taking damage from the tank. Using our skills correctly the DPS gear was defensive enough, and the main reason we were needed was to hold agro and position things. I had plenty of GOT runs even when it was current, where i topped the DPS as a tank in a PUG run, of course never with league runs, but yeah.
  20. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    What hasn't been 4manned by now? Does anything require more than 1 of anything? heck is there any alert that Deathmike/Alex can't solo outside of mechanics that can't be done solo?
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