W.I.P. Combat Balance - Jump Canceling Solutions

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Mar 3, 2014.

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  1. TrueOlympus New Player

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  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    It seems that JC actually got a buff due to changes in animation times.
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  3. iluvapples New Player

    Didn't know jump canceling was broken in the first place, but good job making your game worst devs! You guys might actually get some money from HL players changing powers.
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  4. ErnieB Loyal Player

    "Messaging - With clipping in the game, it is never possible to see every attack. We like having clipping in for advanced players, and feel the Counter Mechanic Icons go a long way in making sure the messaging is there for people to see how to combat it, but it does make the game faster - and we like that"
    and yet you made it slower to the point where clipping is now useless.
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  5. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    What jump canceling?
  6. Dirty Fred New Player

    First just an observation :

    Kind of think its amusing that Dario have been such a avid Champion for removal of Jumpcancel and no objections at all towards the weapon changes?
    Then i see he is Celestrial:rolleyes:!
    A powerset that dosent need eather any Jump Cancels or weapon attacks!!?
    (so why is he even commenting on the subject)
    Pondered a bit about it and came to the conclusion....
    Oviouslly he went up against a good HL that used his skill to beat his sorry behind instead of just clicking 2 buttoms like you need for Cele:rolleyes:
    Meen Cele is a static power wich is the easiest power in the game + most DMG!
    even a Toddler can do the same actions with Cele as a more experienced player....

    I challange you to prove me wrong:cool:?

    Okey back to the subject :

    Well honestly all you gonna do with this move to set up artaficial SPEEDBUMPS is to downgrade the very thing that makes this game good!
    There are so many things you could assimilate from other mmrpgs but there combat systems are not one of it!

    And you say this is all in the name of Balance?
    Please explane that part?
  7. Crimson Jonni New Player

    No way i'll stay HL just to spite the devs >:) and the scoreboard chasers, i'll spite em all! I'm keeping my HL character even after everything crashes and burns because i payed for the enjoyment of the lore of being able to have my own GL. Maybe now i can use my money for gas like i should have been <.<
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  8. xxxCRASH81 New Player

    I hope guys know what your doing. devs. elder scrolls coming out soon for the ps4. changing the game animations and nerfing jc. which is changing how players like to play is risky for your income. ill try the update, but if anything is slower my sub. to legendary is off. please note ur updates has caused many of my league mates and friends since beta to quit. please check other places than the forums before you make your finale decision . I noticed a lot of the comments made on here is removed. most the people that play this game work, get off work and play. they don't take time to argue on the the forums. to fight how they like to play.
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  9. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Giggles , now listen i want you to go on the test server and make yourself a nice HL character, pretty him up and such. Head down to the sparring targets and use the power. Then i'd like you to come back with the same arguement that everything will be balanced; that all powers will be viable, despite people having actual evidence that balance is the last thing being achieved. Go on bud :) take your time playing with the matrix speed combos :) tell me theyre balanced.Tell me this is what everyone wants. If anyone has an opinion different from yours please use the same argument you've been using to refute constructive posts for the past 50 pages :)
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  10. Derio 15000 Post Club

    No need for you to get angry and use broken english and not spell words correctly. But by being buffed I meant completely gone. Secondly YES I am celestial but I also have a gadget troll(hero) and HL troll villian, and a gadget dps who probably has more skill and sp than any of your characters.

    On to my constructive comment. Devs knew this would hurt HL and that is mainly why there is a HL W.I.P thread, so before you start QQ and spiting the Devs, go make constructive comments in that thread.
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  11. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    HL needs a big damage buff now and all previously jump cancelable powers need to have the "vulnerable to interrupt" removed
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  12. xxxCRASH81 New Player

    omg !! for goodness sake just buff the powers that u think are weaker . and let those of us that jc compete against it for balance. stop slowing everything for ur so called balance.
  13. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Man DC is gonna make a killing on respec tokens.
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  14. xxxCRASH81 New Player

    yea is that right after 3 years? its like telling pro basketball players they cant dunk anymore!
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  15. ComputerNET New Player

    big mistake cancel jump.
  16. Skyfall New Player


    Shame the dev's will totally and utterly disregard it.
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  17. Aeon Max New Player

    I dont see the reason why JC should be nerfed/removed..
    im a quantum troll/dps and can hold with every HL on every alert/raid...only rage is a bit OP atm.
    some guys with electro, gadget, mental who can hold with HL... its all about exp and skills

    this 10-15% more dmg on HL is okay cuz its much more difficult to play it to get high numbers on scoreboard.
    i mean i press only 2 buttons and a HL one have to do a 5-6 buttons combo to get the same dmg.

    and if WM is out i would make the same or maybe more dmg than a HL one.


    or is it cuz of PvP side? never heard that its impossible to duel a HL or smth like that.

    really guys.. take a second and think about it.. most of the HL player will just leave the game and not change their power.. not all are stupid if u keep economical way with the JCnerf
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  18. Jax Prime New Player

    After watching some videos posted on the changes, mainly on HL, I was actually almost in tears. It is not that I take this game too seriously but I have spent so much time and effort on mastering HL to where I am now, Not just myself, People in the Omaar thread have strained their brains doing maths and finding ways to make the powerset more fun to play with different combos etc that seeing what HL has become now is just sad...

    I really do not see how this thread is going to be helpful, the Devs seem to ignore the requests of a lot of people and make these threads as a distraction.

    Kudos to everyone who has tried so far to give constructive suggestions, I had written up some changes or what I would like to see after playing Celestial and Rage and seeing what could be learned from those powers and applied to make us better. It does not seem like its going to happen.
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  19. Crimson Jonni New Player

    thats the same feeling im getting. So many good ideas and not a single dev reply or input. Even in the HL balance thread, we're 27 pages in and havent gotten a single response from a green name. You know how hard it is to make a constructive post after gathering information? Not hard but definitely time consuming. And the fact that it seems like our opinions dont matter is a major slap in the face
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  20. Jax Prime New Player

    I intended to post this in the HL thread. But It is rather frustrating I must say. I am very close to giving zero effs about this game tbh, I will just play it for the sake of it, my passion for it is wearing thin.
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