W.I.P. Combat Balance - Jump Canceling Solutions

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Mar 3, 2014.

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  1. RiskVsReward New Player

    Why is this thread still open? Seems like the devs aren't going to change anything with jump canceling now
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  2. Dump Truck New Player


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  3. xRyujin New Player

    Hello Jens,

    Let me give you a brief description of myself - been playing DCUO (legendary player) extensively for about 3 years now (the past 3 months i've lost interest and quit) at a high PVE level. I've been HL originally then when celestial came (and after all the nerfs and hoops we had to jump through for HL to work) i went to celestial - after mastering that changed to rage.

    I've come around to give it another go as this is a great game and I feel a bit sad not to put my 2 cents in and give it one last effort to make myself heard in here - as this is an open community. I guess this thread is as good as any regarding issues with the gameplay - especially the overall "mechanics" that you are so keen on fixing/balancing/crippling (choose which ever description you would prefer).
    In the beginning of one of the "threads" you said you had a "request" to balance the game. At what point was the game unbalanced?
    Were you guys so oblivious to certain things that it took you 3 years to figure it out? Or was the architecture of the game so lousy that only now you can go back and "fix" them?
    I believe you should at least at one point make it more clear why these things are all happening so fast now when they have been left in the far corners of the "to do list" that they don't even make sense redoing now.
    Jump Cancelling, animation timings everything that we have been practicing and honing our skills for, is getting turned upside down on it's head. MMOs have a certain characteristic to their business model that most games don't have - the community shapes the way a game is going, because at the end of the month - we kinda pay some of your bills (if not all). Even if you agree or not, you as a creative director should understand from the get'go when the community doesn't like the direction this game is taking and factor that in your decision making.
    Tinkering now (after so long) with things that have been embedded in our skill bag is a bad decision, and one that you need to drastically rethink. It's been quite a long road, but instead of improving the game all we get is "we're balancing this, balancing that". If you do a ****** job in the first place, why do you even pay the programmers? Balancing should be about small things that are frustrating and are taking away the pleasure of the game, not about "fixing" everything that this game had going.
    I keep reading "broken mechanics", balancing/unbalancing and I know this is a daunting task for you as well (a behemoth of a task) be it to change things or not to change things but at the end of the day, I would like an answer towards - are you going to listen to us or are you dead set on doing things your way? If it is the latter at least give us something in the near future that will make this game more "enjoyable" .
    JC and all the other threads that you have opened have received a great thumbs down - stop ignoring that.

    For the community - it is sad that we as players are this low regarded by the devs and if such threads exist just to inform us of their decision and not to be an open discussion then this game community (both devs and players) is non-existent.

    If you keep redoing things over and over - just host two bloody versions of the game - "original" where things are a bit more tailored to what we always expressed and "dumbed down" the version that you want to see and every player be it casual, newbie or hardcore player can be at the same level while using just one button on a mouse.
  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    These changes are now live and no longer work in progress.
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