Server Hotfix - March 4, 2014

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. HalphLife New Player

    What's the definition of a nerf anyway? It seems more opinionated than anything. I see a nerf as a decrease in actual damage or the removal of something that causes damage (Inferno ability?). Decreasing the AOE seems more like a fix.
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  2. Irmensul Well-Known Player

    These 'fixes' are lame..(to go off on a tangent for a sec if I may,without someone telling me Im writing this in the wrong section you should be wrting it in the section you dont have enough privileges for etc) the one fix that annoyed me the most was replacing the rock on the moon 5v5 pvp map..It was good fun when the rock was there..but oh some noob might get confused we better alter it...lame
  3. Kato99 New Player

    Here is a Thought : Make a new Level you have novice,expert... add a new one called "Elitist" for All raids/alerts/duo/solo and make it insanely difficult, then those that wish to be challenged can be and those that don't can play the regular game.
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  4. Notangie New Player

    Please let the armory fix be permanent & apply to power points as well, so power revamps don't make all armories invalid.
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  5. AJPro Committed Player

    Will this hot fix solve the sound issues on ps 4 been losing sound and getting weird thumping since gu 34 have had to close applications 3 times a night as have all people I run with....
  6. Steak Sauce New Player

    Anything that makes a fight or an instance easier is a nerf in my opinion. So removing an entire attack, and reducing the AOE of others, is a nerf. I'm still amused by the fact that some people honestly believe that removing an attack entirely because the visuals were broken can be called a "fix". It's not. It's a panic reaction because they can't figure out how to fix the visuals and their mailboxes are overflowing with complaints. And until they've figured it out, they simply remove it altogether. At least that's what seems to happening right now.
    I actually believe that they know how to fix it (it's a simple visual fix, come on), but they just want to make the fight extremely easy for some time so that all the complainers are appeased and so that they can gear up and buy replays.
  7. VengeanceReturns New Player

    Why do you guys keep nerfing the most easiest raid in the game? Atleast Dox is still challenging when going for EO.
  8. Black Prime New Player

    If you read. They are not removing inferno. They are turning it off. In the feed back portion of a&b a green confirmed the visual for the inferno was broke. Sometimes it is there and sometimes it is invisible. Now this is a raid wiping move and was told they are temp turning it off to fix/add a better visual. Its almost like sub back in the day. If someone got the tornado on them you would want them to move, but you could at least see it. I agree with temp turning it off. The other nerfs i am fine with. It is easier to tone down their dmg than add a game mechanic, or tell, so this is the fix. Not sure why peole are upset. The raid was not hard to begin with. This just makes it so entire groups should not wipe on broke mechanics.
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  9. Addlan New Player

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  10. ICYHURR New Player

    What a bunch of crybabies. You really sad to see a&b get easier hahaha. Poor baby. I think the debs did it on purpose to piss these guys off. Good job devs :)
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  11. Steak Sauce New Player

    Right, so there's this line:

    "I wish people would go into AnB with full t5 85 gear on modded."

    First, considering how poorly phrased this is ("on modded"? I guess he meant "unmodded"?) it is rich to point out our "low level of reading comprehension".
    Second, this is actually so poorly phrased, that his point, whatever it may be, simply doesn't come across, apparently. So enlighten us, I'm curious.
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  12. Massah Committed Player

    LOL - not really you can activate the non-boss side and then Warp yo the other side if you really don't wanna split.
  13. PropGamer New Player

    I'm not exactly sure if it's lag or something but the bow animation doesn't catch up with the bow damaging the opponent but it only happen with long draw..

    When you hold right click with the bow it's damages them, then he actually does the bow shooting animation right after it damages the opponent.
  14. Irmensul Well-Known Player

    Ok..this thread is about the hot fix? Maybe we can address the question of will this fix fis the problem of those of us whose mains are parked in our bases being unable to log in due to 'zone unavailable'?
    Presumably the bases server is down..maybe this is just until this fix? I & many others have been unable to log all night if our toons in our base (or unable to teleport to base)..
  15. Irmensul Well-Known Player

    Sorted thnx
  16. Cycl0ps Devil New Player

    Actually i kinda of expect the nerf to A&B to happen after so many posts of nerfing powers. Everyone is always posting nerf this power, nerf this movement and these people ( usually the same people who cry for nerf ) will ask for balance to their power of their choices.

    Well the developers must have listen to you guys, nerf the raid to prepare for the incoming nerf to the powers.

    Then there are those who cry for imbalance of power in pvp and it affected pve. I can tell you pvp has nothing to do with power supremacy , learn to pvp with your weapon combo and counters. Learn the powers that defeated you and everyone knows there is a weakness to every power.

  17. Cycl0ps Devil New Player

    At the same time, whenever i play Prime Battleground. I dont seem to be able to see the screenplay of luthor and batman. is it a bug?
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  18. The Klepto New Player

    This is the main reason I'm drawn away from the game. Plus you won't put Safehouse hostages back in rotation.

    Stop the cry baby stuff. When you get knocked down you get up and try again and quit making excuses. There's more winers than extreme players that's why they win the NERF battle.

    It's a easy beatable raid. IF IT WAS UNBEATABLE I'd see the reason for a need but it's whatever I don't care anymore because this games always being nerfed because of a few winers.
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  19. light FX Steadfast Player

    I saw some1 say cr90 players want 2 have fun running a&b raid too, well I know that if u get full 85 gear and mod it u will b cr 97 or 98 and how do u get that gear? There r a few different ways which r all very easy, u can farm raven, u can run all 5 t5 alerts and do the dailys, duos, and solos and get your marks and buy the gear, so some1 going in2 a&b at cr90 is just a person that wants 2 put in no effort at all and b carried, I made a rage alt the day dlc9 came and i got him to lvl30 and the very next day i had him to 95 cr and i used no replays 2 do that, its very easy 2 do especially if u have a decent league helping u. If im not mistaken the top cr was 88 with t4 mayb 89 i cant remember and since then u have had the origin dlc, trigon dlc and now war of the light dlc and all those dlcs had gear in them, so if u r trying 2 do a&b at cr90 a lot of people would say u are trying 2 b carried and don't want 2 grind a little bit. Effort is the key :)
  20. SirMuttonChops New Player

    It seems like you're responding to the "on modded" comment, vs. the appropriate interpretation that even the original poster accepted as proper: "unmodded." If that's the case, I made a clear and honest response to the comment I originally responded to that the player himself accepted. If you're having that sort of issue with a response, I'd suggest you get specific in what you believe to be "misread," because as far as I and the original commentator are concerned, my response was accurate to his post. YOU'RE the one that doesn't seem to understand what we're talking about, so kindly stay out of the conversation.

    My issue is that the argument starts being just personal bias and opinion at this point. By your perspective, you just said "at minimum gear requirements, we are over-geared." Well, what, in your opinion, constitutes "over-geared" beyond CR? When can you say, "Okay, this gear is over-powered for this content, but this other gear is not"? Where do you draw that line?

    As far as I'm concerned, I don't think it's ridiculous to call any content easy regardless of your gear if you can scale back difficulty through understanding. I would GLADLY do t5 content in 85 gear (not un-modded, not without home turf trinkets; these are mechanics provided by us well before t5 content and is not reasonable to be expected to play without them), and pretend that I have never before finished a t5 raid. And I promise you, I would still call it easy.

    It's not the amount of health that the bosses have, and it's not the amount of damage they do, but the mechanics and how difficult they are to avoid/evade/survive/etc.

    Atrocitus' charge? Block. He gets the power emblem over his head with the skull that players SHOULD be aware of by now.
    Atrocitus' AoE? Roll away. A healer with good awareness might pop a shield for his group to make it easier to get out of the rage.
    The maze? Well, you don't even really need to communicate if the group knows what direction they need to go in.
    The turrets in the final room? Just look. They aren't invisible.

    I obviously didn't go over all of the mechanics. But I did cover just whatever came to my mind as I was typing this. And I'm just trying to point out that the mechanics themselves are NOT aggressively difficult, with plenty of reaction time. There is nothing about this that requires players to be doing too many things at once. Nothing at all.
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