Can I survive Nexus now?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Will Power, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. Will Power Loyal Player

    I should be higher but I'm using the Armories and there is a glitch using them players have been losing Damage Vit Resto Dom when using them its just an issue the Devs need to work on. Plus the higher my Defense and Health go with new gear the lower my Dom drops.
  2. Will Power Loyal Player

    If an add is in the air it can't attack anyone it is controlled. Thanks for the idea and you didn't even tell me what to do I just figured out an added way to juggle thanks.
  3. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Is op power Rage? No were talking about fire.

    Please read my other post before commenting.
  4. GreySkull New Player

    Sure they are, they bother juggle. And with backdraft in his load out enflame would be a better choice since there would be a PI. By removing flash point and adding a breakout it would give him a safe move with a heal and a group immunity. There by making both flash point and enflame together redundant. If he had a rotation he would be able to juggle adds very easily as he would with flash point.
  5. TrueOlympus New Player

    flashpoint can be used as quick way to get the buff up. its cooldown is shorter than enflame and backdraft.
  6. GreySkull New Player

    Nevermind, you don't get it.
  7. Will Power Loyal Player

    What just because I can't reduce my Damage like rage can with its reduce moves I have no right tanking like I do. Hello I heal my own damage. Burning Determination combined with Stoke Flames lets my Stoke Flames heal me up for 3 hits so during those 3 hits I'm taking no damage from a solo boss. Fire heals it self for a reason to help fire stay alive so the more resto I have the better. Remember if Rage misses its damage reducing move they take a load of damage at once. That Rage Crash move only last a short period so the need to spam more power in order to keep from taking damage that makes them a Trollers nightmare 3 or 4 DPS plus a Rage Tank popping powers to keep from taking mad damage plus healers healing they are going to be worked to the bone.
  8. Dragonfyre New Player

    Well done you...
  9. Will Power Loyal Player

    Burn out knocks adds away from me not up in the air like Enflame and FlashPoint and Backdraft do and that at least keeps them close to me and Burning Determination don't seem to break me out of moves anymore. Burnout and Burning Determination should be doing the same thing. Burning Determination is broke it says its usable while controlled but that's not the case so I can't use it anymore.
  10. Will Power Loyal Player

    My Style isn't about Power its about being Iconic and the T2 Style is the closest Superman look in the game with the S on it. The T3 gear doesn't even look like something Superman would wear.
  11. Nekron 99 Loyal Player


    Your stats are interesting and I've seen many Fire Tanks go full on Obi Dom Kenobi too with Dominance. Keep in mind that Dominance + Restoration determines how 'powerful' your self heals will be (the higher this number is the higher the heal will be). So in your quest to be the highest Dominance person in the game don't forget about boosting your Health stat too. The key for Fire Tanking is finding the balance between how high you need for Dom+Resto vs. Health. If you want to figure out the math you can use Kristyana's Fire Tank Guide to help, although I'm not sure if all the math is up to date since the guide still lists things like Consume Objects, which hasn't been in the game for some time now.

    Also you should probably meet up and talk to some Fire Tanks about your loadout. There are some more efficient loadouts you could run with that may help. I personally use Enflame (knocks enemies up-lasts 12 seconds), Flashpoint (knocks enemies down and starts burning again when Enflame is almost gone), Backdraft (360 pull and self heals), Burning Determination (Breakout, Heals you, and provides all your group with control effect immunity), Burnout (Breakout when Burning D is not available, Heals you, and provides you and 3 others control effect immunity), Stoke Flames (Heals you for 8 tics), Reignition (25% Supercharge - Heals you).
  12. Will Power Loyal Player

    Your out of date Burnout and Burning Determination cover 7 Teammates now
  13. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    Burning Determination does, but I'll have to look at Burnout when I get home. I didn't realize they updated it to make it also cover the whole raid group.
  14. Will Power Loyal Player

    When the heck did the devs make Burning Determination an Encasement Break out? I just used Burning Determination to break out of Captain Colds Ice ball. So Burnout is used when I'm knocked down and Burning Determination is for when I'm encased.