Can I survive Nexus now?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Will Power, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Wouldn't even call that tanking tbh.
  2. Will Power Loyal Player

    It's Call Damage Tanking I'm a Juggler I bounce adds
  3. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    I give up man.

    Enjoy the game.
  4. Will Power Loyal Player

    With NO DPS you can't just block you need to Damage.
  5. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    If you do this in Nexus just switch to DPS and stop trying to Tank in the game. I bet you were one of the people crying for a nerf since you can't even complete it. Reading through this thread and seeing the response you give people it ridiculous. You are asking if you could complete this raid with this cr/load out but can't take any sort of advice.

    Why even make this thread if you are not gonna listen to anyone?
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  6. Korvyne Committed Player

    After watching your video, that was going to be my point. Why are not in damage stance? It's a t5 duo, which your more than capable of surviving as a dps. Nothing against you tanking it but, seems kinda a waste. Why didn't you post a video of an instance you have to tank? That would have shown us your style.
  7. Will Power Loyal Player

    No Thanks not enough Health or Defense on DPS gear. However with the Damage on my Tank gear I can certainly DPS in my Tank Gear in Kahn Outer Inner and Sub and always be the last DPS in the room that has not died yet.

    No I was one of the people that just complained I can't complete this Raid.

    My Mods
  8. Erza Scarnet New Player

    Focusing on juggling is bad, any tank power has a form of crowd control so juggling is never the main part about tanking. Tanking is about taking in as much damage as possible. Try "juggling" a Ravenger or Sentry, you would do no damage and the majority of the powers on your loadout doesn't contribute to surviving.
  9. Will Power Loyal Player

    I Tank everything I tank Solos I Tank Duos I Tank Alerts and Raids from T2-T4. I don't DPS unless my buddy Alpha is Tanking and then I DPS. As for why because ever since level 30 DPS gear has been nothing but weak up front in the adds faces. I like close quarters fighting you can't do that with DPS gear and survive. I like Tanking I'm a Battle Tank or DPS/Tank there is only one other Tank out there that is just like Fire and that is Rage these 2 are built to Damage Tank Ice and Earth don't DoT like Rage and Fire
  10. GreySkull New Player

    I saw your rings. You would be better off putting a health and dom mod in them. You are a fire tank after all.
  11. Will Power Loyal Player

    I have played this way since T2 and It works just fine in room 1 of Nexus. Room 2 and 3 I focus more on Healing myself. Last room I haven't figured out yet. I know how to handle the Tank class of Adds power and block let the DPSs handle the burn. I'm not a noob and I wouldn't try to juggle them till like T20 or 30 by then they should be jugglable.
  12. Will Power Loyal Player

    Then I'm not an Earth Tank they need that kind of Mod Fire buffs its health having too much Health and not enough Dom would lower my Health buff from my Powers Dom is the most Important Stat a Tank needs and I like to max out my Dom get it as high as it can go.
  13. Captain Planeteer New Player

    Good for you buddy, play the game your way. Thats what its all about as long as you have fun.

    You are geared for any raid, you just have to try. Start a pick up group on LFG, (recommend 2 healers). Nexus is very very easy now after the nerf and with people over geared. As tanks are so rare, you can pick and choose your team cr and structure.

    Alternatively try getting into a league that can help you.

    Its all about practice, try try, make mistakes and learn some more. You will learn alot if you tank the T5 raids.

    You can do Nexus!

    The Power is yours!
    • Like x 1
  14. GreySkull New Player

    Plus enflame and flash point are kind of redundant. If you had a rotation you wouldn't need both of them to juggle. Breakouts help you get into block much faster and it putting immunity on the group which helps maintain order. You might want to get at least one of them if not both.
  15. GreySkull New Player

    Not true. Honestly with your gear and skill points your health should be over 20k. Both your dom and health seem low for what you have. I switched to fire to run all the t5 raids and I was getting my dom to 2k and my health was a little over 20k with the health buff.
  16. Will Power Loyal Player

    Hey I'm part of you Captain Plantet I'm fire baby. Earth Fire Wind Water and Heart.
  17. Captain Planeteer New Player

    Im using heart powers at the moment..its overpowered fotm lol

    Goodluck buddy
  18. EPICQ New Player

    Um as a Rage tank blocking is secondary when necessary and juggling is first. Being able to control the battle and minimize the threat level while keeping aggro is the ultimate way of tanking.... this is commonsenseo_O enemies have a much hard time losing my aggro.
  19. Dragonfyre New Player

    The bold is why there are so many players who are terrible at the game and tanking in general. No one should be taking as much damage as possible. Tanking is about reducing the amount of damage your team and yourself takes through the use of positioning, response and crowd control.
    • Like x 1
  20. TrueOlympus New Player

    Flashpoint and enflame are not redundant together