Omaar's HL dps guide.

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by OMAAR, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Cataclyzm New Player

    Ran with mirin just the other day, guy is a beast! Take notes ladies and gents lol.

    Yea I'm really liking using hb's mixed in with my combos. I've always loved hb's since day one so it just feels natural for me and idk using the rifle even with PT I never really liked the weapon all that much. Maybe its just me who knows lol
  2. Jax Prime New Player

    So got 88 Hand blasters today, not sure if I should use them for my Melee combos instead of my MA (87). What do you guys think? Is Handblasters any good?
  3. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    what do you guys think is better, gh or neo venom boost? gh gives you another dot, but its modifier is 5% less than snap trap. also, has anyone timed gh vs st? st seems slightly faster but im not sure. I think neo venom only ticks 4 times, the non crits I got were around 300 and the crits around 700. its really fast if you clip it with karmic hex. although, the cooldown is kinda long. so, has anyone else compared NVB and GH?
  4. BOLO Active Player

    I would change to Hand blasters. the damage from an 87 to an 88 weapon is significantly different especially for hardlight.
  5. Jax Prime New Player

    Dont know about everyone else but I seriously hate NVB. GH is really useful if you combo it with Snaptrap, know how long the GH dot is going to last and then use GH again once the dot expires.

    I always inject GH in all my ranged combos, be it the St-fan/Fan combo or the Ram-st-fan/ST-fan combo or whatever I happen to use at the time. Its also cool to watch lol.
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  6. Jax Prime New Player

    Thank you. Been practicing in PvP for a while with Handblasters and its fairly decent. Its not as good as MA to me, tbh nothing is. I will use it until I get MA 88.

    Thank you for the reply :)
  7. Clutch Committed Player

    GH is way better for me. If you're going to compare the 2 though, I think you also have to include the free fan construct and tap range attack you get from GH. Those combined would outdamage nvb easily. It's quicker and you can use it more often.
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  8. MirinDaAesthetics New Player

    gh is probably better because of it's burst damage along with 11 fast tiks of decent damage. You can use it over and over unlike nvb. Nvb may be stronger but the amount of times you can use it is very limited. And being on a single target boss, you lose out on burn doing so. You also have the ability to go into precision fan right after using grasping hand. For instance, I could use ram whip clip into grasping hand then use hard fan. Doing this gives better overall damage; on single target anyway. Using nvb opposed to grasping hands on adds would always be the better choice but single target is what matters in a raid lol
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  9. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    Hardlighers be jealous....

    :p:D:p:D :p:D:p

  10. Gerbal New Player

    Pvp weapon?
  11. Jockin Jay Well-Known Player

    dat cash and belt
  12. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    did you get those hulk hands at a black friday sale at toys r us? :p


    im so jelly
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  13. AllShieldsNoSkills New Player

  14. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    so whats the best for hardlight pre ? or prec and might ?
  15. MirinDaAesthetics New Player

    I'd say the damage difference is so slight that it really doesn't matter much; to me that is. It comes down to how you play hardlight. Now from your perspective, what is hardlight to you on a ratio standpoint? To me when I dps it's 65% precision and 35% might. Modded with mostly precision aside from 2 red sockets being pre might i have 2900 might and 1520 precision. But it's not a question of what hl is on a pre might or full prec basis; it's what numbers you see when you personally dps raids. Judging from what you feel, is how you should mod. : )
  16. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    well said ! and to be honest am always on top when i do dox or nexusu but my prec is 1460 and my might is 2885 , what is ur gear ? mine is all trace in time but i missing a 88 shoulder
  17. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    what do you guys think is better for ranged single target, 88 rifle or 85 one handed?...or 88 staff?
  18. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    From personal experience, the 85 one-handed.
  19. Zhiushod New Player

    From personal experience as well, my 88 One-Handed. It's also a more troller friendly weapon when used at ranged single target unlike rifle. :D
  20. Claytoun New Player

    I still have 85 one handed and was wondering about how much difference in damage output there's between 85-1H and 88-1H