Best Mental DPS & Troller Loadouts

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by jaiden, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. Dagg212121 New Player

    As Mental you should be able to use almost anything and beat Nature/Quantum in Wave.
  2. janedoe New Player

    Wave isnt a problem, nexus is actually harder to win atleast for me idk u guys aoe damage in first encounter, hallways and drone boss is all over the place. I guess i need more practice i played a friends quantum toon lol i didnt expect it to be that powerful and easy to use.
  3. Anti Bezz New Player

    Nexus HB beat any other weapon fact.
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  4. janedoe New Player

    Dianna!!!!! I found another dot its not that hard hitting it has no cooldown and really power easy lol MESMERING LAZZO lol Only testing it tho not sure if using it yet
  5. b roc New Player

    I just figured I'd go over my loadout... I've tried a lot of different styles with mental and I've found this to be the all around best (for me anyway) no cast time and it all works together but before I get into it phantom flames will overwrite pyro k so caddy phantom flames first. This is in the general cast order. 1) Menace 2)Mass Terror 3) Phantom Flames 4)Pyrok 5)Psychic Shock 6) Terrorize (of course mainly for the last 35%) it all depends on the situation but this is the best all around I've found and if you ever have to you can switch to troll you may not have your skill points setup to troll but it will still work out fine. I'll post the troll load out in another post later. Hope this helps some out. :)
  6. KingMidNightMoon New Player

    LMFAO I was thinking the same think 2.7 k 3secs/sadds no crits lol shut up
  7. Gerbal New Player

    Lol I guess your another one who doesn't understand dps and doesn't actually test stuff. its ok being bad at this game is what this community is best at.
  8. KingMidNightMoon New Player

    Putting lol before your post doesn't make it seem like your any less seriously ;)
    And another thing the key to being good at any game is collaborating and not throwing out numbers through your ****, Im not one of those Dps who sit down and test ****. Taking geometry before 9th grade starts isnt easy ******* work so cool your jets jeez just a forum. So don't judge the whole community because were not all lowlifes with nothing to do other than sit and seriuosly argue about a video game where your a superhero/villian, Seriously? grow the **** up and enjoy the damn game
  9. Gerbal New Player

    Now you called me out saying I made numbers up and then said you didnt test so you have no reason to make statements about my comments. Thank you
  10. KingMidNightMoon New Player

    I was a gadgets dps, I know the damage I'm a mental dps now I know the damage Explain how with hand blasters you do that much damage
  11. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    Leave it to a thread about what's the "best" to bring out the ugly in people. Sheesh. :eek:
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  12. Gerbal New Player

    Damage done on a sparring target is far less then in a raid. Say I hit hold range tap range on sparring target with no dmg modifiers it hits gor 250 on the hold and 450-500 on the tap. In a raid those numbers will be higher as the enemies have less defense then the sparring targets. Plus you always have a dmg modifier up. Try them out use hold range attack tap range attack. You only want to hold until he starts animation then tap clip with power can br exucuted in roughly 1 sec.
  13. Anti Bezz New Player

    Handblaster crit 2k+ off charged and solar. Base dmg is usually 1k+ for me personally.
    HB best weap in Nexus fact. Besides certain weapons for HL alone.
    Gerbal is pretty right on all the numbers he has provided also, so calling him out, and then posting a thread saying he has no life and argues in post, but its fine for you to do it to him? Don't be a hypocrite.
  14. jaiden New Player

    Thanks everyone I will try each one that might work for me. I appreciate all the advice. Thanks
  15. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    It is not the best single target load out. Stop saying that's because its a straight up lie.
  16. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    your getting 2400 high crit when shot into a group? I call bs.
  17. Gerbal New Player

    You really should do the numbers yourself instead of calling me a lier later to find out im telling the truth. If you dont test then dont argue those who do. Those values were for the combo which is 2 attacks combined. Yes I have seen my tap range on that combo hit for 2400 in a grp of adds. I also realize this is something that doesnt happen often tgats why I left it as a combo value not a single attack.
  18. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    In prime and lower content Dianna's load out will do more damage, there's no doubt about that the difference is in nexus and wave. The longer a boss stays above 35% the more single target damage my load out does. Terrorize has less base damage than tk bolt and will always hit less the difference is tk bolt can be the entire fight to hit harder than terrorize does and <35% and way more above 35%. And that's on a single target. Tk bolt can hit four and doesn't split so its like having four terrorizes that hit harder and are used all the time and give all your dots and attacks 10% more damage.
  19. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Then say combo I thought you meant from a single attack. Attacking a sparring target I've had both crit for ~1700 with 60% mod and I think 806 precision. For a combo that's believable, only other way I would see it is if someone speced pure precision and had 1200 precision or how ever much HL players are reaching.
  20. Gerbal New Player

    I have over 1250 base prec and on a single target my crit is around 2200 avg with just the tap triangle attack of the combo. If you wouldve have followed the other post you would have known I was talking about the combo but im sorry for the confusion