The next tank power!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by razor Red, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. C Falcon Active Player

    Well as the nature of things have been dictated by theier DLC's, as some have said before such as with Celestial and Son's of Trigon... I doubt we will get another Hard Light Power. Amazonian or Darksied/New Gods DLC could possibly be God/ Demi-God like powers... Either way find out more about the DLC's and Iconic leads and that should put us in the generic area of the new tank power.
  2. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    there isnt anything really "tanky" about fire..... its a self healing tank what about fire really makes you think tank?.... ice i can see earth yes....... on top of that fire is all about self heals ....... and if i remember reading correctly arent blue lanterns protective lanterns? they help sheild their allies?... sounds like it could be "tanky"....
  3. SuperiorMouse New Player

    i believe we're getting a physical powerset finally. it is the most requested powerset to date still. and 3 years into the game, waiting for it is silly. ...if it's not... oh well.

    i doubt we'll get more lantern powers as the dedicated DLC power set. maybe they'll sell spectrum recolours on the market but not put it in the DLC. who knows.

    no, they're probably not planning on making the other lanterns play-able. if they do, yes, they're all controllers.
  4. Nightwish Well-Known Player

    Trolls get quantum powers
    Healers get celestial powers
    Tanks get... wait for it... recolored light powers.

    yay! o_O
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  5. BigAl Devoted Player

    And to tank, you make a big ol' Carebear heart to use as a shield. lofl
    Wind, water, or physical powerset for tanking please.
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  6. NexGen New Player

  7. Minnion Devoted Player

    Well we could kill two birds with one stone and have a Cybernetic/exo-suit power set that has one tree based on the usual augmentations that come with powered armor/cybernetic enhancement of the body, perhaps a might based and temperary buff to HP and precision, enhanced ability to detect stealthed enemies, perhaps even able to burn HP when your power bar is empty to keep using powers... and of course the second tree would be things like a sonic blaster, missiles, robotic pet, maybe some variant of "Orbital strike"...
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  8. BigAl Devoted Player

    So, if you ask the Titanic survivors, would they say that iceberg wasn't too harsh or imposing?
    I'm glad you're cool with Earth, as I am cool as Ice.
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  9. TheOtherWhiteMeat New Player

    I see what you did there. ;)
  10. BigAl Devoted Player

    I'm glad, I was laying it on quite thick ;)
  11. BrotherMutant New Player

    I have no idea what this statement was for.
  12. Minnion Devoted Player

    I think he took your previous statement as saying that Ice doesn't feel like a tank power...
  13. BrotherMutant New Player

    OH. Not what I was saying at all. Just that of ALL the powersets out there, the only one that feels like it is Invulnerability or Physical set is Earth (again except for the Gemstones Shield). Many of Earth's animations are pounding the ground or stomping it or throwing things or churning up sand/dirt/stones. Ice is fine but I don't remotely feel like Superman or any really tough character when I see the snow globes. Ice as a tank is great IMO. I just like the LOOK of Earth more.
  14. ElectricPhoton New Player

    I was thinking, how about making Super Strength a power tree for anyone who gets the power point for it in the iconics, then it's transferred to the skill points tree?
  15. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    so i just got done watching the keynote and seeing what they are doing with celestial man i want THAT for my tanks set...not that power specifically but how the support role does its job... this would work perfect for a super strength hulking brute like tank power set ..the "physical side"

    so my idea would be the more precision damage you do the more you ares p shielded or the more damage you can ignore/absorb... that way this doesnt go off of straight defense as we know that caps out....

    this would work more like the sense that its more of a damage absorption power but also a little like ice how you shield your self over time through precision

    best part of it as a tank wouldnt have to just sit there and block most the time ..the entire time you want to be comboing ..and hitting powers to gain aggro...

    your powers being chained together would be precision based which will boost your shielding....

    you wouldnt have to rely on your powers to get your damage absorption up.... although using your powers would be a faster way of doing it...

    youd still need basic tank powers such as a massive pull and "oh crap shield" (reflect knock off) and a break out....

    the indication that you are at full shield/absorption (however they want to do it) capacity would be an aura that surrounds you (much like the one you get from pet tanking if not the same exact one)

    it could go from a faded aura that you can barely see to a very bold bright aura around you .....

    or it can go by color... lets say the colors of the power set is red white and aura around you means youre probably gonna want to build more ...white means you are ok but not at full capacity and blue is youre at full tank capacity ....

    this would be a very bursty power set .... so for dpsing this would be an awesome melee dps however the devs would need to sprinkle in some nice ranged attacks and maybe some dot's....some kind of power that spreads a pi from a distance to a mass group of adds... ... you could even go the mass terror route.... where you can spread a pi and a dot aoe say from a large clap.....

    any way i think this would def make the tanking role a lot more fun, for this type of power set youd only really be blocking when one shots are about to happen so youd have to know when the best time to block would be

    what do you guys think?...
  16. Broken Promises New Player

    You could HOPE you don't get one-shotted? That might work. :)
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  17. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    I really want it to be shadow. Avoiding damage tanking. But I'm not holding my breath...
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  18. MsMamba New Player

    WAIT WAIT WAIT... Blue Lanterm.. blue..the ocean is blue.. ocean is water. Water.. WATER IS THE NEXT POWER!!!

    Okay okay, I'll see myself out...
  19. AV Loyal Player

    Agree. Suspect they'll keep tanks elemental based. At least I hope they do.
  20. Asura Maximum New Player

    Ive could of Sworn he Only said (A) Blue Lantern would appear And even if its Blue Lantern(s) it wont be More then a couple