Omaar's HL dps guide.

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by OMAAR, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. bedovean New Player

    His gear looks about the same as my quantum. waist should be traces, other 2 time trav. 3k might is easily achieved with enough SP
  2. xxxpervysage New Player

    I cant seem to find it all i see is ram st imp, or ram whip impact cs cs. I dont know about crappy hl messing around with impact but i get sick of running ncn and fff all day everyday. I just like seeing the train. >_<
  3. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Don't make me facepalm you when I have 155SP kiddo. I asked for what type of gear he wearing is all.

    FYI I at 3088 might and 944 precision. I only have only purple which is the Traces in Time might legs. (I do have the time traveler version too but they both the same). I don't wear the purple waist as it's precision based and I'm electric. My might would drop by 15 and precision would increase by 13 which is bad ratio
  4. SayWhat? New Player

    Hi i'm new to HL, in nexus im doing ram-st-fan/Gh-fan.
    Not having problem with my numbers just wanna know if there's something better than that.

    Out side of the T5 raids im having problem finding a good melee combo.
    Im usually doing Claw-hold.C/Ram-WT, and if theres is a bunch of add infront of me, Ram-WT/ST-Fan.

    Any anwser would be appreciated.
  5. McDonaloid Active Player

    Apply cold water to that burn.
  6. crontitan New Player

    I am now at 1460 prec! Woooooooo! Sorry I got excited.
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  7. OMAAR New Player

    My advice:

  8. SayWhat? New Player

    Our best ranged combo is WCS/RSF then?
    tried the ram-st/st-fan not sure if i like the numbers.
    And FFF sometimes when i do ram-wt/st the snap trap wil be used only after the wt ends, puting me on dangerous spots.
  9. Clip New Player

    Since GU28 paradox and nexus are laggy as hell for me... FFF is getting hard to pull off right now.
  10. OMAAR New Player

    Finally got my Internet connection back.

    Cyclone push is clippable by power.
    Since I have free time I'm going to test a few things like C-HC/Cs-Cs, integrating CP ( cyclone push, sadly it has an ICD ) and Ram-WT/CS-CS again.

    Finally for fun let,s try double finisher combos: Cs-Cs/St-Fan, or C-Hc/st-fan and let's see the results.
  11. OMAAR New Player

    Is NCN/LJF nerfed? I'm averaging 2.4 seconds.
    RSF: 2.15
    FFF: 2.2
    SSS: 2.2

    SSS is slightly better than WCS now.
  12. zickyjacks New Player

    It seems as though that people are moving away from HL now that the devs have messed with the mechanics. Some considered that they have destroyed it. Others say that the devs have made it better. But all in all most of the people I have seen HL (not all) are considering switching to either quantum or waiting for the new Healer power to come out that is rumored to be prec based.

    Myself personally I want to stay HL but these nerfs, "fixes" and tweaks really make it annoying to play. Question is will HL with the new power become a dead or un used power for the first time in this game?
  13. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    I would like to present the new combo im using in raids, the K007 combo. I dont know if someone posted it among the +250 pages of this thread, and im not going to search either. Well, it is a very powerful ranged combo, but it requires an important amount of power, but as is a variation of st-fan-double tap-jump you can switch between them easily. Basically, it adds a previous power before. The rotation is like this: (1) Power Fan (2) Tap range (3) Jump cancelling / (4) Power snap trap (5) Tap range x2 (6) Jump cancelling.

    The combo can be successfully donde either with rifle, dual wield or one handed. My advise to change weapon depending on the trollers of ur group. If the trollers are good enough then use rifle (fasfest rotation), if the power is not that good use dual wield or one handed.

    Hope you guys enjoy the vid.

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  14. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    • Like x 1
  15. Zpred Dedicated Player

    Yeah I was doing that combo a while ago but I just couldn't get along with it, might give it another go.
  16. Clip New Player

    Looks fast as hell.... Dunno if this is possible on ps3 but definately worth a try! I think it was mentioned before somewhere that fan as power is a nice addition to a rotation. But i always thought a precision based fan works better than one with yellow numbers. But honestly how fast u pull off that combo looks simply great! Thanks for sharing :)
  17. Satla Well-Known Player

    Eh, hoped you wont tell it yet.

    Anyway, that combo can dish out with 1420prec 2450might 172rifle 2350~dps. it also uses 514 p/s.
    of course thats assuming performing that combo in 1.4 seconds, which is slow, this combo can easily be done in 1.2 seconds, which will bring its dps to 2.7k dps, 600 p/s. viable or not, you can decide for yourself.
  18. Valii New Player

    Kaiser what's your might at? I'm curious if this combo will be as powerful for someone like me who is only at 106 sp so I haven't broken into the might innates yet mines only at ~2100.

    Also, with dw are you using hold click or just tap?
  19. OMAAR New Player

    Theoretically slightly higher dps. Realistically no.
  20. pnt1689 New Player

    Has anyone noticed that with the SSS combo that when you clip the snaptrap with the power snaptrap that it cancels the precision dots of the first snaptrap.