I expected as much- first off, thanks for the reply. How easy do you think it would be to catch up? Not in terms of peaking with the CR,...
The title would get lengthy and it doesn't fully describe my situtation, but anyway... I stopped playing a bit before Munnitions came out- my last...
To be honest myself... I haven´t had the chance to test pvp yet because i´d rather do it with friends who I know, respect etc. and so far I...
It´s so.... beautiful.... but since it´ll probably be released for the highest pvptier, I doubt I´ll ever get to wear it :(
About the first one: there kinda is, but it doesn´t work like DC´s since it´s not exclusively hit-based. Your special ability/ies have a...
So, Destiny hit the stores yesterday in Spain and I got myself a copy... I played for some hours last night, hitting lvl 6, to get an impression of...
Still not as many hits, speed or versatility overall than with Rifle.
Borrowed it from a friend and couldn´t give it more than 2 hours. Gameplay-wise it´s just dull, and regarding humor, yes, it´s very funny... up...
Ranged or Melee? Thing is... if you are gonna go Precision-based, then stack a coupe of those 60% modifiers (Napalm Grenade, Cryo Field, etc) and use...
Oh my gosh, you threw the image back at me like a "shield that reflects everything" from our childhood, I am so impressed...
So the Internet and the youngest generation of comic readers are in mad love with the guy. Gotta admit, I liked reading a couple of his antics... but...
Separate names with a comma.