Test Discussion Ally: John Stewart

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Cardboard, Mar 29, 2024.

  1. CGEMINI Committed Player

    20% might for 12 seconds for a combo power isn't braindead considering Poison Ivy technically lasts for 20 seconds reaching up to 40% might. Like I said this ally still is a marginal increase as it stands currently. Nobody is going to waste resources to level up a marginal increase ally unless they want it for cosplay as a combat ally which is the dumbest thing to do because it does not last permanently. If they want people to buy this ally they would buff it to have a noticeable difference not marginal increase where the ally is essentially doing nothing. That's as equivalent to a pi applier that you think is doing so much for you with grim. And like I said if you don't wanna use divine light and phase dodge together that is on you. Continue to have a decrease in damage sitting in a animation even though I gave you an option where you can completely skip the animation and not have a decrease in damage. The pi last around the time it takes phase dodge to come back up. No excuses. Literally no power needs grim when you can clip the pi with phase dodge.
  2. RTX Well-Known Player

    There is a big difference between giving 20% might for 12s like you said now to the 20% might for 12s with 50% power reduction and/or 15% might for 15s with 50% power reduction you asked for in the post before.

    If you apply PI with an ability you will have the ability power cost + phase dodge power cost, therefore the time save in skipping the animation isn´t giving you better output over time, compared to you not even having to use any power while using Grim. You could use Breakout trinket but still would have the ability power cost.

    To the Poison Ivy part, go and check what feedback i´ve been giving to her back then, when i stated that she is OP and will make the new Meta in damage output, before they added additional PI triggers to even apply more stacks. If they wouldn´t have done that, it wouldn´t have been as over the top as it is now. And still Ivy is the only Ally which is intented to boost a individual powerset, John Stewart isnt.

    And as i said before, John Stewart like it is now will be an iconic ability booster, since you only have to do 1 combo to gain the buff. And Iconics not eating as much power as combos would do, making them more viable in most situations, specificly since most people have Trans/Strat/Ebon which work best for those Iconics (Heat Vision, Sonic Shout, Freezing Breath).

    If they would have made John Stewart not trigger via combo and for a single powerset, i might would see it different.
  3. CGEMINI Committed Player

    Like I said, still doesn't change that grim isn't better than any of the 6 arts I listed. Why would anyone want a pet artifact when it's already outclassed by Quislet in damage and holds no value other than a pi applier that doesn't increase your damage by much when all you have to do is incorporate that in your build with phase dodge and not waste a artifact slot to do so. Also, skipping animations actually does give better damage output due to how quick you are performing damage that you wouldn't be able to do normally. I wouldn't be using it if that were the case.
  4. RTX Well-Known Player

    Well, it´s not true that Grim is outclassed by Quislet. It´s the opposite, since Grim pet damage is ~2k/s more on ST compared to Quislet (Everyone can simply test that, letting each attack the sparring target and looking at the parsers) The additional 1% supercharge doesn´t allow you do use Supercharge that often compared to normal Supercharge restore to outweight the ~2k/s + PI you gained with Grim.

    Also, you have to read carefully:
    "If you apply PI with an ability you will have the ability power cost + phase dodge power cost, therefore the time save in skipping the animation isn´t giving you better output over time, compared to you not even having to use any power while using Grim"

    ...compared to you not even having to use any power while using Grim. I´ve not writtin Ability.

    Which means nothing else as, if you apply PI with an Ability + Phase Dodge you empty your powerbar quicker, leaving you to not be able to spam as many combos as you could while using Grim, which results in you losing damage over time, since you would have an empty powerbar which leads you to beeing unable to use any ability to even deal damage.

    You might say "Yes but i don´t use Ebon, and therefore dont have the power issue" well, that means your average output will be around ~180k/s.
    This is meant in the scenario of Trans/Grim/Ebon with the use of Robot Sidekick, the key here is Ebon which allows us to boost our DPS to outclass any other combination of Artifacts on ST, to get average results of over 200k/s. Here you would use power lair mods and white chest mod "Reserve Tank" plus Soder/Supply in instances as usual to regain ~80% or 90% power (Artifact soder), if the troller can´t keep up at all time. This combination wouldn´t work at all without JS power cost reduction and Grim (Sidekick would reduce our power reg without)

    If we even go further and forget about Grim and using Trans/Strat/Ebon + Robot Sidekick and only use 1 Combo ability and all other abilitys beeing the iconic ones (Heat Vision, Sonic Shout, Freezing Breath) as i said multiple times we have no trouble with power and still reach average results above 200k/s with the use of JS.

    Which means that this Ally can´t or shouldn´t get buffed any higher. And in fact is an Iconic Ability Booster, since everyone would choose Iconics over combo abilitys, due to less "load" for the troller and no need of Grim. If they would have giving even higher increases, like the ones you asked for we would end up with ~210k/s average on 60s or above. Which i define as pay2win. This could work without JS power cost reduction/buff, but i haven´t tested that.
  5. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    You have to test it right. Megablast is practically active at all times and has no downtime besides its own cooldown when playing superpowered (and even meta prec with superspeed clips).
    At Cr 428 Quislet hits an average of 14k/sec
    At Cr 428 Grim hits an average of 10,2k/sec

    PI and SC regen cant be generalized and compared to each other easily as it depends on the powerset for what outwheighs what, but its definitely beneficial to have the PI from Grim when using Light. However, the total damage was pretty much equal the last time I tested both Artifacts with Light, which means Quislet should be a few percentages better due to SC regen not playing a role when testing raw dmg on a sparring target.

    I would love to retest it right now, but unfortunately the Test server is currently down.

    Reserve Tank is a horrible mod compared to Power efficiency.

    Gadgets, Nature and Mental sit at an average of 220-240k dmg/sec with current max stats. Many other powers do too if used correctly (non swap playstyles) but I can confirm these as I actively play all of them.

    Especially Troll powers are strong by default besides Quantum and Light, so it would only be logical to enhance these to be able to compete.
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  6. RTX Well-Known Player

    Same goes for you, learn to read. I wrote in combination with Robot Sidekick. Where Grim clearly outweights Quislet.

    Reserve Tank is better since its scaling with the amount of power you have, therefore if you use Power lair mods and/or gain power with other sources 5% will be higher as the reduction you get with Power efficiency, don´t worry...i tested that aswell.

    To the powers, that means you want them to increase JS even more to make combo powers on par with others, resulting in even higher pay2win and those who doesn´t buy this ally getting slapped in the face even harder, nice tought there.
  7. Odin EU Level 30

    Just to add to the PI part of discussion of Quis vs Grim. It’s applying dazed for Light which gets also applied by various other sources like stealth, gadgets troll/bop, earth dd, mental etc. So Quislet outdoes Grim in damage, the sc generation and dmg (which is noticeable, especially in longer content) while you are getting PI bonus damage anyway from other sources. Obviously solo and sparring targets are different stories though, and perhaps alerts. Duo’s are iffy as the SC dmg from Quislet > Grim PI as the bossfights are short.
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  8. RTX Well-Known Player

    "This is meant in the scenario of Trans/Grim/Ebon with the use of Robot Sidekick" I´ve writtin "in this scenario" which you need to archive higher damage. Dont make up other scenarios and calling them better while they´re not even close to this.

    Or you all keep on going with your Quislet is better, and wonder why you sit below 200k/s. It starts to become a talk with idiots.
  9. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Quislet + Rsk = 31250
    Grim + Rsk = 27020

    Not surprising, since PI has no effect on Rsk.

    Regarding the power mod you're correct if all power sources would restore power based on %, but since Trolls - the main source of power - aren't restoring power based on %, this is not true.
    You end up with a power pool that lets you perform a single 100 powercost ability more by default and not gain any benefits from Troll power restoration unless you're topped off everytime just in time. This is obviously rarely the case since you wouldnt need the mod in the first place if that were the case. Using Oracle will definitely make this mod better than it currently is, but as long as the main source of power remains the Troll, Power Efficiency will remain the better option. Either way, both mods have a very small impact on power efficiency overall and making up for the 2% dmg loss is also very hard, making it most times better to simply use a cheaper ability in your rotation than trying to force the best possible playstyle by replacing other sources of damage.

    My comment about buffing JS was meant for the case he's only affecting Light. I forgot to clarify that. I have stated in another feeback comment before this that he's currently in a good spot if his passive remains as is to not throw off the balance too much.
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  10. CGEMINI Committed Player

    Clearly, your testing must be flawed. Nobody about to go back and forth with you the testing has been done already. Quislet outperforms and even quislet isn't competing with the amount of damage Amulet, Trans, Strat, and Ebon gives. If you want to continue arguing whether grim is better than quislet choose another thread because nobody here is arguing for that matter. The argument concluded 2 years ago. Anyway... how are you still doing 200k/s? That's funny because I do more than that on live with 160 artifacts and I'm 100 stat points from maxing out might and power and doing 248k/s to be exact on st. If that isn't speaking volume to you then what will because atp you don't watch much videos do you? The testing was done by ObsidianChill and he confirmed Quislet does more damage than Grim. And many others are also telling you and you still choose to ignore. That's your own fault for being ignorant.
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  11. Odin EU Level 30

    My comment is exclusively towards Quis vs Grim which was introduced in the thread, granted I used daze pi as an explanation which I imagine caused misunderstanding considering your reply.

    Anyhow, my comment was to give representation from experience of how it is tied to actual content. Anyhow, to clear up what you misinterpreted; my comment does not mean or take a stance on which artifact is better for HL. Know your place and keep it civil.
  12. RTX Well-Known Player

    It doesn´t matter how trolls restore power, they give power based on their vita. Therefore i don´t know how that even matters for those chest mods. Also if you go back in this thread and check the amount of power i tested with (shown in screenshot) you will quickly find out that 5% isn´t just a single 100 powercost ability. Also Reserve Tank is better since Soder/Supply are % based.

    Atleast you´re not asking for an increase for this ally.

    Don´t compare test results with 10s parsers vs 60s, i also wrote "above 200k/s". That also been in the HL scenario where i haven´t seen anything comparable yet, therefore come and show us...i forgot you guys make claims without proof, not even talking about any combinations for people to reproduce whatsoever but sure you do with HL 248k/s average on 60s in ST on live server, dunno whos going to believe that nonsense.

    I tought you also wouldn´t have read what i wrote, which seem to caused this misunderstanding. When not talking about HL in the scenario i described, then you´re obviously right.
  13. RTX Well-Known Player

    If the argument with soder/supply or even Compound Omega etc. is not enough, i forgot to mention that the most important part with higher power, is that your power regeneration is % based. The higher your power, the more power you regenerate. The powercost stays the same, that´s scaled by your combat rating.
  14. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    The power restoration based on a stat means that its not % based, which is the only way Reserve Tank could be better than Power Efficiency in theory.
    For example: If each Defibrilator power push gives us 5% power back, you would get an aditional 5% power back from the 5% extra power you have from reserve tank. But because its a flat number, the amount of power restored remains the same.
    Power Efficiency also gains no benefit from the Troll using fixed values, but its active at all times opposed to Reserve Tank only having value when you exceed the max power pool without the mod.

    I added some pictures of my stats with and without Reserve Tank. Looks pretty much exactly like a 100 power-cost ability to me when using the mod. I get that you restore power over time, making it look like more than a 100 power-cost ability you can get out of it, but it will be a 200 power-cost ability using actual rotations at best - this heavily depends on how power-hungry your loadout is.

    I went ahead and tested these mods as meticulously as possible.
    The results will have no effect in normal gameplay, making both mods equally good, although in theory and even in actual testing Power Efficiency is better even without a Troll in your group.

    Setup: No ally, Ebon Strat Trans and Rsk active
    91x Taser Pull with Reserve Tank
    97x Taser Pull with Power Efficiency
    77x taser Pull with Penetrating Strikes.

    Setup: No Ally, Tetra (same base power stat as Ebon) Strat Trans and Rsk active
    81x Taser Pull+Lasso of Truth alternate with Reserve Tank
    87x Taser Pull+Lasso of Thruth alternate with Power Efficiency
    67x Taser Pull+Lasso of Truth alternate with Penetrating Strikes.

    I had to use an additional ability for the 2nd test due to too much power regen with either Power mod.

    To conclude this topic I have to admit that Supply drops and Soders are a valid source of % based power, although nothing to be able to constantly rely on due to some players using the Supply drop artifact or generally the long Cooldowns of these items.
    If we try to factor in all possible scenarios, you also have to keep in mind that and Omega soder gives us another 5% Power, making Reserve Tank have a diminishing return and further boosting Power Efficiency. This can also have a 100% uptime opposed to Soder or Supply drop effects.
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  15. Mr.W Committed Player

    We don’t always agree but I think we’re all on the same page here. That’s why I said a couple pages ago they should just make this a HL specific ally (which makes sense) as he is a GREEN lantern & just raise the stats/effects to actually fix the power
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  16. RTX Well-Known Player

    This looks pretty much like Power Efficiency is better, i have to say that i´ve never tested those mods without the use of Ally which i tought would make no sense, since we would use Oracle or Cyborg before even thinking about those mods as additional source to keep up with power.

    Also, the testing you did leaves a few questions, did you test against sparring target and got power back or range and/or have you been in combat mode (out of combat power reg etc.) Or did you run taser pull against sparring targets up till you run out of power for the first time? And what been the duration time?

    And yes theoretically both mods should sit somewhere around the same spot the less additional stuff beeing used, otherwise they wouldn´t have been balanced to begin with.

    And while they both give a marginal benefit, it would still be nice if we could figure out which one would be better in actual gameplay instances with the use of Allys, Soder/Supply etc. I also tought about checking the memory address for power to see numbers, since we could calculate but still wouldn´t exactly know how much the reg increase would be. Might can do that next days
  17. SoggyDcuo Active Player

    I see where you going when it comes to power costs abilities however, almost every power set 100 power cost move can do more damage than a 200 and 300 power cost ability. Example are gadget taser pull, sorcery vengeance, quantum Einstein ray and much more that can not only do more damage than 200-300 power cost abilities they also cast faster, shorter cooldowns and use less power than combo base powers.
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  18. RTX Well-Known Player

    Yea…That been for combo abilitys, and sure there are melee and range abilitys where it also differs. I sometimes assume that people understand what i‘m trying to say based on context but that shoots into the wrong direction so far. So let‘s correct it and say „In most cases a higher power cost ability does more damage“. Dunno why i even brought that up, since logic should tell that it makes most sense. Let me head out and write with ChatGPT, that thing understands me.
  19. SoggyDcuo Active Player

    In my opinion Combo powersets shouldn’t have to use mods, ally’s and power soder cola stat buff for more power just to do damage if other powersets that are not combo base don’t have to do it to maintain rotation. Another thing is that if all combo abilities don’t consume extra power from the 2nd and 3rd continuation after you use the 1st power we won’t be even talking about the power cost consumption at all. In the past hardlight, celestial, rage and atomic combos didn’t use extra power just to do combos. Only the 1st power you activate consume power and the continuation of the combo took no power at all. If this get change back to how it once was in the past the combo powersets will be efficient in power and it will increase damage as well. John steward power cost reduction wouldn’t be needed and we would all just talk about what the might % and duration he gives or if John Stewart should be a permanent stat increase for the combo base powersets.
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  20. SoggyDcuo Active Player

    To address the quislet vs grim debate both side are right however, it’s the way you use them that could solidify which would be better. For a exampe if you keep both art pet on (you press nothing) grim do more damage than quislet since grim beams on its owns. Now if you keep both pets on and press abilities quislet do more damage than grim cause of mega blast trigger every 5 sec. If we would say which of the 2 is superior in aoe obviously it quislet with the mega blast. Now for single target between quislet and grim it will be Grim and here’s why. quislet refractor beam 10k supercharge or 5k supercharge is obviously stronger than grim beam but only if you have super. Now for grim if you swap grim on and off grim 2 second beam has no cooldown which makes it more superior than quislet when it comes to single target. If you play with certain powersets like electric you can abuse quislet refractor beam to make it stronger than grim because of tesla ball. Tesla ball can generate supercharge like a supercharge generator to proc circuit breaker super that triggers quislet refractor beam. Since circuit breaker has a short cooldown you can proc quislet faster however, electric is not the only power set that can do this. Just about every powerset can proc quislet refractor beam base on your play style. If you are looking for ways to proc quislet refractor faster word of power is a supercharge everyone can use since it’s a community supercharge everyone can get. However, powersets that generate supercharge faster has more of a advantage. Powersets like electric and water can do this since they are one of the unique powers that have the utility in there powersets to generate super. Water can use drown supercharge generator then rip tide to reset drown again and with black adam you can proc quislet refractor beam much faster to make quislet do more damage than grim. Electric can also do this as well with and without having a supercharge generator or black Adam equip cause of tesla ball. At the ended of the day everything determines how the player perform in content and how much they know what they could do to make those arts work in their builds.
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