I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    I hate it when people do that...

  2. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Naw it’s all good we just got to butter up Kendricke he’ll see the evils of the clamp. Trust in the anti-clamp camp. They’ll get rid of the clamp by episode 48 from what my sources tell me. My sources? I’m just making crap up. All good brahs and sistrahs. :D
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  3. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Other fellow? Which one? There’s SEVERAL by my count. ;)
  4. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    That’s the key. Add an X to your name and people will think you’re the X-treme version lol. :D
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  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    More than likely he is on your list too! You can probably guess lol
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  6. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I do ignore it and by avoiding EEG content. This way the clamp does not affect me. I can keep my full strength and enjoy the benefits of my full stats.

    When I get home from a frustrating day at work, I love love love going back to Khandaq and pounding the living crap out the tomb raiders, mummies, and demons. I thoroughly enjoy being overly powerful against these old foes. I gain enjoyment from leveling up so that I can go back and simply overwhelm those troublesome baddies with my new super stats. This is how I have fun in the game after completing the story quest. It is something I can not enjoy doing at all anymore in EEG clamped content where I’m as strong as I was in Cursed Gotham with all blue level gear. Not fun to me.

    So, that’s how it is for me.
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    Do you think President Biden plays DCUO? I’d like to believe he does. It’s a quality, American made product.
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    402...the thread can now get into the current raids.
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  9. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    The thread can get into the current raids UNCLAMPED!
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  10. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Dude, what is this, the '90s?

    Who else remembers when everything started with an "x" or was advertised as "X-TREME!!!!!"? :D
  11. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    But only until the new episode comes out in May. You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers in this racket.
  12. Dior_XT Level 30

    what page did a dev post in this threadt ?
  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So you're saying we should dumb down the content further to account for those who cant hack it?
  14. Ingrando Well-Known Player

    Did you you have artifacts, allies, augments ect back in the days??? Huh??? NO!!! You want to 1 shot everything? Might as well be a speed hacker??? Right!!! Your gonna gets these feats just like we did but easier.
  15. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    I'm saying we should open the game up to players of all skill levels by incrementally allowing them to build their characters relative to the content so that game mechanics become less and less relevant.

    This would have zero impact on elite players playing end game content.

    I'm saying this game's continued existence relies on appealing to more players across all skill levels, not less.
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  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So how you plan on doing that, when they don't have to build a character at all because somebody with the sheer stats can do the raid for them? I was here when T5 released, I saw what the stat creep did to content under t5. T4 was farmed easy, and t3 and below you couldn't fail if you had 1 endgame player. What did an endgame player need a healer, tank or even another player for in those runs? They didn't need anyone, I didn't need anyone. I could solo the older raids myself. But if no one's participation is needed, then what's the point of even queueing for a raid? To be a spectator, or just to pick up free loot?
    We complained about players being clueless in the endgame because they never needed to know anything, until they did, for this very reason.
  17. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Then, the answer to that... is to have a system or options where those players don't have to play together.

    The dog doesn't look lile he's not enjoying himself....

    Sometimes.... Ya just want the loot.

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  18. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Perhaps, but the population on smaller servers couldn't handle this change. That's the problem.

    Back to square one.
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So what happens when the clamped queues are hours long? You got a fix for that. Or is that simply fine to you? Because why would anyone choose clamped if I get al the same rewards from doing it unclamped? Why would anyone choose the harder path if the easier path has all the same rewards?

    Loot to me doesn't give that dopamine rush anymore, numbers are nice but it doesn't change my gameplay at all, I'm still doing exactly the same as I was doing prior to the upgrade. Artifacts are better for that as they actively alter gameplay.

    I sorta get what you're saying. I was getting runs through the Deadmines when I was a wee newbie. But after several runs. I want to spread my own wings and dig into the content myself. Rather then be carried through all my stances.
  20. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    As opposed to what?.... The non-existant ones now?

    And the fix for that is optional entry-number acceptence when you can't get a full group.