DCUO Launches on PlayStation 5 TODAY!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kikumod, Mar 25, 2024.

  1. Kikumod Daybreak Games

    THIS IS NOT A DRILL – DC Universe Online is launching on PlayStation 5 TODAY!

    Up ‘til now, DCUO was playable on PlayStation 5 consoles via backwards-compatibility – you can run the PlayStation 4 version of the game and play without issue.

    Today, though, we’re launching a native PlayStation 5 client for the game! Having the game available natively on PlayStation 5 means it’s easier than ever to find and download the game on PSN, and easier than ever for new players to discover it and jump in.

    Plus, there are plenty of benefits to playing on the native PlayStation 5 client, even if you’re already using the backwards-compatible PlayStation 4 version. Playing on PS5 ensures faster load times, smoother transitions, and higher framerates.


    Servers for the PlayStation 5 version are live as of 8AM PT/11AM ET. If you have any questions about the launch, we’ve got you covered – head here for the official PlayStation 5 client FAQ.
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  2. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I've been playing on the PS5 for a while now, so hopefully the new features are a noticeable difference better than before. Thanks! :D

    EDIT: It would have been nice if the trailer showed some of those differences. But good news nonetheless.
  3. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

  4. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player


    So do we need to delete the game on PS5 and then re-download it?
  5. OniiChan New Player

    When will lightstream movement for super speed be fixed? Hopefully it's fixed with ps5 client.
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  6. Kikumod Daybreak Games

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  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Do I have to uninstall DCUO then re-install it again or just download this new client and install that? It doesn’t automatically happen for PS5?
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  8. Siramez Well-Known Player

    unfortunately it did not, i have tested it.
  9. Kikumod Daybreak Games

    This isn't an automatic update for existing players - if you're playing on a PlayStation 5 using the backwards-compatible PS4 client, that is different than playing using the brand new native PS5 client
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  10. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

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  11. Kikumod Daybreak Games

    Hey players! Two quick notes on the PS5 version of the game:

    1) Marketplace Cash (MC) and subscription purchases on the PS5 native install are currently disabled while we finalize some stuff with Sony and the PS5 version of the game.

    For now, if you're playing on PS5 and want to buy MC or subscriptions, you'll need to head to the PlayStation Store outside of the game via your console and buy MC & subscriptions from the PS4 add-ons for the game. Don't worry, these purchases are confirmed to carry-over onto your PS5.

    2) We're aware of the framerate issues some players are experiencing on the native PS5 client. We're still ironing out some kinks with the PS5 client as the servers come back online from maintenance - there's a hotfix we're currently working on submitting that should hopefully fix the FPS issues people are experiencing. We appreciate your patience a lot!
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  12. Aiden_Warren Well-Known Player

    Uninstall dcuo and reinstall your life.
    DCUO PS5 is client. So you will have have two DCUO games. PS4 and PS5.

    ... It seems. As I don't have a PS5 yet.
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  13. BugBreaker New Player

    Incredible work today guys, this is what the community needed so desperately, thank you for giving us the roadmap and hope again!!!! Now to really sell the overall work y’all did and to fully restore hope give us that 2x fortify Nth Metal this Thursday the 28th. That would be amazing and make it a great week where everyone is singing DCUO’s praises.
  14. CGEMINI Well-Known Player

    Is anyone getting fast travel speeds as they promised or it’s exactly the same as ps4? Also higher frames as in 120 fps? Because we been stuck on 60 fps for a while now and ps5 can handle 120.
  15. EscapeOblivion New Player

    I haven’t been able to find the ps5 version on the store either I try restarting my ps5 and it still only shows ps4 only.
  16. The Fairy Well-Known Player

    And this is the excuse for no communication from the developers or from the company executives? Absolutely inexcusable behavior to their own clients. What a waste of time and resources but they can still make a Booster Bundle? No relevant changes in the game means no penny from me.
  17. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Hey, this is fantastic for PlayStation players!

    NOW can you maybe focus on re-enabling the High Texture Detail on PC, a graphics setting that PlayStation and Xbox Players have been enjoying for YEARS, but which has been disabled on PC for pretty much the entire life of the game?

    It's utterly absurd that the game looks BETTER on Xbox One and PS4 hardware that's a decade old, than it does on a 2023 gaming PC! :mad:

  18. TanyaTheEvilll New Player

    Outstanding, this is some awesome news. So do we download the new client ps5 1st or Uninstall the ps4 version 1st?
  19. rjam7753 New Player

    You don't have to uninstall the ps4 version. If you're used to purchasing marketplace cash in app, definitely don't because they have that disabled in the PS5 version. You'll need to use the PS4 to do that.
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  20. Grim931 Committed Player

    I'm in the same boat, the only version available is the PS4 tagged version.


    I found it. If you're stuck on the PS4 labeled game page, press the 3 dot icon to the right (next to "follow/unfollow").

    Select DCUO Free-to-play, and that should take you to the correct version.
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