I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    If you've ever read anything I've written on spamming, you'd know the answer. No...I'm against spamming for the most part...or spamming all in one sitting at least. 3 or 4 passes on something, sure, especially if it took a while to get a group to do it. The NGN 'right tool for the job' feat is a good example of that. I'd do something like that in 1 or 2 sittings as it takes a group to do...or more to the point, takes NOT having a random to mess it up. That's reasonable, but doing it all, especially day 1 stuff...nope, stopped that a long time ago. And aren't you the guy finishing a DLC gear set in 2 days?

    No...I prefer to do them in spurts over the course of the DLC. Like right now, you, me and many others are working on a feat in the E solo where you have to kill 150 ghosts a little at a time. You get 4 or 5 per pass, that's 30-35 runs. So I run it over the DLC as I get current marks, renown, current augment food and catalysts AND work on a feat. The other feats in the solo can be done in 1 pass, but you can't get out with the ghosts in under 30 or 35 runs, more if you do the 100 count in the reg version first, but doing elite gets both.

    So cut to 2-3 years from now when it's in EEG by a few DLCs. The ONLY reason someone will be running that solo more than a few times is for those counts, maybe some renowns. See...I'd be fine if they could get those things in 1-2 min each run....unpaid even (as they aren't there for the pay more than likely), but you figure they should be in there for 7-10 min, same as today, depending on how good their burn is. But hey...they will get 2 marks too....WOO HOO. I'd wager even the noobiest of noob players knows that's a bad trade of pay for their efforts....so most won't bother.

    This is just a current example. We have 100s of the exact same situation. No one is learning anything or challenging themselves killing 150 ghosts, or running 250 bottle duos, or rolling the dice for artifacts in Nexus. I don't feel some new player should be tasked with spending 10x as long in old content just to try and eek out a few SP and prove something...especially when high end vets will be telling them 'get yo SP up noob'. There is enough old 'daily' things to do to keep someone busy 3-4 hours a day for months if not years, never repeating anything in the same day...and never setting foot in endgame content or even working on bounty counts. I believe that is unreasonable, which is ONE of the reasons I've always been against the clamp...and always will be. Yeah, it's about feats, but not the skill ones....the grind ones.
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    So, no closer then, keep up the good work, I'm sure you'll get there in no time.
  3. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Once again....

    If it does happen.... then, yes... We are closer to it's change than we were when you first made that joke.
  4. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Can you just stop with this nonsense....

    The whole point of the system is to make money from the system.

    They are now selling the Wolf Pack Art Tokens.... FOR $100 a pop... for 1 artifact. $100.00

    And, some people - while aghast at such a step price - will say that it ultimately is a good deal... compared to how much money it normally takes.

    You're view/opinion doesn't represent reality... It never has.

    Nobody cares about the "don't have to".... THEY DO.
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  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    First it took you 20 minutes to come up with a comeback and now you went back to page 4 to reply to a comment lol. Oh this is getting a bit sad.

    But let’s break down your whole argument.. yet again.

    You don’t have to spend for arts. This statement is factually correct. You don’t HAVE to spend money. There is absolutely no requirement to buy a wolf token. You can save nth metal like you’ve always been able to. You can continue to level arts on alts. Nothing about the wolf token has changed how arts worked. All it is is a convenience item to make it faster to get those arts on alts. So your whole argument of “you don’t have to but they do” is already flawed as they don’t have to. Whether someone does it or doesn’t is not a representation of any mandated spending.

    For example. I don’t have to buy a membership because I have everything I need. But I do it anyways to stockpile for the future. Nothing in the game is forcing me to have a membership like the game used to have. I don’t spend ok arts outside of the membership (which I no longer even need either). There are ways to speed up nth gathering.

    That being said, not sure why you’re using the wolf token argument against me to begin with lol. I’ve already stated publicly that I think k $100 is to expensive (even for an item that is not needed). However even thou I believe it is to expensive, you don’t get “just 1 art” like you claim. You get that art for all your toons you have and all toons you’ll ever make. As much as I do not like the price, it is mathematics accurate to the amount of time/money that one would spend otherwise. Again, I’d never spend anywhere near that much to level arts anyways seeing how.. you don’t have too… But I can understand where they came up with that number. However I will push that they at least add it to the fate vendor to give players multiple ways to obtain the token. Which you don’t HAVE to get.
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  6. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    What sad is your denial of reality.


    YOU CAN.



    WHICH IS MOST PEOPLE. (Even you... No matter how much you say you don't spend... You pay for a membership which includes things to level arts as an encentive to pay for membership)


    YES... IT IS....


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  7. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    See typing in all caps in order to make it look like you know what you’re talking about. What’s that old saying about the ones who speak loudest?

    Anyways, you just said it yourself. You CAN. Can does not equal to have to. There is a difference. There is another old saying about friends jumping off a bridge. Just because others do it doesn’t mean you HAVE to. Self control is a wonderful thing. Maybe one day you’ll actually be able to distinguish the difference between can and have to. Thou I don’t hold much hope for you. I mean takes you 20 minutes to come up with a second grade comeback lol. Btw, thank you. That truly was a great laugh.
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  8. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    And the dumbest crap you pull out of your hat...
    20 minutes?... This from the thing where it was already explained to you how it wasn't really 20 minutes?

    No wonder you can't grasp the concept of artifacts specifically created as a money-maker....

    You'd rather believe your own made-up delusions.

    Hey!! Look!!
    I edited something in a post 20 minutes later...

    Maybe you can cry about that ad nauseum for next few days... Like it actually means anything.
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    I think the price is personally a bit over the top myself, but I can see the value in it for a player like me, I have maxed 36 characters on my account, so 35 (excluding my main) rank 200 artifacts would work out to $2.86 per artifact across my characters.

    Looking at it that way, it's a pretty sweet deal, but even with that being the case, I'm no whale, so I won't be buying it, not yet anyway, I'm gonna wait for a sale.
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  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I mean you can make excuses all you want lol. You’re not one to be honest so your word or pretty much useless lol.

    That being said, I can see 20 minute comment has upset you so much so I’ll let that be. Back to your flawed idea of can = must. There really is no talking to someone who lacks reason or common sense. Feel free to believe you MUST buy the wolf token. I personally will only get it with loyalty points or destiny token. If it ever goes on sale I may get one if it’s under a 50% sale. Otherwise I currently have 5mil nth exp saved up. So 10mil under a double nth week is more than enough to not NEED to buy a wolf token lol.
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  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I had the loyalty saved up since I had nothing else to use it on lol. I have 20 more months to buy a second one. So will see if a sale comes first or even if it goes in the fate vendor. I currently have 17 destiny tokens lol.
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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    LOL, when you have 35 mouths to feed your stipend usually gets spent on something :D
  13. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Luckily..... You're the worst judge of character I've ever seen..

    Point proven.

    I mean... POINT PROVEN.
    I know how much all caps upset you. :rolleyes: (See how stupid that is?)

    And you're either the one completely dishonest... or you are just incapable of comprehending what is being said.


    Agreed.... Talking to you has almost become a labor.
    Good thing I find making fun of people like you entertaining.

    Once again... Never said "must"... Just, when it comes to buying it, they count on it being "probably" or "will".

    Point proven.

    Once again... Not everything is just about you....

    I'm sure that comes as a shocker to you....
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  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    lol that’s true. I actually had 3 “main” toons and 5 farmer toons set to help my mains. I ended up making 6 more toons just to help get the drops from ghost lol. Those 7toons sit at a whopping 30sp and 1 200 art now lol
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  15. Lugo Well-Known Player

    I think most people who play DC play it closer to how I do. I'm barely on and I can't be arsed to keep up with any DLCs or updates. But if I wanna get on for a quick alert or raid and maybe unlock a new style or feat, that's a possibility now. I usually don't have time or energy for LFG, for the copy + paste open world stuff, definitely not artifacts AND for every alt LOL (scam). But now that you can get into more of the content, a lot of us can make the progress we wanna make on our own time instead of having to force ourselves to keep up with CR because you won't be able to get into anything else. And when you get into something you can actually play your character (sometimes lol now people just glitch), which is important for some people..

    This is what I meant by that "stat clamping doesn't fix the game it makes it playable" stuff.

    The only attractive thing about this game is feeling like you're beating stuff up with your superpowers. Anything that gets in the way of that, like others killing everything before you get the chance to do anything or locking interesting things behind loot boxes instead of content you actually play through.....

    ...Is poop.

    Again, if players don't wanna bother to learn the game, that's on the devs and on the community. Yesterday I did that Themyscira alert where you gotta bring the shield guys to that electricity generator thing to drop their shields and kill them. Tank didn't know, I told him, he totally ignored it and so me and the healer just started a conversation while we waited for him to accidentally do the mechanic.

    Wow this reply got out of hand.

    Look, I don't enjoy these experiences with noobs and I'd rather have a smooth time too. But it'll never always go how I want. If players don't wanna put in the effort to help others, you're always gonna have a crap community. You'll never magically get people to care. If the content isn't worth engaging with, then the devs should rework it to be something people want to explore. When you see your content is failing, you change the content. There are solutions and all it takes is a little creativity. The devs are supposed to be artists :rolleyes:
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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You may be right, there may be a lot of people who want to play that way, just jump in for an hour, make some pew-pews and move on, but in my experience, most people I have met in game are grinders. SP, styles, artis...ect, once they are aware of the existence of these things, they ask 'how do I get those'? And then they look at the grind and either buckle in for the long haul or say 'how the heck am I supposed to get all that done' and just give up. Even on the pew-pew for fun angle, if you land in the wrong stuff, a failing 'bad' run...you might not get to do much of that either.

    Personally, I haven't run the game purely for 'fun' in a long time....to me it's a job...or call it FOMO and me not wanting to catch up if I took a break. And the extra time the clamp forces is overtime I don't get time and 1/2 for. So much like any other low paying job, I clock in, do my required tasks and when the boss asks for volunteers to go do something like clean the bathroom after someone had an attack of the runs....I keep my head down and avoid eye contact. The 'fun' I have is mainly due to hanging out with my co-workers, which I can do in endgame....'uh...while filling out TPS reports.
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  17. Lugo Well-Known Player

    Holy ******* **** xD

    When I get into it with you forum people, I feel like nothing you're saying is real or matters. But I can still feel a truth somewhere in there that's not being said or avoided, and here we have it. This is the fundamental disconnect between players like me and you.

    The devs have trained yall into mindlessly chasing higher numbers so you don't care or ignore the actual game itself degrading around you. But players like me would rather have a better experience over higher numbers. Playing your own superpowered DC character is a fun idea, players like me know this idea online would sell itself, a lot like DRUGS.

    Instead of honing in on this idea, perfecting it, the devs squandered a huge opportunity and focused on tricking and training all of you OG players into valuing and protecting this lesser idea over something better. Everything I say is backed up by FF14 being the most popular and most successful MMO in the world. They literally revived that game from the dead and not by tricking their players, but by... GASP! Giving players what they want and making the experience fun!!!! :eek: But what about loot boxes! But what about lazy DLCs! But what about cash grab artifact grinds! But what about replay badges!

    None of any of that BS and they're getting people to PAY to play that game. You can't get people to play DCUO for FREE.

    It's really funny.

    So this game is an awful experience for you yet you force yourself through it anyway. And for what? You put your head down and the devs continue to crap on you and you wait for the next tu- no, you PAY for the next turd xD!

    Amazing. I'm glad players like you have this crap experience because you've literally been fighting for it this entire time! LOL!

    Every time someone has tried to improve or grow the game, yall think of 1,000,001 excuses for the devs on how or why they can't do anything ever. LOL!!!

    It just sucks that the players like me who can see all the potential wasted in this game have to be dragged down with the rest of you :/

    lmao tho right guys? HIT LIKE if lmaooo at how they fight to keep the game crap and then get on to take the crap right in the face and pay for more crap and wonder why it sucks lmaoooo

    I really don't mean for these replies to get so out of hand when I start them, I swear! I even delete stuff!
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I guess you missed the part where I said I still have fun hanging out with my 'co-workers'...meaning people I run with on a regular basis. The point was that almost none of the content itself is really 'fun' on it's own past a few first runs. I'm not going to queue into an alert of Zamaron Conversion chamber or Brothers in Arms and be super excited suddenly. I ran those runs...many MANY times with leaguemates and friends when it was current...was harder...and mattered more. I would still maybe run them WITH those same co-workers IF they needed something there, but they don't. Maybe you never ran with a set group of people, so you take what you can get, but I for one know that running boring content with friends is less boring than running with randoms....mostly less aggravating too. But hey...maybe you get excited every time you take down Faust in Chinese Theatre....good on you for that I suppose. I'd be interested to see how much fun you say you are having if they removed the marks in EEG, or the omni boxes. Tons...I'm sure. Again, good on you if that's the case. Talk to me in 7 or 8 years.

    And I pay nothing...haven't spent anything in almost 2 years. My time in game is less. Generally after the 21st of the month I quit logging in altogether, but with the stab run, I'll probably pop in a few times...just to pad stabilizers. I'd never buy any of those again because yeah....cash grab. Honestly, when they brought in TCs/Artis and now allies, my interest in the game wained off each time, to the point I dropped my annual discount plan...uh...subscription.

    And yes...I fully admit it's as stupid thing I do...when did I say it wasn't?....but I've got the time and past money invested, so I slug it out. Believe me when I say, if the game shut down, I'd be 50% happy and sad. Sad for the nostalgia about a game I used to love, and happy as I'd have had the decision taken away from me on whether to run that night or not.
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  19. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Lumbergh wants to see you about working tomorrow. The two Bob's say hi. They must really like you :)
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  20. Lugo Well-Known Player

    I saw the truth. The game itself SUCKS for you, but you force yourself to deal with it for actually NO REASON. Sure, it might be more fun to eat **** with friends, but eating **** with your m8s is still eating **** m8. Let's drop the facades!

    And my point is that in any other game, you wouldn't be forcing yourself to replay it if you thought it sucked. You wouldn't go on that game's forums and make excuses for why it has to suck like most of yall do, you would just stop playing.

    But the devs could focus on reworking content into something you might like more if they valued the player experience over tricking yall and milking yall for all your money LOL. THAT's the point, not whatever you're on about. You could've been having fun this WHOLE TIME.

    I used to a lot but my friends are more sane than me so they all quit because the game started to focus more on P2W than being fun.

    Obviously I'm not gonna slog through EEG pugging for nothing. Nobody is gonna do anything for nothing except you guys, LOL! I started when the game went F2P and I still can have a good time with content I've been playing for years... IF! ...I can play it.

    YES! It still can be fun to get into a heated battle, explosions everywhere and people getting tossed around and chaos and whatnot. Experiencing that fantasy is part of the fun of a superhero game. If the setting for that play is the same ol alert I've done forever, it can still be fun IF it's engaging. And your only HOPE for something engaging in any of this crap is content that you can actually play, which most of us barely had before clamping! You need some type of solution.

    The reason you're focusing on the fact that it's the same ol thing and not a new intense battle is because the devs don't prioritize consistently giving players the experience of being a super DC character in an epic DC battle. Some of us can sorta make that for ourselves by focusing more on the roleplay aspects rather than the boring number chasing, cash grab BS. But no matter how you play, whether you know what you're doing or not, the ACTUAL issue is that the content isn't good and the way it's delivered isn't good either.

    Again, I started this game as a kid with some of my closest friends when it went F2P. Trust me, I've got memories and nostalgia and crap too, but that's why I'm always fighting you guys about making the game bigger and better. I actually used to want this game to get somewhere because it's obvious to anyone what this could've been. Yall are just too afraid to upset your daddy devvys or something idk o_O but there was something huge here that will probably never be realized and really there are easy solutions if you asked me

    like if lmao guys. im gettin tired now but im still laughin
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