Openworld clamp removal

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by CrYsiS44, Nov 15, 2023.

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  1. Alushaun Well-Known Player

    oh now that im 100% guilty of.
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  2. Sollace Well-Known Player

    The world boss should be a Solo challenge where the player should be able to face them alone, but also alongside other players who join them in battle.

    What's more, DLC augments could perhaps be added to allow this once the upgrades have reached 100%.
  3. Plowed In Loyal Player

    The “game” is telling you it’s not a “solo challenge.” There’s arguments to be made for and against, but just making claims that it should be one way or the other are just arbitrary opinions, Bosses in this game as similar to World Events in ESO (Harrowstorms, Dragons, Vents, etc.). They are designed to be group endeavors and afaik, they scale them down from raid bosses to alert bosses to allow for smaller groups when the content enters EEG status.
  4. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Are you sure about that? EEG Open World bosses are definitely stronger than Alert bosses in my experience. I can solo DaBoom or Ebon now, I can not say the same for any EEG Open world boss. Even the solo Elite mission in Sins of Black Adam the bosses are now easy for me to take down. There is no comparison between them and say Man-Bat or the Clock Tower Paradox demon.

    I do wish you were right about the level of difficulty of an EEG open world boss being on par with Sins of Black Adam or Shock to the System Alert / Duo / Solo bosses.
  5. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    That's because DaBoom and Ebon are not alert bosses and - obviously - neither are SoBA solo bosses. Alerts are designed for 4 players - not 2, or 1. EEG bounties can be beaten easily and quickly by 4 players, especially if there's a healer or a tank in the group.

    With the right build and tactics, as well as knowledge of mechanics most regular alert bosses can be soloed as well, but that doesn't mean everyone is going to be able to do it.
  6. Sollace Well-Known Player

    On paper yes, but in reality, once the DLC is no longer in fashion, it becomes very difficult for newcomers to complete the world boss exploits for lack of a player motivated to come and help, because the exploit is too long and boring to be completed several times and repeated X number of times for X individual, so, after a while, a solution will have to be found so that everyone can complete the exploits more easily !!!!

    The problem with this type of world and the way it's designed by the devs is that players don't want to do it the way the devs (probably) want them to, the most active players want to grind the achievement from the very first days so they don't have to worry about it afterwards.
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  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    You are right. I have a league mate who completed the new 100 last night against Gentleman Ghost. Players know or should I say, have been trained by the game to not tarry but to grind out these boss feats as fast as possible because once it hits EEG, its a lost cause to try to get them.
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  8. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    The new episode will be in EEG in a year - year and a half from now. That's why we MUST grind all the feats within the first 3 days? Lol... People do this because they want to have the feats ASAP, so they can brag about having 1-2 SP more than someone else. Most of them will still be running the bounty for marks and loot weekly for a year. The game is not making anyone do this - it's just that kids these days want instant gratification. Which is also why they want to be able to farm older bounty count feats solo in 2 hours.
  9. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    By "exploits", do you mean - "feats"? How is this different from getting old Elite raid feats, for example? There are way more groups running T5-6 bounties every week, than FGSE, where there's a feat for killing Colony Hive Leader 50 times. Should Elite raids be made into easy solos as well? At least you can run bounties solo, or with only a few people - for raids you need 8 players to queue every time.

    There are tons of feats like that in older PvE content - regular and Elite - which are difficult to farm, if you didn't get them when they were new. And don't even get me started on PvP, where you have to find 16 players to farm certain feats. So what would happen if open worlds became unclamped and you got your bounty feats - would you be satisfied, that you have enough SP? Or would you demand clamp to be removed from other content where feats are too hard to get?
  10. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Players know it if they don't grind it now while it is current they will struggle to find a group in the next few months to do these feats. I still don't have all the feats from Injustice or Pride, I think I need 4 more times to get the feat on both. I know if I don't get them before the next DLC comes out I won't ever get them, its just a fact.
  11. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Then why not make the EEG open world bosses the same difficulty as DaBoom or Ebon? Who is going to adversely affect? New and returning players will still have to fight and nostalgia seekers can relive fighting.

    Of course I'm sure this will get pooh-poohed too! No, no, no, we can't have any adjustment to the EEG open world bosses! The Gate Keepers have spoken!
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  12. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    That is not the reason to run the new bounty 100 times on the first day. Even if it was true, that in a few months nobody will be running the bounty (which it obviously is not, because in a few months the episode will still be "current" and in a year it will still be EG) during those months you could easily find a phase with some group fighting the bounty once a day, while doing your dailies. The real reason is - we want more eS-Pee, NOW! So all our leaguemates know how Oh-Pee we are. :D

    It may be "a fact" in your case, but that's just your own decision. People do bounty runs for marks every week, mostly on Thursdays and weekends - from T5 Deluge, all the way to the latest episodes. That's how I got a lot of my bounty count feats, not to mention thousands of SM. And I'm a villain on a much less populated server than yours.
  13. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Because duo bosses don't award 8 marks.

    "The Gate Keepers" don't make those decisions. And they have as much right to voice their opinion as you do. You need to convince the devs, not other players and please note, that they don't seem to be interested in haggling with you.
  14. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Well maybe they should! The amount of marks for anything, anything is arbitrarily set by Project Management. It could just as well be 9 marks or 7 marks or whatever, they determine it committee meetings. I set in on similar meetings when a marketing campaign involves awarding customers "points". It's all arbitrary. Let them have marks!

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  15. Captain Catalunya Active Player

    Every day, in EUPC you have a few T5-6 bountie tours.
    90 min, every week and some farm (spotlight) and you have the feats.

    I do it every week (no feat or mark need it, just for fun), always at different time. So maybe you need look more on LFG and stop cry for revamp. And if in your server don't do the tours, do it yourself and promote. 500SM, 30 box with styles-item base feat or sell for good money, for just 90min..less with speed group
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  16. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    I sure hope all you do at those meetings is sit, for your company's clients' sake. In a game there needs to be at least a semblance of correlation between effort and reward. Encounters that require little time and skill generally should not give the same rewards as more difficult ones. The game has an economy and paying out excessive amounts of in-game currencies, like marks, for trivial tasks, like solos and duos, would mean players could quickly and easily buy all the stuff they wanted and their engagement would be short, especially that things that come easily and cheaply tend not to be perceived as valuable.

    The devs are not going to give you 8 marks for beating a boss, that a semi-skilled player could easily solo on the day the episode was released. If they made EEG bounties as trivial as duo bosses, then the rewards would be reduced accordingly (from 8 SM to 1-2), meaning all those players, who spend hours each week running those bounties for marks would have no reason to do it.
  17. Grip Committed Player

    It's nice to get this perspective from a few players. My one question is- Are we sure the op hasn't tried?
    I'm not pretending to know the answer. It just seems to me without more info that you're discounting someone else's experience because yours isn't the same. Full disclosure, I'm a fan of the "stop crying" sentiment, but it only fits if someone has no legitimate concern about the state of the game on their server. In any case, it's cool that you, as a EUPC-based player are letting devs know you don't think any bounty changes need to be made (if that is what you're saying). Your feelings about pre-t5 (most notably Mist-Empowered or repelling DD* imho) are less clear.

  18. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    In the first sentence of this thread the OP admits, that they play for 1-2 months, then leave for 6-8. In the next post they state, that they started their current account in 2020, played for a week, then left for 2 years and have been coming back "sporadically". Playing this way makes it rather difficult to catch up to players, who grind feats consistently. This is an old-school MMORPG, designed to be played continuously for years.

    On less populated servers you can't expect to just show up once in a while and be able to easily find people, who want to do exactly what you want to do. It's all about finding opportunities and going with what other players are doing at the moment. When a new episode is released - the player-base focuses on it, so completing older content can be more difficult. Certain events, like episode spotlights, Save The Universe seasonal, or LPvE bonus weeks are a good time to complete some feats - if you're not around for those, you're going to miss out, because most players won't be interested in grinding that particular content for a long time afterwards. Bounty feat farms happen spontaneously once in a while and often last a day or 2 - if you log in daily, you're more likely to encounter one being advertised in LFG, join in for a couple of hours and be done with those particular feats. Et cetera, et cetera...

    It doesn't seem reasonable to design and balance the game using as benchmark players, who expect to play 2-3 months out of the year, on an underpopulated server - presumably around content releases - and be equally accomplished as those, who regularly commit their time and money and have been doing so for many years. It would simply encourage this style of engagement, meaning the population fluctuation cycle we're all too familiar with would become even more pronounced. If someone, who plays infrequently for a couple of years is able to get all the rewards they want - what is the point of being a more committed player, especially on a more populous server, where finding groups for any content is easier than on EUPC/PS?

    It also makes little sense to encourage the way of playing the OP is interested in - "steamroll my way through very old content, so I can be done with it forever" - when the point of recent changes like the stat clamp and Omnibus was to make people engage with older content more and for longer, so that new players on their way to the endgame can play with, learn from, and make social connections with veterans, instead of either being treated as insignificant witnesses to the over-geared stomp-fest, or being entirely left to their own devices, once all the vets "have steamrolled their way through very old content" and "are done with it forever".
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  19. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    This is circular, self-defeating logic... based on a false premise.

    Then don't reduce the reward.

    And not having a clamp in old open worlds doesn't mean that a "semi-skilled player could easily solo on the day the episode was released" could beat the endgame bosses..

    And why does it always come down to this weird elitist mentality of judging the skills of other players and deeming what reward they should be worthy of???
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  20. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Once again.... The beauty of the unclamped world is....

    The stronger you get... the less you need other players for the world bounties... as the old worlds naturally becomes less amd less populated.

    It is beautiful symmetry.
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