I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. Scarlet Cruize New Player

    I dont like the clamp at all. The moment my toon reached max CR is when omni was dead to me. Only reason to q omni these days (mostly weekend) is to either get weekly rewards or chase a missing feat. Even that is painful. The q times, chat to coordinate, the wipes is absurd. So many failed runs, people leaving, toxicity is beyond frustrating (LFG is no better).

    EG players have no time for newbies. Nobody finishes a seasonal + dailies + weekly on a toon and then says lets help some newbies in omni. You are going straight to latest/spotlight bounty spam, OR LFG for Elite OR sm spam OR another alt. You can pretend all you want about newbies needing to learn mechanics for betterment of community and all. Nobody is fooled. You are not as selfless as you profess and whatever you do for new players (league or omni) isn't enough. Let people run EEG clamped or unclamped however they prefer.

    Also, open worlds beyond T6 are barren for majority of time (bar Thursdays/Fridays when bunch of people band together for few hours to do all T6-T5 bounties). Even those groups dont go beyond T5.
    How new players supposed to get old feats? burn unreasonable amount of time during spotlight week chasing "kill x, y times feats" for bosses set on timer??? totally unhealthy!

    Dont get me started on QoL things:

    Unskippable cutscenes, Small corridors blocking movemnt, Collisions and blocking pets, Camera movement in corners. Sudden U-turn on certain surfaces during quick movement, Grounding and slow down effets around bosses and puny adds alike, pending bug fixes and so on...

    mix all that with stat clamp and you get steady decline in players population.
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  2. Marc L New Player

    To be honest, I appreciate the stat clamp. It means I can go back to earlier content and still have a bit of a challenge, but still a better edge than I did when I was that tier. I still earn the loot from the instance, even though it's clear I'm stronger than I was the first time through.

    It makes going back to the earlier content more worth while.
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  3. Marc L New Player

    Maybe you don't. My league does. Seriously, why not help the newbies? We need it. We're not as skilled as you EG folx and would appreciate your expertise.

    I've been playing MMORPGs since they were text based, and the one thing that I've always appreciated, and therefore have always attempted to do is help people less experienced than I.

    The entire idea of "Massively Multiplayer" implies a community. You're not soloing this. If you want to solo, go play Arkham Knight. If you want to be part of a community, then that means helping newer players that aren't as knowledgeable or as skilled as you.

    I don't mean to take this out on you, I just personally despise the idea of "I figured it out myself so why help you?" I'll get off my soap box now.
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  4. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    See that's the issue, all the anti-clamp crowd assume we don't help, we very much do, but it's usually reserved for league mates. I run old feats I don't need all the time, mostly because I either A) like the raid/alert, B) like the feat, but it's almost always with league.

    The people still mad are always going to be mad and it's honestly not even worth debating anymore. You sound like you have a good league, enjoy it, it's what the games all about.
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  5. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Thanks for the feedback and bringing back a ghost lol I respect why "you" dont like the Omni and such and that its dead to you now but look where you were. The Omnibus helped you get to end game where before it, you would have to suffer those empty open worlds by yourself and have limited increase of your CR to get through the Tiers. Not to mention you have about 7-8 Episodes of NO Open World until Amazon Fury Part 3 and that gap is brutal when leveling. I know, Ive done it many times and wish that on no one.

    Im sorry you dont want to help others but if you dont want to, this isnt the game or genre for you. I recommend 1 play games that you can focus on your skill without relying on others.
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  6. Trexlight Devoted Player

    "We" or at least I, dont assume folks dont help unless they blatantly spew nonsense *Points upwards a few posts*. Even if youre helping your own league. Great. Ill certainly help those that want it until you get the few that want to "act tough" and shut down any help because "they know better". This mentality was Pre-Clamp and it'll continue post clamp. MMO Players of this generation are of a different breed from years ago. Majority of players, and I will use the word majority, care for the individual versus the group. I dont know if thats a DCUO thing only but in ESO, WoW, or FF14. Ive never seen players like this in such quantity.

    But agreed. Folks should play a game they enjoy. Its entertainment. If im not having fun, im playing something else. The good thing for me and MMOs. I can easily pick back up where I was and catch up.
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  7. Scarlet Cruize New Player

    No. Not the SAME.EXACT.PROBLEM. Like you said it yourself: "They should focus on the 3 most Current Episodes since thats where the majority of Players are and continue on forward". There is stark difference between frequency of runs and quality of players in EEG vs EG. So omni is indeed terrible compared to EG.

    No no. you got it backwards. I do my due dilligence and beyond when in omni.
    However, there is less incentive to go in with clamp. I dont prefer rolling dice on how much time its going to take. Whereas in absense of clamp, by option or removal, dont care, it would be quicker and more predictable, which would then justify the risk/effort. Its less about my tolerence for other people than my desire for getting rewarded for progression, in context of EEG, in terms of better stats and less time spent compared to them. I dont want to blast through bosses but I dont want to get dragged in the mud with rest of the folks either.

    If I had a dime everytime someone said "get a league..."

    correction: specific spam runs!

    oh, so you do notice the factions that would definitely benefit from clamp removal.

    Hold on! Then why are we insisting on clamping down EEG at all?

    Nope. Clamp = fixed threshold on minimum pace/speed.

    And to all those who are pro-clamp, if your ideas of how the community should behave, how the game should be played and evolve are so great, why is there less than 3k simultaneously active players on any platform? and why are those numbers consistently trending downwords? Protesting against clamp removal/optional may keep your small bubble of people happy for a while but it'll definitely not help grow the community. The more restrictions you put, more it drives people away.
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  8. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Nope. Maybe those subjectively "bad" players should - I don't know - be able to learn Mechanics instead of having them ROFL-stomp ignored.


    That's a weird US perception of the EU Server that doesn't hold up. The population is lower, comparatively, than the US - but for that reason runs depend more on building Groups / joining a League than PUGging.

    It's not a small bubble. See above.

    And like it or not, people that have joined post-Clamp don't know what the fuss is about. They're just playing the game as it is. It's only those who were playing pre-Clamp that seem doomed to forever live in the past.
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  9. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Incidentally - where are you getting those numbers and trends from?
  10. Trexlight Devoted Player

    omg I missed that part. Is he getting his figures from Steam? Oh no wonder he sounded like he didnt know what he was talking about. He's pulling figures from Steam thinking thats the population of DCUO haha.
  11. BlackGryphon Well-Known Player

    Mepps pretty much states what's what here:
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  12. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Other games have had this same system for much longer and they are still going. No reason to go Chicken Little on this. At least Tiffany and Reinfield bring an anti-clamp argument with better examples and feedback. The fact you bring up this "3k players" lol are you looking at Steam? Because if you are, your credibility to this discussion went down tremendous.

    Sorry youre not having fun and im sure the Devs appreciate the feedback either way. Its still needed even if folks like myself find errors in logic. But I see more good of it in game actually playing than I do here on the forums where its doom and gloom. Find your enjoyment and have fun. Im gonna go level my Ice toon and test with Arts ive never used before. Circe's mask does indeed suck but meh, I like to go against the cookie cutter builds lol
  13. Scarlet Cruize New Player

    I started after the clamp, dont ask why (corona. lockdown. cough). And guess what, without any frame of reference I dont like it.
  14. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Also... how do you arrive at that conclusion?
  15. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Yes. I know exactly how difficult it is, because I've been playing on EU for 10+ years. It's a piece of piss unless you're morbidly antisocial. I've been in 10 or more Leagues during that time, and none of them required anything of me other than I get my Prestige contributions in to keep the buffs up. Currently I can take my pick between doing my own thing in Normal, helping up-and-comers through EEG, (very rarely) run E+ with the hardcore, or E with the Endgamers. None of them required me to have X SP, X Artifacts, or indulge in X game behaviours.

    That's absurd. Are you really telling me that those figures are down to ALTS? Is THAT your response? I'm afraid that's your credibility shot, sir.

    It also doesn't explain why the Alts of "good" Players apparently now mysteriously suck when they are being played by the same person in easier Content. Let me guess... it's the Clamp?

    And I fail to see how the overwhelming majority of Players being in EEG makes them a "small bubble".

    Then you're not really in a position to compare, are you? You just don't like EEG, is that it? Because you're playing that Content at a far easier level than the people that ran it at-Level at the time (with one or two - and it really is that few a number) outliers that need tweaking.

    In a year or so, you'll be running todays Elite Content with your EG Characters and crucifying it. Exactly as happens now with earlier Episodes Elite. Whilst opining that you are "weak".
  16. Red Wáve Well-Known Player

    As funny as that is, prior to Clamp we had Relevent Combat Rating and Loot Locks. You had to be within the cr range to get source marks from content. EG players only got source marks from the 2 latest Episodes. Most older content would give a choice to pick 1 source mark in Loot Picker. We were locked to 100-150 source mark per week. People were keeping Alts at relevent content for tier 2-4, in order to get carried for 80ish source marks from a few quick Raids per week.
  17. Great Architect Loyal Player

    This. As evidenced by this.
  18. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I believe Scarlet Cruize meant this: clamp = maximum stats allowed per tier which affects the pace/speed of the solo/duo/alert/raid by its very nature, thus the term "clamp". Reg eeg = +15CR above / Elite eeg = +20CR above.

    End Game players equipped with op gear and max arts/augments can achieve the maximum stats allowed per tier instance when looking at the stats for controllers/healers/tanks/dps by their category or so I am told.

    So, in conclusion, +15CR Reg or +20CR Elite is all anyone will ever be, so have fun leveling up... or not!
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  19. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Post-Clamp, lootwise, we've never had it so good. This is because Rewards are judged as needing to be commensurate with the effort required to acquire them. That's why some Content (e.g. Sunstone Matrix) had their Marks Rewards reduced. Too spammable for too little effort.

    If you remove the Clamp, you will *inevitably* impact on either the Rewards, or Loot Locks. Those are the two tools at hand to limit Rewards from EEG Content. Which would be preferable? And how do you imagine it would work? And how would you scale it to account for just-past-Level and way-past-Level Players getting commensurately scaled Rewards?

    The previous solution was CR Relevancy - and I think it's fair to say that that was deeply, deeply unpopular.

    Having said that, the game has changed in structure since CR Relevancy was a thing. Previously, as F2P or Premium, your options were to get to just under CR 70 and then hit a hard paywall - either Sub or buy DLCs - and then find yourself locked out of Rewards due to CR Relevancy after a fairly short period of time. Back to the Credit Card...

    People that have started playing since the Clamp probably don't realise that opening up the entirety of EEG for free to F2P and Premium Players *plus* the addition of Event versions of new Episodes gives you access to a level of Rewards absolutely unimaginable to people that remember CR Relevancy.

    Is it fair to say that *that* is the period of time that people miss when they object to the Clamp? Post CR Relevancy, post the game opening up to something that can look like F2P from the right angle, huge Content pool, but with Loot Locks?

    But that was evidently untenable. With the whole game open, large areas of it were still a wasteland. Something had to give, and the solution was, as we all know, opening up EEG rewards fully, removing Loot Locks, and Clamping to make earning those Rewards non-trivial.

    Which part of that can you remove, without impacting on the other parts?
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  20. Great Architect Loyal Player