Bonus Artifact XP & Gift!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jun 1, 2023.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    Any decisions yet on what to do with the people that have rank 200's or no decision today?
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  2. SilkyPawz Bunny

    I mean even if you just take some people having EOG at 180 then getting it Boosted to 200 that's 1 million in XP, that is a lot, while people with 200 EOG's only getting 1 seal and catalyst??
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  3. phill132 Level 30

    Nth metal is free.
  4. SilkyPawz Bunny

    Please tell me how long it would take you to get 1 MILLION nth metal, I'm sure longer then 1 day which is what some people are getting today 1 million free nth metal in 1 day, Thank you!
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  5. TheEnquirer Active Player

    Can we still swap our EOG into another artifact today and get our compensation later? Is that trackable?
  6. Proxystar #Perception

    No idea, they only said they were discussing it, sorry.
  7. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    • Like x 3
  8. Goib New Player

    Stacking EoGs was a huge benefit that it doesn’t have anymore. Not only that but the way to abuse EoG was to spam supers as fast as possible which to do so, you needed a healer running 3 2.5K supers to maintain a constant stream of gem procs, you can’t do that anymore. And the percentages are only higher for 10K supers, when the majority of meta powers were running 2.5Ks and 5Ks bar gadgets which can run bunker buster if you get enough greens.
  9. TabulaRasa Level 30

    Good Job Devs
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  10. phill132 Level 30

    100% all day every day. Artifact catalysts are also free since they're purchased with source marks. Look deeper within yourself and you'll see the real issue. Every time an exploit is taken from people who took advantage of it, they get upset. You should've seen it coming. Learn to live and play with honor everyone, and you won't feel this pain in the future. I will even help you right now. 95% of you are precision and speed. If you all want to continue to take advantage of such a gigantic advantage, you will feel these same feelings again when precision and speed are nerfed. There are consequences for being clones of each other, all playing exactly the same way to exploit a flaw in the game. You shouldn't be crying now, but I have at least warned you of your future heartache. This is probably a good month for all of you to start practicing diversity. Good luck in what I hope is your quest to find honor and nobility.
  11. Charlieboy Well-Known Player

    As someone posted earlier in the thread theses are the changes. The % are now tiered based on the cost of the supercharge used i.e. 2500, 5000 or 10000. Previously users triggered a 2500 supercharge to get the flat rate % but now to get close it has to be a 5000 supercharge or to have a slight increase a 10000 supercharge. You can spam a 5000 or 1000 supercharge as it doesn't regenerate that fast.
    • Damage effect restructured to 8%/16%/30% per supercharge tier (Changed from 20% flat)
    • Healing Generation restructured to 2%/3%/6% per supercharge tier (Changed from 3% flat)
    • Supercharge generation restructured to .5%/1%/3% per supercharge tier (Changed from 2% flat)
  12. phill132 Level 30

    Stacking and using eog in this way was never stated by the devs or in the text of the artifact. It was a flaw that was being exploited. The actual artifact received a buff. Where percentages were straight across the board, you can now achieve much greater bonuses than if you used eog as intended before. Maybe it will encourage people to try some different sc or artifacts, but I can only assume you'll all morph into exact clones of each other who are only slightly different than before, and people will still wonder why the population is low.
  13. phill132 Level 30

    Yeah, my question was because mepps description of the changes wasn't complete... had to go in game to read the artifact.
  14. Ash Inferno Well-Known Player

    Scratch that, upon closer inspection the 3% is when using a 10k supercharge :(
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  15. Charlieboy Well-Known Player

    How dare you assume that everyone who has eog at lvl200 are basically cheating and benefitting from an exploit.

    I have NEVER used my eog in a spam group doing elite, with another player to stack buffs or in anyway used it to have an advantage. I have all of my feats and renown earned from hard work and long hours playing.

    I support the changes made to eog and frankly I wish they would stop artifact swapping too, as I see that as exploiting how they were intended to be used. BUT I was one of the first people to complain about the 'gift' given to lvl200 players as its simply out of balance and illogical.

    Don't assume and don't paint players with the same brush just to justify your inaccurate rant.
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  16. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    This man just said something was free and then used the word purchased in the same sentence.


    I've got news for you - you will have to pay one way or another for nth metal. You either pay with time, or you pay with actual money (marketplace). Even with the crazy farming I do, it still uses electricity and an internet bill to run my computer.

    Unless you actually have people just giving you nth metal in your mailbox, it's not free.
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  17. MrDrPrfBart New Player

    Skill Issue
  18. Goib New Player

    Do you go into every reply with a rant without actually confirming what was nerfed about it or without actually paying attention to what was said? I clearly said the percentages are only higher for 10k supers, which is fine, they needed to be more impactful with the art, hell a lot of them could use more help even if people don’t use EoG. 2.5Ks went from 20% to 8% total damage, 5Ks went from 20% to 16% total damage, and like I said, 10Ks, the ones that actually benefit from this, go from 20% to 30% total damage. Even the sc regen, 2.5Ks from 3% to .5%, 5Ks from 2% to 1% and again the beneficiaries, 10Ks from 2% to 3%.

    Even if we didn’t have the EoG proc damage stacking, due to scrap also existing, it STILL would have been the meta art all these years especially considering arts aren’t supposed to be looked at in a vacuum. Just the fact we were able to take 20% of everyone’s damage using a measly 2.5K super is massive. To say the artifact got a buff after it’s changes is asinine. Then to also say that I would flock to whatever else was meta considering when I was way more active, I ran all levels of FFe no death at relevancy after it’s buffs(one of my current leaguemates did it as sorcery might) and TSDe all levels before the add nerf at second boss as celestial might when I was a troll main is comical. I was always for a nerf because the meta was boring and I wanted diversity when it came to running content. You’re preaching to the choir.
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  19. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Precision and speed is cheating now too? You just sound like a guy that likes to cry about everything because you're probably not as good as others.
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  20. Mr.W Committed Player

    Thank you for the gifts & bonus week!!!!