DCUO Census

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Empress_Orana, Mar 18, 2023.

  1. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    Chill just released the overall character numbers for endgame players. Divide that by atleast 3 for each role and this game is showing an ABYSMAL record of players.

    Talk about 300 wasted million dollars on bailing this trash heap out of the gutter.

    Glad I canceled my membership.
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  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Less than 50 players on Nintendo Switch are max CR. That is crazy.

    But I will agree. The early game still needs work. Queues take a long time due to the lower population so you are almost forced to skip certain missions to try to power level to 30 or just buy a level skip.

    Most new players trying out a game will see this and just bail.
    Then there is the community. DCUO community is very toxic. You can see by the EOG stipulations in LFG. We know that Artifacts account for more than 50% of a players damage.

    As a new player when you look at that and see that most of your power is locked behind a paywall or a 1-2 year daily grind that would push you away too.

    Long content droughts due to short staffing. Large power and movement mode imbalance.

    DCUO does have the combat and overall feel of being a superpowered being for sure. But the shortcomings hold this game back tremendously.

    The new DLC will only bring back players who are currently on a break from the game. It wont bring back the players who gave up at lvl 15 or those who gave up as soon as they hit lvl 30 because they are waiting 1 hour for an instance to pop.
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  3. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Something tells me the census info will be taken down soon
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  4. zNot Loyal Player

    I Agree with OP and what you say but there are rumours going around not sure if you guys seen the picture about it i have seen it if this is true the devs have finally after years caught up on balance changes and this time they seem to be huge.
  5. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Where have you heard these rumors ? unless someone from the company is leaking info to players I dunno how anyone would know this…
  6. zNot Loyal Player

    Im not sure if i break TOS if i say what it says or who it was it wasnt that secret i guess since it was for private test server so a small amount of people were meant to see it.
  7. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Youtubers are allowed clickbait titles :D

    Tomorrow's video will breakdown the Most Popular Powersets and their distributions among the players
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    Data would have been better if it was dropped to regular vendor gear CR, because CR396 is full elite gear and OP items and therefore a decent chunk of active regular normal players who don't play elite hasn't been isolated in the video, but meh, it's there for people to look up, but wasn't in the video.
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  9. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    I can't spoil everyone's fun, or they wouldn't have a reason to use the new website

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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    Or the opportunity for another video :p
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  11. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    You need to elaborate or we will all chalk this up as “wanna be scooper BS.”
  12. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Heck yeah 56 solid Xbox players over 700sp :)
    No speed hacks or macros everrr ;)
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  13. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I’m guessing he doesn’t wanna get hit with a suspension or a warning cause the devs definitely don’t want us talking about that
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  14. zNot Loyal Player

    Well its not supposed to be public Multiple threads were deleted about the topic Thats why im not telling whats changing.
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I was about to say that.

    Sure going to miss that census.
  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Dropped mine 4 months after stat clamp and 'daily rewards' changes with just a few re-ups for 1 month to get bonus gifts on the anniversary. Might be time to start looking for a new time sucking game.

    It would be cool if we could see a particular style, something that only members would likely have, like the day 21 bonus from last month. That would give an indication of membership vs 'toons' as obviously, paying members count more towards the game's 'health' than someone like me who has multiple toons at 396 on multiple accounts but spends near to nothing.
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  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You're assuming the census will still work tomorrow.

    Optimist...you are.
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  18. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Yet you’re still here and looking up dcuo content
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player


    Where that breeze come from? It was kinda cold
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  20. beardrive Committed Player

    None of this will matter if the numbers aren't kept up. A scorecard is designed for PVP, to Lord something over somebody, or to show them you are better than them. it's destroyed all of the community, all of the communication, and all of the play with player versus environment people, pve.

    It's always been this way in DCUO, as I constantly hear people shouting noob and you used soda? Etc. But enough of those people have pushed other people out who just want to play and not be subjected to abuse that I think that it's time for a server merge.

    I really don't care about your damage. None of its signifies and none of it shows up on the scorecard anyway it's just something for you to argue about. So if they did merge the servers we would at least all be able to play together.

    Fall guys does that generally successfully on five platforms. And that's just some cheap crap game with code that has 35,000 daily players, and has people not only missing rewards, but having their weeklies change for those rewards. Can you imagine how angry people would be on this game if they didn't get whatever weekly reward they were supposed to get? And that doesn't even happen here.

    The numbers are abysmal but that's mostly because the world is tired of toxic people and they just want to play a game. Once the scorecard is removed and all of the servers merged, everything will be a little bit better.

    And of either of those things aren't done, it will be interesting to see how DCUO is monetized, effectively.
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