DCUO Development Update - January 2023

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 11, 2023.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Lol this is hilarious. You don’t like it so it means it’s a bad roadmap? That’s rich.

    Let’s see, no new powers have been released for years. So does that mean that every year the game has “went off the cliff”? No
    They have also released artifacts and allies consistently every since they respectively came out? But now it’s a sign that’s it’s coming to a close? Lol
    Many dlcs have been single raid dlcs. You’re acting as if that’s something new lol
    No update for next gen consoles? They literally said it’s part of the plan for the year. Must have a different definition that I do.

    While I’m not a fan of the wonderverse style open world, I’m aware that some enjoyed it.

    Yes there’s only one dlc but they announced 3 dlcs this year. Seems like these will be shorter/faster release dlcs. So what if it’s only 1 raid? Better to have 1 good quality raid than 2 crappy ones. It’s always the same “I don’t like it so the games dying” bs lol
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  2. Bathroom Dad Active Player

    Shhh the adults are talking.
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  3. ClowninAround Well-Known Player

    I know that there aren't any new powers coming ever. I've known that since Water. I never said anything about powers but you mixed my cliff statement in with it. Don't go mixing posts.

    My cliff statement was more about the fact that this was an incredibly lackluster roadmap at a time when morale is real low (amongst myself and those I talk to). We need something to get excited about. Something to show that they give a damn.

    Normally I see something to get excited about with their roadmaps. Somewhere, anywhere in the year. This one just turned me off completely.

    Now I know people are gonna run to the defense of the game and that's cool. I hope I'm wrong and it's somehow a strong year. I'm just sharing a bit of my view. All my statements are in relation to me and how I perceive my future with the game. I can't and don't speak for anyone else. I'm sure there are a bunch of people excited to buy new emotes.
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  4. Bathroom Dad Active Player

    Don’t let him get under your skin. That guy loves to play devils advocate regardless of the topic. He’d find 3 ways why cancer is good if you said you were against it. Your points are valid.
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  5. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Maybe it's just me, but I don't see enough detail in the roadmap to judge what sort of year it'll be.

    They say that the next episode will have one raid. So what? The one after that might have two, or three. They don't mention it at all, so we can't judge it.

    Figure I'll wait and see what they give us, before deciding whether or not I like it.
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  6. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Most of the negative feedback on the open world boss system was from players who just had to have all the spam feats the first week or two and for some odd reason made the choice to willingly subjected themselves to playing a video game in a way that was not fun and enjoyable. That just azz backwards as the entire point of playing video games is to have fun. Personally I thought it was an awesome system, especially when tweaked and improved in LoS. I did 1-2 cycles a day and only did a couple longer spam sessions when several leagumates were also spamming which made it fun cause it was a social experience. I had all the feats and most of the vendor items shortly after the first bonus marks week with the added bonus of zero burnout.

    Also, we’ve gotten news on several occasions that there won’t be any new powers. I have no idea why people keep expecting or even hoping for the exact opposite of what the devs have repeatedly communicated.
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  7. xXlNesTlXx Well-Known Player

    Well...2023 Roadmap not looks so much interesting for me...emotes are one of the most stupid things of whole gaming world even if emotes are free (I not gonna say nothing about pay for that but...you know...o_O ) but if I learned something through years playing videogames, is to not trust in game developers and not pay attention on this roadmaps because I have seen many games with amazing roadmaps becoming into trash games and vice versa, the year is sooooo long and many things can happen...so just play, enjoy the actual content and lets see or just quit, but no pay attention on this...is a waste
  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Actually hes right...This is kinda par for the course for awhile now. Although the emotes are a break from that norm
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  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    When is the last time we EVER got any emotes added?
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  10. xXlNesTlXx Well-Known Player

    What part of "whole gaming world" you not understand? :D

    If you are excited about the idea to do jumping jacks with your characters after spend 5$ for it, glad for you, but as adult players we look for a new content with a bit more relevance
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  11. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Their priorities are a bit messed up imo. The game crashes and next gen clients should be top priority, not new emotes.

    I get that they see other games like Fortnite make bank on emotes, but let's face it, that time has passed for this game. I dont think kids are downloading and playing this game like the other one. And, to that, most of the people left on this game are just veterans heavily invested, and I dont think most of them care about new emotes. I know I don't.

    Ya know what I care about, my PS4 and PS5 not burning up their hard drives because of the hard crashes 10 times a day. It's the reason I only play this on my PS4, but I'd love to try it out on my PS5 someday....but it looks like its gonna be a long time yet.
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  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    My question would be, what kinda content do you expect to get?
  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Id think youd be mistaken in thinking that. Immersion is big thing, and players want to watch their cool looking character do cool stuff
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  14. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Wonderverse style open world bosses... [IMG]

    Is that even confirmed?
  15. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Why can't you listen to any criticism of the game?

    This "but this has been what they've been doing for a while" isn't a good excuse.
    Do you know how "driving towards a cliff" works?
    Nobody is saying that they are gonna teleport off the cliff.

    More artifacts and allies.
    People just might be getting tired of trinkets that you have to mostly pay for that replaces actual progression in the game... Stop me if you've heard this one before.
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  16. xXlNesTlXx Well-Known Player

    any content able to change the game or make it more challenging....and emotes not does any of those things


    Definitely, damage done by Fortnite to gaming is irreparable
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  17. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    I know it probably won't happen but i would love to see iconic slimlines added that have emblems built in, they already gave us a nice flash suit made from slimlines so they could easily make us slimlines for the rest of the iconics like batman and superman for example.
  18. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Cute that you think making statements like this makes you an adult. Kinda like a child dressing up in their parents clothes lol
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  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    And that’s fair enough. But it’s more how you said it that the roadmap itself was some kind of indication that the game was heading downward. One of the bigger issues players had with the game recently was the speed at which dlcs were released. This shows that more episodes were going to come out this year.

    And again, I wasn’t a fan about the wonderverse boss system. I even shared concerns about it when I found out the structure. The open world boss system can actually be very successful when done right. The wonderverse/31st century however wasn’t. I’m personally not excited but am also open to seeing if they make changes based on how they were received upon release,
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  20. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    While I don’t like that this is something they are going to spend resources on, you can’t deny that emotes are something that gamers like to get. It’s not about being an adult or if you’re young. It’s just common sense that cosmetics in games are a big hit. The concern I have is that there will be feats attached. If there aren’t than great, release all the emotes they want and charge whatever to get players to spend money. That would help the income of the game to help sustain it and fund other areas.
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