I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    Those threads rarely popped up. Let's give it the benefit of the doubt and say they popped up twice a year. Thats still less than the anti clamp posts just from the last 3 months.

    You continue to bring up the ultra rare in game occurrence. Bottom line is that if the majority of the forums were pro clamp you would have a totally different outlook. You would be anti clamp because that's who you are. You just want to argue with people and look intelligent with your responses longer than most novels. But hey, I guess the reputation of being the dude who argues all the time on the forums is better than being the mediocre player who stayed kissing Optimus *** for feat runs.
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm not trying to shame anyone, and one man's 'beneath them' is another man's 'meta'. If you feel that this is in some way a source of potential shame...well, I didn't say that....you did.;)

    Just saying, I doubt anyone is tac swapping because it's 'fun' or immersive. They are doing it because it gives a distinct advantage over the next guy...or the feat...or just getting done faster.

    Then you should get around to changing your stock answer from 'Sure you can have an option, but you don't get feats or rewards', to 'no, we cannot have an option....the impact to the game would be of great detriment'. Because with the first reply, it really seems like your biggest concern is the feats and rewards....not the impact. I know it's easier to sound smarmy with the first one, but it's very misleading on your real opinion.

    'Drag screeds of adds'....you mean like every run where that's still possible and it happens still in most groups?

    Just because you do not care...does not mean everyone else feels the same. It's an MMO...yes....but it's not a job.

    Some feats are trivial by design. RNG checklists, counts and participation feats mainly. Getting them done faster really changes nothing but the time spent in the run.

    Agree to disagree then. I'm ok with that. I've run with enough people who do all the same things post clamp with disregard to their fellow players to know that SOME people aren't worried about leaving people in their 'trail of waste'. One might argue that someone battle tanking their way through a failed boss fight while 7 people sit outside oooohing and aaaahing is kind of the same thing....for those 7 people.

    So fine...make it a 20 min loot lock. They have that in Patchwork bosses...I'd guess it could be applied to raids. If a raid isn't taking 20 min, it's not 'longer', now is it?

    I'm not even saying I WANT loot locks. Just saying, if they really wanted more coverage in older content, they'd remove spammability from the equation. Granted some would work around a 20 min lock, but it would open up MORE runs than spamming USR/FFR/whatevertheflavoroftheweekis as the main thing running for that week.

    Oh, well, not to rehash what I've said 100x in the previous 100s of pages. ANY option I'd see for unclamped should not use matchmaking...not be in omni. If you want unclamped, you'd have to build a group, of whatever size, and if some noob joins the group, he knows what he's getting into and wants to be there. Anyone who doesn't know about glitchy things in the run, well....they will find out when they glitch it. 'Learning by Osmosis'....remember? I know your fear is that no one would run clamped then, or they'd get feats unclamped and just move on to USR/FFR spams for marks, but I think there are FAR more people who had no complaints about being dragged along vs those that had an issue with it. Give the people what they want I say!!
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  3. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Simple, new players wouldn't have the option to run unclamped until they meet certain requirements (always having completed the content and/or far surpassing it in level as well, etc.). Also, clamped would be default unless unchecked/turned off manually.

    This is only addressing the "ruining" aspect, nothing more. You don't need to repeat yourself to me on the other stuff like reasonings and all that lol.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    On my phone so just keeping it succinct.

    I pointed out the cheese element because I don't actually consider anything in the game "cheese" it's either a viable strategy or it isn't, as long as it's fine within the confined rules of the game, if the devs change it then they decide whether they felt it was intended, I don't actually care :)

    In terms of your optional system I generally suggest certain things because I'm trying to see if there's some sort of middle ground, my overall view though is that it won't work because it'll just recreate the game we previously had, which was broken.

    I see little way to actually overcome the issues that were previously there and I don't think anything proposed thus far in this thread does it in a satisfactory way either.

    I do think some of your ideas are good, loot locks for example even if short, I'd probably use those even in clamped to stop spam, however trouble is that it's a punitive approach rather than a rewarding one.

    Locking new players from just going in there is a good idea but then it leaves the arbitrary decision of deciding what the requirements are which people will complain about as well.

    Ultimately though I don't think any of it resolves anything because it doesn't actually address the game breaking elements that as I've said are my biggest issue, you're really just enabling it and you're basically asking the developers to put out a defective product for the sake of your feats.

    What happens when the boss glitches out though and ruins feats, do you think people will start asking for a fix?
  5. Proxystar #Perception

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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    No, the complaints and requests about wanting a clamp, were numerous and as frequent over the years as these anti clamp threads are now, I know because I used to post in those as well, but from your perspective and side of the argument. I was massively anti clamp myself, because I didn't want the game clamped either.

    I changed my mind because it wasn't best for the game to remain unclamped.
  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    For the record, I also don't see anything 'wrong' with using the meta or 'cheesy' things....however, if a group is insisting on having a tac swapping buff troll, 2 EOG spamming healers a clarion/EOG running tank and 4 tac swapping or gadgets precision monsters all rocking Shazam or Krypto or whoever the Ally of the minute is....just to attempt a feat or Elite run...yeah...not sure how different that is from an unclamped run really.

    I also don't think any middle ground will be found that would be acceptable by the devs, or they'd have tried it by now. Any proposals I have made or make are purely theoretical, not any kind of 'wish' I would have for something I'd expect to be delivered. Again, I have the clamp working in my favor as well as I can expect. As you say above....I'm working within the 'confined rules'.

    And as for your last question. I already stated, if you CAN glitch out something, it's on a 'buyer beware' basis. Now, glitches like AOD alert 'lightbringer' not working....or PC's entrance generally meaning 1/2 the group will DC, yeah...those should be able to be bug reports and should be worked on. Those things happen in clamped as well. Locking up Arkham because you blowed up Scarecrow...yeah, that's on you. And again, NO ONE in that group should be there by accident....they would be pre made, un-matchmade, groups. And I'll tell you for a fact, any 'glitch' you can name due to overburn, it is 100% possible to NOT glitch it by controlling yourself. If you were to get in a feat group with people who cannot control themselves, it's very likely you won't get feats done clamped OR unclamped, EEG or EG. And let's be realistic, there weren't THAT many overburn glitches.

    And yeah, it's asking DBG to put out a buggy product, but really....is that a new concept? It's not like the few bugs encountered in unclamped, over burnt runs, were the only bugs in an otherwise flawless software. That bug reports forum hasn't cleared out in the last 18 months....has it?;)
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    Even with all of that you're not melting it as quick as unclamped :p p.s. Shazam got nerfed lol

    I really wish people would treat it like "buyer beware" but unfortunately they won't and as we discussed earlier when it gets to the point their progress enables a glitch out through one simple rifle grenade they'll be in here crying up a storm that they can't get the feat unclamped and had to go in clamped anyway.

    I wonder if they could introduce a message when you queue unclamped basically a disclaimer saying "if you glitch anything out in here it's on you, shut the **** up enjoy your experience and if you can't beat it like a God try queuing not as one" lol :D
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It's still varying degrees of 'trivializing' things. If you are really billy bad-a player, team lead, get-er-done man....you shouldn't NEED all the cheese to get things done, yet people do seem to like requiring it. Just saying, people ask SP and artis for reg runs....or walk out if they see some 368-369 players pop up in their pug runs.

    That is 100% the disclaimer I would expect.... Spot on.

    And over the years of unclamp, I'm not sure how many people came in and complained about glitched feat runs. I'd guess way less than were put in for regular old bugs that burn or no burn...happen. Oh...they'd complain about glitched random runs, but again....there should be no random unclamped runs....period.
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  10. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Ey I suggested that disclaimer so many times lol :p
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    I never actually require the cheese, but I do think if people are failing things they should start thinking outside the box in terms of whether there's a better way to do something and yes I do agree with you that people can actually genuinely be ******** in the way they exclude others from groups because of their progress even when it's entirely unreasonable to do so.

    Those types of players are the real elitists we're often accused of being here, Actually only a few of those types of players actually ever engage here on the forums (I slightly digress) because in true fashion they already see forum users as casual idiots lol

    I have you on ignore I can't see any of your posts, you're the only one on my ignore list, just kidding, I'm sure you have lol :p
  12. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    You know...

    If we didn't have to repeat the things we've said 100X... this thread would only be 2 pages.
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    No it wouldn't, because you'll keep complaining about the clamp forever even if it means ban evasion ;)
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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I sometimes don't think its as much 'elitist' as it is 'nearsighted efficiency'. Yes, having the group full of 396, fully kitted beasts means things will go more efficiently, but spending 20 min trying to fill those last few spots defeats the purpose and actually takes longer unless the random/lesser kitted players would cause wipes (like in TSW last boss).

    And hey....I'm a serious idiot....I am not casual about it at all.:confused:
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    Lol, no sorry I meant that type of exclusionary request usually comes from people coupled with other negative type traits ;)

    The upper most elite circles in this game are horribly intolerant of others and at times even each other, it's why their leagues frequently implode and morph into new ones or are literally like closed cults lol :D

    Those are also the types of players up in LFG demanding you have 6 EOGs and 10 Shazams leveled day 1 and you'll need your social security number to join their group :cool:
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  16. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    It's people like you that keeps these threads going.

    The "Don't Get Rid Of The Clamp" thread came and went with 4 replies (2 are the op).... Why?

    Because we don't feel threatened by other people's opinions. We don't have to attack or argue what other people think...

    We do like to defend our own opinions, tho.

    Do you honestly not believe that every criticism you have about having an option hasn't been met by now... Whether you agree with them or not?

    No... We have to constantly repeat ourselves over and over to the hard of thinking.

    "We really just want an option.":):oops:
    "No... we really just want an option":):oops:
    "No... We really just want an option to play the game with the feel of our character's progress.":):oops:
    "That's not really the progress of our character, tho... If we had an option...":):oops:
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Can't take serious from person banned because they can't converse like a normal person lol

    Good for a laugh though.
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  18. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Yeah... I'd probably use that as an excuse if I had no real reply, too.

    Actually.. I probably wouldn't.... I'm not that much of a coward.
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  19. Caroline Dedicated Player

    This thread is still open?

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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    Like I said you're good for a laugh, it's like keeping the clown around before we had televisions, know what I mean. :)
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