
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Empress_Orana, Dec 19, 2022.

  1. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Not really. You said remove as in take them away from the game and players currently. If they dont add them in the future, that's not taking them away. They can't lose what they don't currently have. You said that same thing to the guy complaining about "losing" double coins in the other thread because they started it 2 days early.

    Congrats to you and your elitist buddies that can complete TSWe+ no death feat. I sincerely mean that. Hats off. Woe is me having to wait 10+ DLCs to attempt that.
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    I'm talking period, they shouldn't be removed retroactively or going forward, my position remains the same because the problem doesn't exist period, now or in the future.

    Also who said I had the TSWe+ no death feat? I don't have that and I don't even care, I don't care who has it or not, I don't stress it because in 2 DLC's from now I'm confident it'll be easier and when clamped it'll be even easier and if its not we could then have a meaningful discussion about it with actual data, you know kind of like rational adults not kids throwing toys around the room prematurely :D
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  3. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Okay because the "problem" doesn't even pertain to you then, so why are you here fighting for the feat points to remain?

    I'm gonna repeat it:

    By "normal" I really meant more like, "they are including feat points to normalize Elite+ as content that should be focused on, rather then just added for the challenge".

    Can you see where I'm coming from when I put it that way? I think that's what many here were also trying to say.
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  4. Kestral Committed Player

    I am so glad of the ignore option on forums and it is wild to read this thread and still know exactly everyone is talking to.
    Pretty sure they just respond to everything so they can get progression in their forum rank. :p
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    Why am I fighting for the feats to remain, because even though I don't bother with them, I'm being objective and not letting self interest prejudice an objective view, whereas because you believe these feats will always be impossible to you due to population issues on Xbox you're letting that situation prejudice your opinion.
  6. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    is there a feat for that?
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  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I for one am satisfied with the current difficulty level of modern content. I think we have a pretty good balance now with Elite & Elite+ for those who desire greater challenge. As I have stated prior, I don't have any prob with Elite+ players getting a reward for their efforts. I believe hard work and effort should always be rewarded. Where I have a problem, a BIG problem, is when those rewards, those efforts, are taken away from me after I worked so hard to achieve them.

    You are very right in your statement about how people would eventually be able to complete old contenting, but it was only after 1) learning the mechanics of the content, and 2) improving / increasing their stats and going back and crushing it. This is can still be achieved in EG content to a certain extent. Take Source Wall Elite, using the best gear we are getting from SoBA, it is an elite raid that does flow smoother. I only play elite content with league mates so I have no idea how a pug group would perform. I don't do pug groups for elite content because I'm afraid of getting yelled at, it is fear that was instilled in me from when I first started playing DCUO. It is one of the reasons I push myself to be the best I can be and become the strongest I can be. I never want to be yelled at and told I'm weak ever again.

    Old content is dead to me. Any feats I am missing are just gone. There will be new feats in new content to make up the difference from what I have missed out on in past content.

    I did not want to go down this path: "Eventually though, those stats will add up again and they'll have to do a balance pass again," - IF this ever happens again, and my stats are adversely affected yet again, I promise Daybreak / Dimensional Ink has gotten the last $ out of me and I will never, ever play this game again. I worked for what I got, I earned what I got, it was my reward because I deserved it for being successful.
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  8. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    Its an mmo if you don’t want to put the effort to get good to get the feats and beat the content then you shouldn’t be rewarded for it.

    if it’s a server issue because there isn’t enough people to run stuff then ask for server merge.
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  9. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    As usual you are right and completely hit the mark. Post wise the players that think like us have overwhelmingly let it be known they are with us and want the insanity to stop. In game the numbers of mass turn over and gone forever speak for themselves. It's fairly obvious the powers that be know their SP/Clamp/etc. "solutions" have been abject failures given they continue to roll back many of the changes only a miniscule number wanted (gatekeepy elitist scoreboard chasing types) and they keep implementing what we want (if they do so seemingly begrudgingly at times).

    Right now DCUO has a still has serious issues in the gaming world thanks to their poor decision to take away everyone's progression and thanks to SP still playing a significant issue in new players wanting to hit that top score board. New players that are after being elite know they are behind a wall of money, massive time sink, and that at any moment the powers that be may yank all that progression away like they already have. Add in the gatekeepy people terrified of newbies getting easy feats (that they and we all got back pre-clamp) and its just one big advertisement to go play another game with an even playing field or at least a rep for not nerfing your characters into oblivion under the guise of a better more fun game.

    I use it over and over. But no one wants to spend a year building their 1st level wizard into a 20th wizard just to have all the vast power pulled away and told its for their own enjoyment and making the game better. And NO ONE wants to come share their frustration over a real issue to be chased by the same four accounts telling them their wrong for their valid complaint. That's DCUO today and gamers are very aware.
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    Couldn't agree with this more.
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  11. Skoll Well-Known Player

    The echo chamber in here is amazing. Truly a circle jerk of monstrous magnitude.

    If you can’t beat this current EP E+, you should be working on some other things. This is a whole different type of E+ than previous TSWE+. It’s clear the devs already heard the baby cries and reduced the difficulty of both Elite and E+ a substantial amount. How long was it before the very top players of the game beat TSWE+? Weeks? Months? SOBA E+ was beat first day. It’s beatable with roles that have 160 arts and 300SP.

    If anything, it seems the devs have done some of you a favor by giving you opportunity to get more SP from the same DLC. This E+ is what regular Elite should have been. Everyone complained TSWE+ was too hard (which, is fair), so they downtuned SOBA elite and elite+ to babymode.

    The SP from E+ are negligible. And the argument “b-b-but in 10 episodes, that could be 20-30SP!”, listen carefully, if 350-400SP toons can keep role up in SM R30s & E+, it’s not a SP issue, it’s a skill issue. And if you think you NEED 750+SP, you don’t. For anything.

    The only people where the extra SP in E+ even matter are those that are 700+ SP, and if you are at that level, you fit into either one of two categories; actual elite endgame player that also plays with other elite players, or, sweat grinder. If it’s the former, you’ll beat E+ and get the feats that are beatable, if it’s the latter, you don’t need them. You just want them. If you’re a player with lower SP and complaining that you can’t do this E+ content because it’s too hard, believe me, there’s other feats for you to go and grind.

    And where should we draw the line? What about players where regular elite is too hard for them? Should elite feats be removed from the game to accommodate them also, as you are asking for E+ feats to be removed? The whole “but E+ is for the 1%!”, I would say there is a lot more people playing the game that cannot do regular elite than can. So there is more of them, why should they not be taken into consideration?
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  12. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    How many SP are in Elite+ content?
  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Then you might want to unsubcribe from every game that attempts to keep power creep in check. Because power creep is an inevitable Tiffy, you want to feel progression? That is power creep, its when power creep goes unchecked for too long it becomes problematic for previous content after a certain point or because integers get too high and the numbers that high cant be processed and content is being ran with stats never fathomed for that content.

    So the numbers have to be compressed periodically to keep everything going smoothly.

    Dont you want your game to be in a playable state? And not bugging out bosses because you can 100% to 50% them in 2 swings, but they were programmed to transition at 85% and i dont think they were designed to skip phases so you end up breaking the instance by forcing the script to encounter a scenario it wasn't designed to do, so it ceases to work.

    Youd have to program a phase skip for ever encounter, and if that and hope that nothing breaks in the process which would require you to go back and fix that too.
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  14. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Then we need to forget about this FARCE of trying to get better & improve! THEY made this game, I didn't, they made the rules that said I can get stronger & more powerful as a reward for being successful in the game, I didn't! I play by the rules, I do what I am suppose to do, I put in the effort, I put in the work, I put in the time. So I am successful, and I got stronger BY THE RULES. I earned everything I have achieved. I love, LOVE, going back and devastating those old bosses, just wrecking them. In FF XIV when we play Extreme unsynced, it is much fun stomping the bosses after all the grief they caused me in the past of trying over & over to beat them.

    I play this game and FF XIV to make myself stronger in-game. Leveling up and staying strong is my enjoyment. I just renewed membership. I am paying to help support this game. But if I get my stats stolen from me again, I am done. I don't care if it DCUO or FF XIV. I'm done. Here's my proof that I'm a paying member:

    DC Universe™ Online 12-Month Membership (12 Months) Recurring Subscription Fee: $119.99 will be charged on 12/23/2023 $119.99

    Tax: $8.10

    Total: $128.09
    Fund Sources Used (Total)
    VISA xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : $128.09

    Current Wallet Amount*: $0.00
    *This wallet amount is current as of the date and time of this transaction.

    Cheat me out of my stats again, and I never spend another $ on this game or any game that abuses me as a paying customer, not just a gamer.
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  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Its not a matter of if, its when.
  16. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    I logged in just to "like" this.
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  17. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Then it is up to the game developers to come up with a way the meets this challenge while preserving and RESPECTING the hard work and effort gamers have earned. I will not be screwed over again.

    I've already got 2 league mates who won't run any of the content anymore, new or otherwise, because they think what's the use? They now just socialize and decorate their lairs. And they have dropped their memberships also I might add.

    I would hope Daybreak / Dimensional Ink will come up with some kind of plan to revitalize this game to re-energize it, perhaps they already do. I want players like my 2 league mates to enjoy PLAYING again instead of being de-moralized.

    Thank you, Ryuko, now I'm all raging at DCUO again and they haven't even done anything else yet. But like I said, cheat me again out of what I earned and I will completely uninstall this game and never look back.
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  18. not serious Well-Known Player

    i dont think they were designed to skip phases. However the most broken powers of the game have the right to skip phases in the last contents :D
  19. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Putting carrots out of the majority of players' reach is not a healthy direction for the game. No one asked for points in Elite+, they only asked for a challenge. Once again, I say that it was uneccessary. Also, I say a 50th time it's the principal of the matter. They are literally just not needed. Not by the top 1%, and heck, nor even by the rest of the 99% as you say. They are absolutely "point"less. Elite+, like Survival Mode, is for clout and/or challenge. Anything more than that is just silly.
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  20. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I guess where I disagree is if I choose to play this Elite+ content, and not only that but play it in a way with other like minded people to achieve a feat, I expect some kind of reward for my efforts. It doesn’t matter to me what the reward is, as long as it is some kind acknowledgement of my achievements. I am against having my achievements retroactively taken from me.

    I don’t like disagreeing with you on this, it’s not right to me! We’re on the same team! *HUGS* I just think players should be rewarded some how for their efforts if they achieve some difficult feat. What that reward could be doesn’t have to be SP, it can be anything, as long as it is some kind of acknowledgement.
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