
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Empress_Orana, Dec 19, 2022.

  1. Plowed In Loyal Player

    What is being asked is for the devs to change course. I think we’ve demonstrated the positive benefit of the system as is (incentivizes “some” to chase it) and I believe the devs see value in keeping it the way it is in its current state.

    Personally, I think more motivators are needed at this time, not less, for the long term health of the game and community.
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    This is where I disagree...and we probably won't agree. I don't think the overall 'health' of the community is to cater to the few 1% whales who will run and enjoy this stuff. Yeah, they spend a lot of money, but they are also not the bulk of the users. MOST of the users will likely never run E+.

    The same people they are creating this stuff for are the people who were done with all feats, renown and elite gear on day one of the DLC and 'bored' again. Seems like the overall health would be better served with better fleshed out DLCs and a general overall challenge vs easy content with all difficulty funneled into 2 or 3 instances for a handful of players.
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  3. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Incentive for other stuff, yeah... Not the most toxic content in the game catered to elitists XD

    They don't need incentive.
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  4. BumblingB I got better.

    Not just challenge, but engagement. The last year of DLCs have shown very little in complexity of content. If you compare them to DLCs of past, they pale in design. I just wonder if maybe, it would be better suited to have that extra elite development go towards something that helps all.

    I get it, the conversation of difficulty has been throughout the game's life. It's the main reason why we got it in the first place. (Though, that design was more a reactionary addition by a single Creative Director than actual meaningful added model.) But we are getting almost as much ELITE content as regular content with feats to boot. Why do we need a 3rd level added that ALSO gives more progression in it? That third level requires balancing and development time. It may not be the same amount of work as just building the instance, but instead of allocating the resources to a 3rd version, just slot that to maybe more in the actual content. SOBA was an "okay" DLC. On paper, it gave us quite a bit, but if you actually look at the content, it was lacking. The solo is just short and feels like it should have been longer. The alert had some potential, but it felt like something was missing from the middle. The 2 raids are just boss fights that equal about the same as Doomed's The 6th Dimension. Maybe we can chalk most of that up to the staffing issue from earlier this year, but the direction they are going with the content just doesn't match the general population. Something will have to change or they will get a revenue loss and the small portion that it is catering to can't pick up the slack of said loss.

    In the end, the vocal minority is always the loudest and they shouldn't be excluded either, but there is that moment of what is actually good for the longevity of the game on all platforms?
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  5. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Quite frankly, this specific topic moves the needle minimally, and in my opinion it’s not “catering” to the 1%, more like here’s a bonus morsel.

    And that’s what my 2nd paragraph was alluding to…better motivators all around, be it better fleshed out DLCs or whatnot or just something new that breathes fresh air into the game. 2022 was a rebuilding year, let’s hope 2023 and the new dev team has some inspired direction and large term goals and loads of energy :)
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Let's agree on that. Still not a fan of the E+ SP vs 'other' incentives, but this last sentence I'll get behind.
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  7. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Good points and generally I’m in the camp with you that thinks anything more than 2 versions of content is too much. I would say that art and design of the SoBA content was top notch (the rooms and hallways were packed with strategically placed base items…) even if the mechanics felt a little lackluster. As to the revenue, DCUO is a solid revenue generator for EG7 and they did say some of that Marvel money was going to be redirected into this game…let’s see what they have in store…UE4 or UE5 (dare I dream) upgrades could have giant upsides and spark some chatter.
  8. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, you might be dreaming on the engine upgrade. That seriously would require them to unravel and modularize the "legacy code." Which is something a lot of the current devs are afraid to touch. lol

    In end, I agree. We need to see where it's going, but threads like this does give insight on how the players are feeling. It's best to get it in now as they work on the next several DLCs. Remember the bounty centric back to back DLCs that were hated by the community? They were at least able to understand the feedback and we got Flashpoint. Which was very engaging. Story may not have made sense, but the content was very enjoyable and heck, the Grodd fight was still a hard one in elite. I'm not going to discuss the tiers of the other raid, I don't think they were necessary and there were too many exploits involved in it that trivialized the content.

    Lets pray that balance will be struck in the new year.

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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    You keep trying to twist and turn this in to something it isn't.

    The stats are a reward for undertaking the feat, the purpose of the feat is to provide players with a greater challenge over and above the difficulty of completing the content in and of itself.

    This applies throughout all levels of content, it's that simply, stop over thinking it and being petty.

    If you want the feats, get a group together and go for the feat, if you can't do it at level then wait until you are more powerful, if you can't get it when it's either 3 DLC's old or in EEG then put forward a rational and reasonable argument that there's an issue with where you think its balanced (I suggest video evidence helps) or just get better at the game...
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  10. Henoshock Well-Known Player

    Coming back to "incentives", I don't see why we wouldn't want more of those in the game. If there will no SP attached to this Elite+ content, then there would be no SP and everyone would be the same.

    Then what's the difference if there is SP attached to the Elite+ content? The people who put in the time and effort get their little bonus. The people who can't or won't will just be the same. The only difference for these people — compared to if E+ had no SP at all — is that they'd be a bit behind those who did get the feats (or in another way, those who get the feats get to be a bit ahead). I don't see why there's a need to deprive some people of their small bonuses.

    Maybe they could add more feats to the regular content, which would likely mean more mechanics and such. Then there's basically no difference than just running E+ anyways, since most fights are just very mechanics heavy. You do the mechanics well, you can get the feats, otherwise no.

    Maybe I'm missing something here, but the only reason I can see opposed to E+ feats is because they're just too hard to obtain for most people. And I think it's fine to have very hard content and feats, if you want 100% in anything you should have to invest a pretty significant amount of effort and time. You don't need 100% completion in anything to be able to progress, like I've said you're basically set at like 550 SP. If you were max SP like 2 years ago then you'd be fine now, take a week to get your CR up and you're basically good to go.

    Really, what harm does some uncompleted feats do to most people? I'd like to see the devs make and incentivize more difficult and engaging content than just another TC or BB.
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Sorry...I was being reasonable just don't agree with you. Guess I can do the whole The Con thing and start TALKING IN ALL CAPS....then talking small....then talking in C O L O R vs trying to have a conversation.

    So if points are the reward for a challenge...vs a way to build your character to better take ON a challenge, let's think about those non E+ feats. Honestly....not sure why we even have feats in event versions or OW. I know why they are in TCs, as they are to get money out of the whales....but those dirty dirty event players....why 'reward' them? Guess I'll go squash some bugs so I can get my 'reward'....and I know that feat was to your liking too. Talk about people wanting participation trophies.:rolleyes:

    But, once again, your opinion is fact. I don't know why anyone bothers talking to you vs just asking your opinion then agreeing with what you say. I'd say that will make for an interesting read... for you at least. Have a good holiday.
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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    You don't need elite or elite+ feats to "build" your character Reinheld, the fact you seem to have a healthy enough level of SP even though you lack virtually every elite feat in the game is testament to that fact ;)

    Ergo you're using the "poor event players" to strawman your argument.

    Elite and elite+ feats are just a bit of sugar on top, they're not gating anyone at all, period.
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Hmmm....Seems like I said DON"T have SP in the event....I say f' em. Peasants. SP should only be for those who can excel at following the meta cheese, know a speedhacker or spend enough money in game to buy their way to the 'top'. You know....the 'elite' players.

    And nice try, but I do have many older elite feats....but according to you I must have been carried in all those runs, right? I stopped running elite around the same time everyone I used to run with mainly, were leaving the game. Around Atlantis...I'm missing like 2 of those and it goes down from there.

    But thanks for reminding me why I don't run with the 'eilite' crowd we have now. You can virtually kiss my
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    So bitter and twisted lol.
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  15. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    This thread is turning ugly fast. All because some players feel offended that they can't get feats in elite plus and don't want the players that do enjoy elite plus to get more SP than them.

    Like I said before, play the game your way. Let the players who want to do elite plus have their SP from feats exclusive to elite plus. If you don't want to do elite plus then don't. Feats are optional and after a certain point the SPs aren't crucial to you performing your role anymore.

    If you don't like it then don't do elite plus or those feats. Focus on the aspects of the game that you enjoy. And let the elite plus players who play that enjoy playing that content and farming for those feats.

    Also keep the conversation constructive or lock the thread at this point.
  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Sorry...I respond to insults with less than civil conversation. Call me 'petty' and we are pretty much done being civil. Plowed In and I were disagreeing, but the discussion ran it's course and we agree to disagree. But he kept it a bit more highbrow than 'Perception' up there.

    But I expected no less. No holiday miracle here.
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  17. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    Actually they are skill points, thats what they're labelled as, and the acts to get them require various forms of skill.
    Skill isn't a black & white term, it has nuance. Patience is a skill IMO.

    To answer your question, I wouldn't prioritise those feats by any means. They would most likely be the last feats for me in that episode and as such I wouldn't bother putting in as much effort to get them as I did the feats with feat points attached. That's assuming they have absolutely nothing attached. If they had a good title, I might be more inclined to bump them up the priority list, but really my incentive is the feat points.

    If you wanna attach a rare drop reward, cool, but again I won't care unless it has feat points attached. The amount of feat points usually bumps up a rare drops value, and that would be my only interest after obtaining that feat. I've never once equipped the dark robins in combat, but I've sold 10+ sets of them on Xbox.
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  18. BumblingB I got better.

    They were labeled stat points by Avair during the stats revamp. The naming convention and use of "Skill Points" has always been a player fed label. Was an argument of naming during Spytle's reign, but Avair changed that when he moved them out of the "Weapon Skill Point" trees. Where we used to have "Power Points" and "Skill Points" which were primarily used for movement and weapon skills, not because we had skills to acquire them.
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  19. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    Until today I never realised the ambiguity in labelling here.

    The menu is called 'stat points' and there are two explicit mentions of that on the menu itself, however there's still a total counter spent/unspent that says 'skill points'
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Realistically I think there's a problem of once a DLC finishes players really won't go back to the elite version much much less then the elite+ version. Then we'd end up back in the situation where players are wanting to get into the content that don't have as many people queuing for it but it's because the content was designed for the minority.
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