I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    This actually makes sense though. Some of us work 16 hours a day and need to sleep occasionally. If time is limited... and you have money... you can at least keep up.

    On the other hand... if you can't/don't work and you rely on daddy Trudeau to pay your bills with the CERB... well? You have all the time in the world to grind your life away. Everybody wins in this case.

    Nobody wins if you can go around one shotting 95% of the game. Not even you. You'll be bored and become lazy. Why bother getting the feats now? Just sit back and relax. The gear will make them all trivial soon enough. Crack a beer. Talk some smack in LFG and annoy everyone to death that actually wants to play the game. Who cares?
  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    This doesn’t work anymore. You will only be +15CR above the content. No more. No less. That is it. I believe what you are thinking about is the benefit from full Stat Piercing which is a percentage of your stats from Arts/Aug/SP. Even so, it will take years & years for this number to grow to be of significant impact the way gear stats previously did in the past. Slow gains from full Stat Piercing is by design.
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  3. ItsMeAgain Well-Known Player

    The clamp is stupid and should of never been implemented in the first place. As far as the +CR goes they know damn well they can go higher then 15. At least +30 would be more reasonable if they are going to clamp us.
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  4. Plowed In Loyal Player

    That really depends on your own “skill” level. Maybe they should start introducing golf-style handicaps.
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  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    In my numerous debates on this subject where I have pointed out the same as you, I have been told there was a dev response which stated exceeding +15CR began to get close to breaking things again. I do not know who this dev is nor can I quote them but this is what was the counter argument to me.
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  6. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    In which is why my suggestion that only higher tiers should get a higher boost (within a certain realm). Like EEEG (Edit: right before EEG? Idk, like, those few episodes right when clamp hits) can be higher but then get lower when the episodes are pushed further down, if you catch my drift.
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  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Yes, like the ones that are still classified as Tier 6 but have fallen out of EG status. Tier 6 DLC were designed with higher stats in mind. And Flashpoint functioned perfectly with my Death Metal Elite gear…, so, who knows?
  8. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    The clamp wasn't for the players. It was for the company to make bank and save on paying good programmers to fix long standing issues. The now get to sell our progression back to us and make even more money off micro transactions like selling CR boosts, aug boosts, art boosts, ally boosts, but hey they have to make money to keep going. So fair enough. BUT, and this is a big but (heh), they absolutely did not need to take our progression to make old content relevant to brand new players that haven't played old content before (That's actually the argument put forward). Nor did taking our progression away increase enjoyment for all the old players as given by their absence, quitting, making forum accounts, after playing for eight years, just to complain about the clamp.

    You have a few gatekeepy/elite types afraid of losing their scoreboard chasing if newbies get access to the easy feats they got pre-clamp. They love the clamp and are fine with stifling new players and then you have the rest of us wanting our progression back and for new players to enjoy the same game we got to enjoy. We are at least making coherent non-circular points based firmly in reality.

    +15CR is as arbitrary as +5CR, +10CR, +20CR, +25Cr, etc.
    The game will not magically break because power creeped past CR 100 content. What breaks is the company's willingness to pay decent programmers to rewrite code fixing the problem. The clamp was born from saving money on one end and making more on the other and then telling us all how awesome it is in an endless loop.

    I'm not so content with having what I already pent time and money on taken and then sold back to me. That a superhero game where you wield vast cosmic power you built up from CR0 to CR380+ has you knocked back to barely powerful CR43 depending on where you are is silly. It kills the feel of the game but pro-clampers aren't here to be superhero's they are here for the dopamine rush of top scoreboard. Maybe we could just send them "You're a Winner" trophies and call it a day.

    I've said it before. No one wants to spend forever becoming twentieth level wizard about to finally bring a meteor swarm down on their enemies for 20d6 just to have it ripped away and told "NO! you only get to cast magic missile for 1d4 because its better for the game." They took our meteor swarm and gave us magic missile and expect us to say "thank you sir may I have another."

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  9. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    So true. I am at the point where I’m just done with this fight. I will stay in EG content.
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  10. The Con Dedicated Player

    :eek: Man...

    The Cookie Crisp Wizard is piiiiiisssssssed.
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  11. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    It amuses me that your attitude towards the clamp is entirely based on... "the whole world is against me". The developers just want to steal your stats and sell them back to you. The pro clampers just want to keep you down so they can be above you. It all seems so personal and dramatic from your perspective.

    The fact that the most successful mmos have a clamp probably has nothing to do with it. It's about me and my own victim mentality. The whole world just wants to see me suffer. The developers are evil and all they care about is money. They want to sell me back my earnings! The man is keeping me down! The players that disagree with me are just gatekeeping true paradise. They don't want me in heaven. Thats why the clamp exists.

    I might shed a single tear for you, soldier.

    I had a dream last night. "The clamp" came to me. My one true lord stood before and said... "the alpha has not yet reached his true maximum". I believe that he meant you may be a believer one day.
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  12. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Sure. They're all in the Bahamas right now, with their ill gotten billions, that they made by selling your stats back to you somehow. :rolleyes:

    Look at the list of top MMOs. Then look lower. And lower. And a little bit lower - that's where DCUO has resolutely been for the past 10 years, or so. This game is not "making bank". It's fighting for survival. Of course, I understand it's a lot to ask of people, who cosplay as superheroes, to comprehend reality.

    If the game had been doing fine before the clamp - the clamp wouldn't have happened. There are millions of easier ways to get money out of dumb people.
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  13. Apollo Starr Active Player

    I get your attempts to be funny with your “lord” the clamp, but it is a sad attempt at humor. The clamp has drove numerous subscribers from paying a monthly fee to playing free, myself included. Now the clamp isn’t solely responsible for it, the lackluster membership is equally responsible. I subscribed for 10 years, it ran out last November. I still play but I don’t care about feats, sp, lame time capsule styles, etc. I know I am not alone, I have seen the posts on this forum. I know all the pro clampers don’t care, they think there is the army of new players ready to take our place. Please give me what you are smoking. There aren’t enough new players to replace the loss of long term players. I do appreciate all the whales and try hards who buy everything so they have ervery artifact and ally to beat all these elite + raids so they can be superior to all us lowly used to subscribe players. I heard over a year ago that new players would be here to save everyone. I look around and wonder what phase they are in. The last episode typically has 2 phases. I still hear que time problems. That can’t be true, the clamp was our savior. It was going to revive our population. Where are these new players, where is the improved player base. Truth be told, they don’t exist. Your lord and savior the clamp has saved me $120 a year, so I am thankful for that. This game has become a farce. The sad thing is there is only one group spending to get the next best artifact to tac swap, the next best ally, or max their gear and augments asap. They keep the game afloat. Those players typically don’t play with the new players learning how to play, It amazes me how so many people are pro clamp and pro tac swap. That is completely gatekeeping. Just because you can complete everything with a overpowered concept doesn’t mean others should fail. And before you tell me I can’t complete it, sorry I can complete EEG content, I just don’t enjoy it. There should be an option, for those who don’t want it. Options benefit everyone. The only reason the pro clampers don’t want it is because they know where people will play. That all you need to know.

    By the way the whole lord and savior thing is completely lame. If it makes you feel good great, but I don’t think anyone thinks it is remotely humorous at this point.
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  14. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I hope you are not saying people who play DCUO are dumb but are using a metaphor instead. It could be taken the wrong way easily.
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  15. The Con Dedicated Player

    Is the game now making more money because of the clamp? We don't really know.
    BUT: The fact that most of the devs left for greener pastures after/during the clamp might be a sign that it wasn't the savior that some here think it was.

    There is a huuuuge fail in logic here:
    Just because a company makes a change trying to correct declining sales doesn't mean that they are making the correct change.
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  16. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Maybe not. Maybe it was too little too late. It still made the game better for many, even if it made it worse for you and your mates. I don't see a lot of n00bs complaining about the fact they can't unleash their full godly stats upon lower tiers...

    That's not a fail of logic - it's beside the point. At least they did something. And I doubt you have the insight into the workings of this game to be able to judge effects. You can have your opinion though, so that's something.
  17. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    You have to also consider that the clamp is succeeding at doing what was originally intended. People leave the game all the time. There isn't a single player left here that I know from 2011.

    Have some faith in the creators of the game. Those that actually have the numbers and the facts. It is not here without good reason. It has survived the test of time for over 6 months. There does not appear to be anything so detrimental that it would create such wide spread anarchy.

    We don't have the data. Our opinions are simply that... we do not run this organization. They have this information. If the clamp wasn't bringing in more money then it would otherwise... it would have been snuffed out.

    The game needs this. It needs a lot of things to survive. It's old.

    I would like to play this game when I am 60, but I don't think it's in the cards... mostly because of the community. Its petty and the developers have been susceptible to that.

    Stop attempting to influence their decisions unless you actually think it will help the game in the long run. And even if you do think that it will... run it by people first.
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  18. The Con Dedicated Player

    Wouldn't it be nice if there was an option that made both parties happy?

    Maybe "n00bs" avoid you because you call them "n00bs"...

    Or maybe there aren't as many new players being brought in by the clamp than you like to imagine..

    OR... maybe... juuuuuuust maaaaayyyyybe....



    Yes... That's why it's a fail in logic... THAT'S HOW LOGIC WORKS.

    Yes... and in my opinion, they should try something else.

    And.. Yes, I can judge the effects that it has on me... and on others that I see.
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  19. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Sure. Options. Options are always good. Like Pay To Win - that's an option, isn't it? And everyone loves it and what it does to games, don't they...

    Lol... That was my point. But yeah - spelling it out in caps works too, for some people at least... :)

    Nope, wrong again. Needs moar caps... It's called a "non sequitur". I never said the devs made the objectively correct decision, even though I broadly think it was. Just pointed out their valid reasons to make it.

    Sure you can. But unless you and enough unsatisfied customers like you speak with your wallets - nobody really cares.
  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Doubt the clamp had anything better to do with the devs leaving. When you have a choice to try to work on projects that can further your career or continue working on a dated game using a dated engine on dated software. I dont think the devs jumped ship to spite you.

    I think some saw a much better opportunity and took it.
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