I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    No, they actually don't need to swear, lol

    and there's a bit of a difference Con between using a "swear word" to amplify a point and telling the other person to "F off" lol
  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Just certain people.... And just because I CAN do it does not mean I take advantage of it that often. At least I know I'll have one other competent person in my omni runs if I do. If I were as selfish as you make out, I'd keep the advantage to myself, not lobby for it to be added for all.

    My point was I'm not lobbying for AQS for my personal benefit. IF I wanted to play the game as a solo game, I don't need anything added thanks.

    BTW....I end up carrying some dead weight in most runs, I'd guess you do too the way you talk about yourself. No extra sessions needed. Those are called 'omni' runs. Might be better off as 'on me' runs.
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  3. The Con Dedicated Player

    Didn't say they need to.... I said they do.

    I guess you didn't understand that saying was making a point.

    Granted, that would require comprehending what is actually being said and why.
  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I personally am a fan of doing the impossible....I'd rather spend half an hour soloing ManBat (I honestly hate that one so do NOT solo it...it's not time effective) than spend 30 min in what should be a 10 min raid....especially when it takes 30 min only due to having to repeat simple mechanics or wait for bodies as the door revolves. One of these is a waste of time...the other is a challenge. There are almost no regular raids in this game that should be a challenge unless 100% of the group has never been in there. And if that's the case, it might be very challenging...but I'll never know...I won't be there.
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    I don't necessarily mean to imply your selfish, but you are certainly going to some extreme lengths to ensure you don't have to engage with other people, I'm not sure that's a generally healthy approach now is it.

    Which should really signal to you how unhealthy it would possibly be to provide yet more players the potential to do that sort of thing via an AQS system, again likely why the devs have resisted providing it.

    I highly doubt the developers are keen on providing players with a way to break down the systems they've put in place to drive players together in what is obviously intended to be a game played by you and others, not you and 8 other sessions.

    I also don't think you can quite so easily separate lobbying an AQS system between yourself and others when you still stand to gain from the system in various demonstrable ways, running 8 sessions is going to be time consuming not to mention you're left doing all the work yourself, in that respect you are again quite self invested in your interest to have an AQS and certainly so an optional unclamp, that's simply the reality.

    Also when I say dead weight, I'm referring to your inactive sessions in the instance, I'm assuming they're doing nothing, given there's only one of you.

    So respectfully, I'd rather have someone else in the instance, even if they're not particularly competent, doing whatever they can to help and at least experiencing something than an idle character I've pushed in to my instance from a second or eighth window or system.
  6. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Hey! I have a Thread for that! :p
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  7. MrGhosty Active Player

    This is precisely the position I see echoed when it comes up in game or on these forums, and I don't WANT to be nursed. I will admit that I've not ran much four man content, hoping to try soon but currently getting my build ironed out and my trinkets and stuff unlocked. I have ran both the homecoming and witching hour seasonal dungeons, I do genuinely dislike running with fully geared veteran players. To cite an example, during the one of the attacks from Blackfire we're told to get behind the shields. There is a feat for no one getting hit, at the point when I was running that if I got hit with it even if I was blocking I took significant damage from it. So I got in the hang of just going to shield, usually trying to time one orbital or henchmen drop to keep some dps pressure when I couldn't attack for that brief period of time. Well geared vets when paired with me had already gotten the feat or didn't care, so they'd just stay dpsing even through that phase. It took me until nearly the last couple days to get that feat on one of my alt farmers, but even after I had it I continued to go behind the shield in case anyone else hadn't managed it yet.

    I don't list that example as a "darned vets ruined my run" This downscaled content was still trivial to them and why would anyone do more work than they had to get their 8 tickets or whatever it was. I don't queue into pickup groups with the expectation that I'll get anything from them beyond a completion. It's not their job to teach me and quite frankly I imagine most of them would be terrible teachers. It's no different than looking up a build online and the video shows a build made with all the skill points, fully maxed out artifacts, all three meta allies slotted. That's great as an end goal, but doesn't really help me much with my limited skill points, one artifact to 80 (I think) and Krypto. So I take what they give and try my best to work backward from that point with trial and error, I would rather not be ruining other people's day while I'm doing that because that just makes them hate new players more.

    As for the Flashback duo you can get the speed feat with about 60 sp and cr 200 gear, I could have already told you that no testing required. I did that one, it's also one where you have to be really careful not to go too fast through the speedforce tunnel because the paradox demons or whatever they're called can bug out and you get trapped in there. I've said several times that solos and duos are not a problem for me because solo my success or failure is fully on me and I'm married to my duo partner so we can communicate easily to try for specific feats. The problem and reason for my suggestion is the fact that we are a liability when we go into four person content. I'm sure that's also true for raids as well, I've only been to the one in Kahndaq and we were running it as a duo (man that was alot of corpse running).

    If a problem that content wasn't being ran was because it wasn't rewarding enough for vets, I don't see how having the optional unclamped version that only gives loot if you're in the relevancy window or whatever the verbage is would suddenly cause the other content where you would still get source marks and gear to become vacant. By the reckoning of many in here, the feats are easy enough to grind out so at best there might be a dip after we got the option and then would level back out to about the same level as before.

    The CR lockout would work fine as a measuring stick because you can gear up pretty passively in about a week or so I'd reckon. I wasn't keeping track on my three, but I know I got a huge jump during the discounted tempus gear week we recently had. In that time period I was also going through the feat list and trying to get what I could as I ran the content naturally and just by observing the game as I went a long. I picked up plenty to the point I could make an informed decision about where to allocate my time and resources. I feel pretty confident in my assertions based on my own personal experiences and seeing what has worked in other MMOs. I may not have thousands of hours in this game, but I have been doing this for decades and no MMO is all that different from what has come before.

    As for how a decoupled sp system would work, tie it to xp and figure out the minimum viable sp threshold and calculate the levels after that threshold to have diminishing returns until reaching a cap set to the max amount of SP that would be available in the currently available DLC. So let's say the new black adam dlc after all the feats get added up equals 10 skill points, then they work the numbers of xp to allot that many skill points spread out over time. Once you earn enough xp to cap out, you can go one of two ways. The first is that once capped, any xp "level" you fill out gives a worthwhile resource or maybe a loot box that lets you choose from a set of rewards like a stablizer, artifact catalyst, ally favor, whatever. The second option you continue to "bank" xp at a greatly diminished rate which will give you a headstart when the cap shifts in the next dlc. In the feats themselves you have your average amount of "gimme" feats and then set several prestigious ones that will only likely be achieved by the best of the best. In those you reward styles, titles, auras and materials. I think of something like the cell shaded material that was highly sought after, only this would only be achievable by doing the hardest feats in the game. It's all moot though, I suspect there would be full scale rioting if they attempted such a change. That's why I'm at present sticking with my current suggestion.
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    Yes I'm well aware you said they do, and I merely said they don't need to do so.

    I understand that sometimes a swear word can deliver a level of impact to a point being raised when the word is used as a descriptor and most adults will do that.

    However, an adult does not need to swear at another person when the use of the word is used, not in an attempt to emphasize a point, but rather to denigrate the other person.

    The mere fact you've devolved your argument in to a "this is what adults" do while telling me to simply "FFFFF off" shows how little credit your argument had to begin with, which was none really.
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  9. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I would be happy to run some EEG content with you.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    8 session = 8 rewards.;) And more often than not that was an extreme example. 99% of the time it's 1 extra session to get into something I don't want a random in or don't want to HAVE to shout for 'queue then leave' fillers.

    And when that other player is sitting outside the door....or just spawned in while the boss was started? Still happy to have them?

    Don't answer....I'm sure you are. They will get so much experience out there. Hopefully every run has a mechanic of 'sit outside the door and stare'.
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  11. The Con Dedicated Player

    That is a reasonable argument for not liking something,...

    I get to choose what I like and why... also what I don't like and why.

    Sorry if you don't agree.

    Actually.. I don't care if you don't agree.
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  12. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Oh you must mean the "I'm a Goober" feat
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  13. The Con Dedicated Player

    Why do I have to repeatedly explain things to you repeatedly?

    The phrase was to point out a blatant double standard... That was its purpose. It wasn't "simply" anything else.

    You might not think that I don't have a point... but, yet, here I am - again - having to explain basic concepts to you.
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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm happy you don't want to get nursed. It probably indicates you have a better than average chance of turning out to be a good player. I'm happy you followed the shield mechanics...following mechanics is good in most cases. I can't say I did every time, but if someone said 'hey can we do the shield feat' I'd duck behind unless I saw someone else already purposely biffing it.

    As far as taking SP out of feats, I don't 100% agree. I think we do need SP in game to give us something to work on. However I dont' think we need some of the feats that were specifically designed for when the content was current just to be an albatross for the next 10 years of running.

    The sad thing is that with Artis Augs and allies as well as ever doubling CR stats, SP makes little difference after a point. Now that might be 300 or 350 or 450, but there is a point where the rest don't matter as much and it's not 700, so you COULD just ignore some of the feats...for sure. However, as many of us do desire completion on things like trophies, feats, accomplishments...whatever you want to call them, even uncoupling SP from feats won't probably fix it across the board. And it might even add more grind if they then attached them to hours of play or pure counts on runs (like run X raid 10x and your SP goes up 10 points....whatever).

    There is no solution that will make 100% of the population happy....that's the only thing I think everyone can agree on. I guess DI just needs to gauge how many people they need to keep happy to keep the lights on....and go from there.
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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah...I'm still working on that one.:(


    Or this....?
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    Some of this post I suspect was for me rather than Reinheld.

    No one is suggesting you want to or should be "nursed" but at the same time suggesting you don't have things to learn and wouldn't benefit from some level of veteran mentoring or advice would be foolish, this is the type of thing that I'm talking about when I suggest players be exposed to runs with players who are better than them that force all the players to communicate with each other.

    Everyone benefits from this systems, vets who want better players for later content and new players who want to get better for all content.

    In terms of your event feat, I have to question that just a tad, did you attempt to form a group for this or just expect randoms to comply in a random queue? Did you communicate with them at all about your needs, every time you ran it or did you just assume they firstly knew themselves to get behind the shields but that they cared enough to help you by asking?

    It sounds to me like you just held some expectations of others with not enough communication or even an attempt to remove "random" out of the equation by getting 2 other people (assuming your wife probably wanted it also).

    The reason I raised the Flashback duo is because people keep implying heaps of feats are virtually unobtainable because you need SP to get stronger, but can't get SP to get stronger because you're too weak to get the feats.

    It is alleged that there is a chicken and egg scenario (i.e. what comes first the chicken or the egg) The point I was making with the Flashback duo is that numerous feats are in fact easily obtainable with very few SP and absolutely no artifacts and augments.

    If that is in fact the case as I demonstrated then any assertion that people need more SP to get feats in the first place, just simply cannot be true.

    People keep implying that they need feats to get stronger but few people are actually putting in the necessary effort to get them, even when if they reasonably applied themselves to the task they would.

    I don't accept many arguments about "time being an issue" when playing a video game because either we're here to play a game or we're not and ultimately an MMORPG is a grind, you can't come in to any game of that nature and expect to not have a grind and you certainly can't expect the game to morph around your desire to be as strong as a 10 year vet simply because that's your desire.

    You have to go out and work on it and you should be doing it by playing the game that is presented to you not pining after a game that no longer exists just because you think it would provide you with a more favorable path to your goal.

    I've seen numerous people come back to this game recently who had very few SP when they returned and now they have quite a few, they did this because they applied themselves, not just wallowing despair waiting and hoping for the game to change to give them what they want.

    And in terms of your XP system, it's as equally flawed as feats because it requires a player spend "time" in game to be rewarded, it's a contradictory system, because you are complaining "feats are taking you too long" "building your character is taking too long" but then on the flip side are recommending that very factor, time, be the driving force behind a players stat growth, it's a contradictory nonsense.

    The only reason a person would favor it is because they know "time doing something easier" is again easier than doing the feats, all of this effort just to get around actually doing a task in a video game.
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    If a person is at the door because they died then they learn from that experience because through death they learned their mistake, you act like that isn't a lesson.

    What happens when you're in EG content Reinheld and someone dies and is at the door, do you wipe so they can come back in LOL, poor little dude at the door, not having a good experience lol, don't answer.... I'm sure you don't wipe, so why would a group in EEG wipe.

    If they came in late and are back filling then why am I supposed to care that person is at the door during a fight already in progress? that's just another straw man.
  18. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Unfortunately, there are a lot of the former running around in game, but the latter is much tastier. :)
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    I didn't say you couldn't choose to dislike something I said "Con just not liking something isn't justification to remove the clamp"

    Ergo if your reasoning is just "I don't like it" then I think we don't need to care whether or not you like it, because your reason for disliking it simply amounts to "devs stole my stats, they're mean and that's unfair and mean, did I mention mean".

    You're entitled to that choice, but it's a pretty bad reason to dislike something.
  20. Proxystar #Perception

    No at this point, I think it's you that's receiving an education on some rather basic concepts. but then again I guess I should just "FFFFF off" lol